Category for Support Questions

General Discussion seems to be the catch-all for non-governance-related posts. It is currently the most active category with ~70 posts per month. A noticeable portion of this activity is related to general and technical support questions.

I suggest that we create a category for “ENS Support” in addition to Bug Reports.

A new category would allow the community to field support questions and re-direct relevant inquiries to the Bug Reports category or Official Discord for moderator assistance. The result will help focus General Discussion on matters directly related to ENS DAO governance.

It may also be helpful to encourage the archiving of questions as they are resolved, especially those which are duplicates and cross-posted in multiple categories.


I’d rather direct people to the Discord ticketing system - and perhaps put up a pinned post or bot doing that. We really don’t want to attract DM scams like open support channels on Discord tend to do, and the forum is intended for governance and technical discussion.