Agenda Weekly Public Goods Meeting, September 13, 2022 @ 6PM GMT

Call Minutes

Attendees: alisha.eth, anthonyware.eth, avsa.eth, camilla ramos, clxth_ cory thorbeck, coltron.eth, David Matheson, ENS Punks, Enswoman_eth 3402, ENS Lation, gregskril.eth, hellenstans.eth, maintainer,eth, yambo.eth, zadok7.eth.

A) Gitcoin GR15 - Updates and highlights

  • Snapshot is open for the ENS Endaoment closes today. Please vote on Snapshot.
  • A curated list of GR15 Grants collections can be found here. You can create a collection on Gitcoin and submit it via this airtable form.
  • ENS Punks is hosting a space centered on GR15 after the call on Twitter.

B) Women-led initiatives in our Ecosystem

  • hellenstans.eth and estmcmxci.eth are hosting daily spaces this week that highlight women-led projects with an active GR5 Grant.
  • The Twitter spaces are hosted by the ENS DAO Twitter account. The next space is tomorrow, Wednesday, September 14th, at 3 pm EST with Cami of Women Build Web3.

C) Women Build Web3

  • Women Build Web3, a spinoff of Developer DAO, is a global collective of women and non-binary developers learning and building in web3.
  • The goal of the organization is to help developers unlock their potential by providing education, opportunities, and funding and connecting them with a network of peers.
  • Women Build Web3 is hosting an accelerator course from September 23rd to December 22nd.

D) Updates on Small Grants

  • The ENS Small Grants rounds for the Public Goods and Ecosystem working groups are scheduled to go live on Thursday, September 15th.
  • If you are unsure whether or not you should apply for Public Goods or Ecosystem round, consider this question: โ€œCan I go to other DAOs and request funds for the same thing?โ€
    • If the answer is โ€œyes,โ€ it is likely a public good.
    • If โ€œno,โ€ it is ENS-specific and would be eligible for the ecosystem category.
  • The following improvements were suggested:
    • Add description for eligibility.
    • Implement an edit feature that is active until voting starts.

E) Open space for additional public goods topics


  • gregskril.eth proposed supporting the React hook library, wagmi. Behind ethersJS, wagmi is the second most used library and is foundational to Web3. It is active in GR15 but not in the ENS ecosystem round.
  • Wagmi has 271k downloads per month.
  • The Public Goods stewards will look into a retroactive grant for this library.

ENS Punks Onboarding Athletes

  • ENS Punks has onboarded the Pro MMA fighter, Gamebred and Abraham Kawa .
  • He wants to host a Twitter space with more athletes to onboard more professional MMA and footballers to ENS and Web3.
  • Since this is specific to ENS, it was suggested that this be brought to the Ecosystem Working Group.

ENS Latino

  • Julio of ENS Latino hosts Twitter spaces that bring awareness of ENS and blockchain technology to the Latino community.
  • Spaces are hosted Monday through Friday
  • His goal is to bring mass awareness of Web3 to the Spanish-speaking community and give them a platform within the space.
  • ENS Latino also supports translating popular ENS and Web3 articles into Spanish on a Medium blog.