Do we have a plan or are we just improvising?

I admire your passion for this topic

The only thing I can suggest:

Make a temp check post (which essentially you already have).Create a plan on how to accomplish what you would like to see happen. Outline what you believe needs to happen that describes the problem to fix, hypothesis of the outcome, justification for implementation, and the benefit it would be for your target audience. Present as an RFP for the DAO to vote on. The DAO is everyone who participates. Initiative is not that DAOs responsibility to kick start. We could have a DAO with people just voting or just building or just communicating, but then nothing would get done. The best way for you to see this initiative through is for you to either do this on your own or request the DAO make a change by request for proposal, or both.

You can make posts all day long asking the DAO to do this or that. But if you don’t follow the process of which the DAO has established per the Governance Documentation, then nothing is going to happen. Most people are already involved with projects and have their hands tied. I would love to see you grow this effort

Yes, very good idea!! :slight_smile:


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After looking at your blogs regarding this topic, It seems like that you seem to be taking on this initiative already. I’m sort of confused as to what you really want to see happen (outside of the topic on a Spanish speaking rep)

Why not collaborate with @ENSLatino and grow the community. I don’t see purpose in extending the same initiative into separate entities. Strong teamwork makes the dreamwork.

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Collaborating with @ENSLatino has nothing to do with my approach, although I differ from the methods they use (see photo), I think it’s important what they do.

My approach is to make intentional, planned and strategic decisions that favor the attraction of ENS in Latin America, not for a club.

Besides, I’m not a nice person for @ENSLatino for actively criticizing them for the website where they promote UD. (see photo)

Is that the purpose of the DAO, to promote UD? Really?

If this promotion was a mistake, why did they remove me instead of them correcting the website?

By this I mean that everyone in the club stopped following me on my previous Twitter account, in response to my criticism, instead of discussing, accepting and repairing it.

Seriously, so many critical things about ENS to educate the Latino community need to dedicate space to .og domains, is that okay with you @alisha.eth?

Please, let’s be serious.

This last example has a name: SEO Spam!

It’s as if the website promoted delegates’ domains.

I have other principles! Yes, and you, those who read and do not respond, supported this project, this project does not represent ENS in my opinion. Perhaps the closest they can get is to represent a club.

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Respectfully, what is the point of this thread? I feel like I answered your question with my first reply.

What are you asking? What are you trying to accomplish?

Yes, we want to reach the Spanish speaking community. Then what?

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Don’t ask me more about @ENSLatino for me, they don’t represent ENS, for me, they represent their bags. Today I am literally on the street in Belgrade, and I am thinking about ENS and how Latinos can take advantage of ENS, which is in a mutually positive way for ENS and its creators.

@enslatino has nothing to do with my approach, nor do my domains have anything to do with what I propose, Latin America is bigger.

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