Endowment initiation

This is the hindsight fallacy, though; in December there was no way to know what the price would do in January, just like there is no way for us to know what it will do in February. I’m onboard with DCAing out of ETH, but we shouldn’t pretend we can time the market or predict which way ETH will move.

I do think an extended period (12-24 months) is excessive and exposes us to significant risk, though; if the ETH price plunges, both our income and our holdings will follow; if we sell more quickly but the price rises, we miss out on some upside, but our revenues are likely to be robust. Selling now is not about realising the maximum value of the ETH, it’s about minimising the chance of a catastrophic outcome.


It works in both directions — if the price of ETH plunges in the next three months, Karpatkey’s plan is to sell the ETH irrespective of the price, rather than waiting for the price to recover.

The example I used illustrates the point that getting the timing of a sale right is potentially more important than the yields we can expect to make from the endowment. If we shouldn’t care about the price of ETH at the time of sale, why should we care about the potential yields from an endowment strategy?

The sale of 10,000 ETH gives us breathing room within the endowment to pick the right time to convert additional ETH into USDC or to DCA out into USDC over time.

An endowment manager should not be market selling thousands of ETH, worth millions of dollars, without considering the price of ETH at the time of sale. I don’t feel that this is too much to ask. Risk reduction and sound treasury management practices are not mutually exclusive.


This seems like a potential for a mess.
Why are we trusting centralized institutions for this much risk?
This is not decentralized; this is giving too much risk & ambiguity to a fund manager.

Why are we giving Karpatkey the entire treasury (minus 2-year runway)?
How does anyone think this is a good idea?

Why is the plan to sell 100% of the ENS DAO ETH?
I want us to hold ETH, not 100% centralized USDC!

Who will have these roles?
What is their governance?

How much will be added to this proposal after is passes?
All information is not included here, & we’re expected to just agree later?

Next steps?
Is there no way out of this?
I thought this was not guaranteed to happen, and that the vote was just an initial temperature check?
Seems like many with power are rushing to push this through–why the rush instead of just converting ETH to USDC, to address the runway concerns?

This does not seem like an exhaustive list of safeguards, for the all the potential risks that could be accounted for, in this situation, for this system setup.

If we are worried about the price of ETH crashing, and not having the runway to fund ENS Labs,
then why don’t we simply sell the 10,000 ETH (as James proposed), and be safe with it?

Selling and loosing over 50% of the ENS DAO treasury seems dangerous & haphazard, (especially with all of the concerns rug pulls and fund-mixing, from other indirect-insolvent financial institutions).

The Karpatkey plan just gets more complicated and more confusing with each pass and review; we are moving in the wrong direction (for the stated/desire goals); while adding systemic risk to the best DAO in Web3.

Is Karpatkey and a treasury management firm a type of Attack Vector?

Hi Alisha!
This is our strategy:

  • We don’t time the market or do trading based on price predictions.
  • We’ll do DCA once we can ensure we have enough runway. Selling ETH asap is a risk management strategy.
  • We will optimise the best price through small trades, spaced in time with a goal of slippage <0.2%

There is no way to time the market. Nobody has any idea what the ETH price will do next, and there’s no way to know when the price will rise or fall. DCAing is a good way to smooth out the price over a longer period, but trying to wait for “the right time” is simply engaging in speculation - something the DAO should not be doing.

None of this proposal requires trusting any centralised institutions.

The first endowment vote was in September, and the winner was selected in November. Nothing about this is rushed.


Here are some additional comments that reflect the discussion during today’s meta-gov call.

The decision to sell ETH in the immediate future is to comply with the original request stated in the Endowment RFP to keep earned income risk-neutral with regard to USDC.

The current exposure of the DAO to ETH is approximately 96%, which is a notably high amount and poses a risk to the long-term survival of the DAO in the event of adverse market conditions persisting for an extended period.

While it would be ideal to sell the ETH at the highest possible price, it is not possible to accurately time the market. Hence, our immediate objective is to reduce the current exposure and bring the DAO’s balances to more secure and sustainable levels. We don’t engage in speculative trading nor do we attempt to time the market because that would be foolish.

If we sell ETH as proposed and the market improves, the potential downside would be selling too early, which is a risk that the DAO can live with. Additionally, it is expected that a bull market would bring additional activity and revenue to the DAO.

On the other hand, if we do not sell ETH quickly enough and the market deteriorates, the excessive exposure to ETH could jeopardize the DAO’s survival. Additionally, a bear market is likely to negatively impact the DAO’s revenue.

It is important to remember that the ultimate goal of the Endowment is to ensure that ENS remains operational for the next 10, 20, or 50 years, regardless of market conditions. While it is unrealistic to expect ENS to not be affected by market conditions, especially if they persist over time, the goal is to minimize the impact as much as possible. Given the choice between potentially missing out on upside by selling ETH too early and risking the survival of the DAO by not selling quickly enough, the decision to sell early is the preferred option.

Karpatkey is open to considering alternative strategies that align better with the community’s general preference as there is no obligation to execute the proposed strategy in the quickest possible way. It should be noted that selling approximately 13k ETH over a period of 2 months is also a form of DCAing. DCAing is a strategy that softens the market’s impact on the decision but does not change the final outcome.

We are retaining 100% of unearned ETH, which currently represents around 60% of the entire treasury. Despite the plan to swap earned and DAO’s ETH to USDC, the DAO will maintain a significant exposure to ETH.

The Harvester and Swapper roles, which automate rewards claiming and swapping tasks, are subsets of the Manager role. These roles will be managed by EOAs and will only be granted permissions that have been previously approved for the Manager role.

Any new permissions or roles that are deemed necessary will be formally requested and presented to the DAO via a forum post, which will include a rationale for the request. This will provide an opportunity for community members to ask questions or provide feedback. No actions will be taken without the approval of the DAO. In addition, a summary of any new roles and permissions that are approved and implemented will be shared in periodic reports to keep the community informed.

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  1. Are their videos that detail how this technically works for the DAO?
  2. Currently, is this same system being used by other DAOs, or is this new?
  3. Which parts are new, for this implementation with the ENS DAO Endowment?

The system mechanics were not clear w/ confusion. I think a majority of votes did not want this, but it is happening.


  1. How much $ETH will be retained in the ENS DAOs Contracts?
  2. How much $ETH will be retained as $ETH via/in this endowment proposal?

I am quoting the answer from the post:

The DAO will retain 8,495 ETH according to market conditions at the time of submitting the post.
If the proposal to sell ETH moves forward, the ETH would need to come from the controller as stated in the table above, as all the remaining ETH is expected to be transferred to the Endowment.

I am also quoting the original post with the answer:

Only the unearned portion will be kept as ETH.


Hi, @garypalmerjr. I’m Karpatkey’s Tech Lead.

As of now we haven’t released any videos, but you can check out this tutorial and this thread which provide a description of how the setup works.

From a technical standpoint, you can check out this.

Bear in mind that the use of the “new” SAFE provided by Karpatkey was agreed with the stewards only to facilitate a smoothier initiation of the Endowment by only having to transfer ETH as an action of the Tally executable proposal instead of the Roles Modifier deployment and its configuration through the assignment of the role and the application of the preset.

This system is already used in production by the Gnosis DAO, and has been adopted by the Balancer DAO as per BIP-103.

The “novelty” is the Manager Role preset designed to grant the (minimum) number of permissions regarding target addresses, function signatures and their arguments needed for the execution of the outlined allocation strategy in a manner that by no means could jeopardize the ENS DAO’s custody of the funds.


Gary, many/most of your questions have already been answered in previous EPs, or in discussions that are publicly available here in the forum. Please take the time to read existing material before imposing on others’ time.

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What does this mean? How much runway is “enough”?

Saying that you don’t time the market doesn’t change the fact that you are choosing the strategy and you are choosing the time to sell. If the price of ETH doesn’t perform well in the immediate term, as sales are executed, I expect the endowment will be judged rather harshly. Claiming price blindness isn’t going to change that.

If this strategy goes ahead, the performance of the endowment will always be compared to the relative performance of ETH.

One of the benefits of getting ETH out of the treasury is that decisions can be made quickly, without having to wait for an executable proposal to pass. These benefits are being squandered.

If Karpatkey is uncomfortable making trading decisions, one solution might be to create a new polling environment on Snapshot and run a 24 hour poll each time Karpatkey plans to execute a sale. Delegates then have the opportunity to decide. If the poll is approved, Karpatkey would execute a sell.

I struggle to see how selling most of the ETH that has been generated by the protocol since 2019 on three random days at the start of 2023, with no consideration of price, lines up with the long term goals of the endowment.

The fact that ENS generates revenue in ETH is a blessing, not a burden.

The DAO doesn’t have any fixed costs that couldn’t be pared back if needed, apart from a stream to ENS Labs.

The proposal to sell 10,000 ETH addresses any immediate operational cost concerns.

I do not understand the alarmist rhetoric here. We want to create something that will last 100+ years, but need to act like there is an imminent threat of a cataclysmic event in the next few months?

We are in a bear market and have been for some time.

ETH revenue in dollar terms is still significantly greater than the DAO’s expenses.

The Ethereum Foundation conducts large sells of ETH on a regular basis and they seem to have been able to time the market quite well. I wonder if we could reach out to the Ethereum Foundation to get an insight into their selling strategy?

Three sells at three prices over three months is not effective DCAing.


Past performance is not indicative of future performance

However just to add a bit of colour to the discussion

Previous and very aggressive growth of price of ethereum was most likely influenced by two factors:

1 - “helicopter” money - when governments were giving away a lot of money trying to “add some oil” to the system, a bit more liquidity = not so rough landing. More money in circulation, more people spend it on stuff which is not exactly essential for them, like cryptocurrencies. Average Joe may never buy any crypto in his life, but with some “free money” - Why not?

2 - The fact that tons of people stayed at home. To deal with cryptocurrencies you need to invest some time and effort - figure out how wallets work, how to handle exchanges and so on. Typically a lot of people don’t know how to do any of that, or can’t be bothered to find out even if they were interested a tiny bit in the past. Now you have all this time in the world, to sit around your flat and do various stuff, why not “do some cryptocurrencies”? Especially if your free time is financed with “free government money” (1)

Similarly during pandemic stock prices of companies engaged in video games production skyrocketed. A lot of people just had nothing else to do, but to play games, among other things of course.

On top of that

3 - My hypothesis is that transition from PoW to PoS on Ethereum added additional pressure to price of Ethereum. Mining of Eth was a perfect marketing tool, every single person out of there was home mining one way or the other. They were talking to each other, exchanging tips and hot news. This factor is gone now, so many retail investors just “turned off” from Eth ecosystem.

I’m perfectly on board with KK in a sense that not engaging in “market predictions” is one of the best practices out there, along with not engaging in other risky strategies. However there are plenty of factors to suggest that previous price cycle was hardly sustainable. It is certainly a conventional wisdom that cryptocurrency markets have huge growth potential due to // technology growth // increased adoption // argument that market is very small compared to gold and derivatives - and other similar logic. All that logic generally applies to what economists call “long term” performance, and while it may be true, economists also satirically assert that in the long run we are all dead.


To put things in perspective, central banks assets

cb assets

In very simple terms, this is how much money they’ve created to tackle the pandemic. What’s going to happen next is that they will slowly syphon out this excess liquidity from the system, trying to keep inflation in check and not slow the economy. The question everyone should be asking - where is the money going to come from to fuel sudden growth of Eth price.

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It was established when the original endowment proposal was passed that we would be exchanging earned out income into ETH. Karpatkey are simply executing on our instructions; this wasn’t their decision to make, and this is very late in the process to be challenging the decision in any case.

The goal of the endowment is to guarantee the long term security of ENS, not to get the maximum return on investment. We’ve been lax in retaining such a large exposure to ETH; the goal of the DAO is not to speculate on ETH price, and it’s an irresponsible use of our funds to do so.

As long as we remain primarily exposed to ETH, there is the unavoidable risk that a large and sustained drawdown in price will affect the viability of ENS and the DAO. We have the power to prevent that, and so we should.

The way I think about it is by looking at the outcomes of each decision based on what the ETH price does:

Sell most ETH$$
Retain ETH0$$$

By reducing our ETH exposure, we reduce our upside - but we also reduce our downside. Since a halving in our funds would be far more harmful to the DAO than a doubling would be beneficial, it makes sense to limit our risk here. Further, if the ETH price goes up, we can reasonably expect ENS’s revenue to increase as well - meaning that although the upside is smaller than it could be, we can still expect to do very well in that scenario.

That’s a very, very big “except”. Even if we assume the DAO could survive on minimal revenue, ENS labs’ would be hugely impacted by a lack of funds, would have to lay off many talented individuals, and would take years to recover from such an event.

I can’t emphasise enough that there is no guaranteed strategy here. The EF has been fortunate - and perhaps their sells have triggered tops in some cases. We cannot rely on the same luck.


Hey Karpatkey team,

As previously discussed across other endowment topics & twitter spaces FireEyes (and other delegates) are of the opinion that jumping in with close to 100% of the DAOs treasury right off the bat isn’t the right move here.

Plus considering how contentious the vote was and a (in our opinion) misuse of ranked choice we’re proposing one key change to the above proposal.

Conducting an initial test case for Karpatkey & the endowment makes significantly more sense; In practice what this would look like is having the first balance of 10,766 ETH sent to the endowment / Karpatkey for a 6 or 12 month initial test period. Where the DAO, community and other fund managers can then review the processes and data from these 6 / 12 months before deploying the remaining 20k ETH.

To us this doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request, considering this is the first endowment a DAO has ever tried to launch. Why not collect some detailed data on the endowment before apeing almost all of the DAOs treasury - Although we understand the mission behind the endowment, ensuring this is exactly how the DAO wants to achieve it’s longterm sustainability through this type of endowment should be the highest priority rather than rushing to deploy a huge amount of the DAOs treasury.


Thank you @karpatkey for this thorough introduction to the Endowment fund technical details and deployment flow.

I think that from the point of view of ENS DAO it is crucial to minimize the risks in the management of the endowment. Particularly, that the attack surface is minimized and transparency is maximized.

The current proposal seems to achieve this to a large extent.

With respect to minimizing the attack surface, the usage of the Zodiac Roles Modifier permissions for the Endowment Manager Role (the latter I believe controlled by three accounts managed by Karpatkey) limits the freedom of Karpatkey in executing investment strategies (i.e. only those strategies that have been whitelisted can be used). Additionally, the ENS-metagov pod has the power to add and remove members at any time from the manager role.

With respect to providing transparency, by construction only the investment strategies approved by a DAO vote can be executed by Karpatkey. This still leaves some freedom to the fund managers, as the when and how (e.g. parameters) these investment strategies are executed is left at the discretion of Karpatkey.

IMO in future iterations it would be desirable to add, in addition to risk management, two further business level requirements to the consideration of an “ideal” solution: efficiency and reputation.

First, I suggest ENS explore how to increase the off-chain decentralization of the solution to further ENS’ reputation as a leader in DAO operations.

Second, through increasing the autonomy of the solution, operational efficiency can be increased and richer strategies be implemented.

Third, further steps should be taken to maximize transparency, by codifying as much as possible the conditions under which the whitelisted strategies are executed (thereby separating the execution of strategies from their definition). We have tools today that enable progress on all three dimensions (e.g. check https://autonolas.network where I am a contributor) whilst maintaining the status of the existing contributors (primarily, Karpatkey and Zodiac). I’d love to provide more detail if desirable to the community.

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The endowment will eventually comprise roughly 75% of the DAO’s treasury, not 100%. The first tranche is roughly 25% of the total, and if the DAO does not like what it sees, they can vote against the subsequent two tranches.

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This feels unnecessarily hyperbolic to me, and it makes me uncomfortable when it is used as justification to move quickly.

It is worth noting that ENS DAO’s survival is not at risk. Even if all income completely stopped tomorrow, the DAO can function just fine. That’s what autonomous is supposed to mean, right?

Now, if we’re talking about the survival of ENS Labs, and “surviving” means continuing to operate on a ~$4 million a year budget, even conceding that amount of revenue is actually 100% necessary, there are plenty of options that could be explored before experiencing a “catastrophe” or existential crisis.

Here are just a few I can think of off the top of my head…

  • solicit/run on donations and/or grants
  • implement royalties for secondary market sales
  • accept stablecoins and/or fiat for new registrations
  • liquidate some $ENS from the treasury
  • raise registration prices

This isn’t even getting into the most obvious mitigation, which would be to eliminate unnecessary operating costs. Nor is this touching on any more creative options like selling one and two letter .eth domains, for example.

But I digress. My point is, it makes me uncomfortable when FUD is used as justification for financial decisions. There is no rush, and there are always options.

I am in favor of a less aggressive deployment, like @James said, perhaps across six or twelve months. The endowment fund should not be a higher priority than funding the next 24 months, which would be covered under the proposed Sell ETH into USDC if it is passed.

All of that said, I greatly appreciate what you’re doing, and I appreciate your transparency and patience as we collectively explore DAO governance. Just wanted to offer my commentary, for the record.

Thank you.


+1 at everything from @daylon.eth above.

re your reply @nick.eth

The DAO will have absolutely no information after 1 month to decide if it doesn’t ‘like what it sees’.

Thus the updated proposal to deploy the initial 10k ETH to @karpatkey then wait 6 (Or imo 12) months, gather data on processes, how capital is being deployed and ROI.

What’s the goal of spreading it out like this? What would constitute criteria for success or failure over a 6-12 month period?

This is a red herring; the two initiatives can be pursued independently.

What information will it have after 6-12 months?