Attendees: alisha.eth, anthonyware.eth, Sam Bronstein, carlosdp.eth, coltron.eth, Dan Wu, estmcmxci.eth, hellenstans.eth, limes.eth, simona.eth, slobo.eth, Jordan Stastny, Governance Learn…
Call Minutes
A) Updates on projects (forum tools, voting contract, etc.) if any.
Forum Tools
- Mahesh is working on the banner for the forum. On Friday, he shared a work in progress with the stewards. If you have any comments/suggestions, please direct them to the Meta-Gov Stewards. The goal is to get this implemented as soon as it is completed.
Voting Contract
- Carlos is in contact with Nick regarding the voting contract update and will provide updates as needed.
B) ENS DAO EndAment RFP discussion
- The Endowment RFP, authored by @nick, is posted on the forum.
Proposals should include, at a minimum:
- Intended high-level fund allocation of the endowment.
- Initial and target size for the endowment fund.
- How incoming revenues and income will be assigned to the fund.
- Specific information on how the fund will be managed and what steps will be taken to minimize custodial risk.
- A fee schedule for the fund manager.
- Parameters for the endowment will be set to return a specified amount annually using low-risk funds held within a smart contract.
- The fund manager will meet the targets outlined in the specifications.
- Q: What is the vision for establishing the endowment?
- A: This will be a protected fund without being a separate organization/entity. The DAO is already a Foundation.
C) Orca pod preview.
- Discussed: What is the broader purpose of pods?
- Signer requirements should be more relaxed.
- Signing requirements are currently steeper than needed.
- A call is scheduled this week with the Orca team to improve our current configuration by exploring optimistic approval strategies for small funds or different permissions.
D) Open space for additional topics or comments.
- None.