Hello - I will not be available during the PG weekly call. In lieu of my absence, I will write the updates on our Public Good Highlights series on Twitter this week:
- The series is led by @Elle97 and kicked off yesterday with over 160 participants
- The series will continue everyday this week, today’s guest is ENSQueens @ 1PM Eastern Time
- We have received a lot of great feedback from yesterday’s session, I feel proud!
- A resource request has been posted for Stewards’ review.
- The full list of speakers can be viewed here: PG Grants Taskforce Speakers (09.13.22) - Google Sheets
We collaborated with COLORSxDAO artist, @letfrz on for the cover art as well. You may access the figma template she created here:
Please also accept @ENSLatino’s Gitcoin Presentation on the call today if they are present. They would be grateful for your feedback and support!