Community WG - Request for Subgroups

Subgroup Name : ENS DAO Newsletter
Subgroup Lead Coordinator : @daylon.eth
Purpose of Subgroup: To compile and publish a bi-weekly summary of the developments and happenings within the ENS DAO and its Working Groups. It can start as simple as a bi-weekly forum post, and get as elaborate as a mailing list, and even extend into sending press releases to prominent publishers.
Potential Contributors (# or names): I am happily accepting applications from interested community members that would like to contribute to editing and publishing. I can act as lead editor and publisher if more people want to get involved.
Additional Comments: It would be really helpful to establish a type of pipeline where WGs can compile a summary of their weekly developments and pass it on to the Newsletter team for write-up and publication. It would be great to have a few more people interested in writing and editing, but I am willing to do it all myself on a bi-weekly basis at a bare minimum. I will also push the newsletter on my Twitter, and maybe at some point there could even be a separate Twitter account for this specific purpose.