ENS DAO Delegate Applications

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • i agree with this
  • i agree with this
  • i agree with this
  • i agree with this



Reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

  1. Here is the founders of ENSMAP, which is the community of crazy users of ENS, and we are proud of it. This community has a large number of members in Singapore and China.
  2. We know and love ENS, and we are very familiar with ENS technology.
  3. We have done a lot of things to promote the spread and use of ENS, including: establishing an active and high-quality ENS communication group, translating ENS documents, displaying ENS APP in Chinese, communicating and learning with the official team, etc. Thousands of people learn, register and use ENS because of what we do.
  4. ENS as web3 infrastructure, DAO is a very important part of it, and we hope to continue to participate in it. As for the DAO of ENS, we still have a lot of things to do, and maybe applying to be DAO delegate is the first step among them.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution 103

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** I totally Agree.
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) I agree, ENS should be the standard on the Global Namespace in the future.

My web3 qualifications / skills:
We have basic web3/solidity skills

ENS name: williamdao.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: vote on developing of ENS service

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: Solidity Skill and ZK


ENS name: rank.eth, 999club.rank.eth, 10kclub.rank.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I (Numbers) am a co-founder of rank.eth and only native English speaker among us so I will be representing both my project, and the concerns of those in the ENS Digits community.

While I have my own personal opinions on things (which are mostly shared by my co-founders), the subdomain delegations will be adjudicated with snapshot votes in the respective Digits communities. It is important niche communities band together to spend their influence on the issues they are most concerned with. As someone who stands to benefit greatly from these communities thriving, it is in our projectā€™s interest to respect the opinions of those communityā€™s wishes, and to bring them to the forefront of discussion in the ENS DAO.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed:

Oppose in certain instances, but agree for the first ten years to allow terrestrial law to catch-up. Domain squatting, thefts, and edge cases (like sending a domain to null) need to be discussed.

  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism:

Agree in principle, but there are now too few protections for owners who lapse their registration.

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods:

Agree again, but ENS as a DAO should keep as small of a footprint as is necessary. It should not become the EU.

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace:

Agree. We must pressure browser projects to provide support natively, and band together to educate future ENS users why Web 2.0 domains are inferior. It will be a long fight.

My web3 qualifications / skills:
I registered some of the first ENS names on the old registrar. I deployed mainnet contracts in 2016, and have worked on numerous NFT projects to preserve the rights of content creators, especially small time ones. My belief in Ethereum stemmed from my understanding of license, asset, and business contract tokenization the second a friend explained to me what smart contracts were in 2015.

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ENS name: Oktadl.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I feel ENS is and will be the center point of the massive metaverse innovation thatā€™s on the horizonā€¦ I want to help get the project to the level of adoption that it deserves.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills:
social media content, NFT


ENS name: sukey.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: To better contribute ENS project in the future and to help more people learning and joining web3. I see increasing number of scenarios where ENS can play an essential role and it is the easiest way and a very good entry point for beginners. I believe ENS project is also a real public good and I would like to provide my ideas as well to make ENS project better.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

**My web3 qualifications / skills:

  • Involved in Web3 since 2019
  • Participant DAO governance in different projects since 2021
  • Trilingual
  • Experiences as region moderator
  • Data scientist
  • Basic knowledge of Solidity
  • Enthusiastic with Web3

ENS name: sipa92.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: WEB3 is the future and I Love the Concept of ENS, I wonna join this wonderful Community. My vote will always be for the people. Power to the people

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications/skills:

  • Iā€™m a Member of Ceylon Crypto Kalliya Group, Which Helps and Educates the Sri Lankan Crypto Community, So I have some Community handling Skills.
  • Basic Knowledge of Photo Editing
  • Testnet Node Running
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**ENS name:metabhi.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I am a web3 enthusiast who enjoys communicating and understanding what people require. I really want to be an ENS delegate to help the development of ENS by bridging the gap between peopleā€™s needs to make it as accessible and scalable as possible, with the goal of making ENS a Web3 standard for naming and recognition.

My view on each section of the [proposed ENS Constitution ] (Proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: ( Agree)- Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: ( Agree)- Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: ( Agree)- Strongly Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: ( Agree) - ENS has the potential and strong growing community to be Global Namespace Standard

My web3 qualifications / skills: I am a person with good critic and decision making skills. I have also handled many product development roles due to which i can understand the need which can grow the exposue of ENS making it Namespace Standard. I already have several plans to help grow the ENS ecosystem, which I intend to do by becoming an ENS Delegate.

In the past, I launched two startups, one of which was in the web3 domain, and we received tremendous support from various communities and stakeholders. I have immense confidence with mission of ENS and i commit to take steps further for making it possible.

Hoping to be part of the Great and Supportive Community of ENS Owners :innocent:
Thnaks for your time & Have a Wonderful Day

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ENS name: katherineykwu.eth

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills & my reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

A bit more context on me: I have worked in crypto since 2017 first as a content creator while getting my J.D., then as the first business hire for Messari where I lobbied for more treasury transparency, and then transitioned a few years ago to being a seed-stage investor (Notation Capital, Coinbase Ventures, and now Archetype) where I search and back founders who are building on important infra and primitives such as ENS! I also have a legal/regulatory background and think that getting crypto right on the global policy is of the utmost importance.

On my involvement with ENS: Needless to say, my passion and ideology when it comes to crypto are very very real and true, and I genuinely want to use the knowledge, experience, and network Iā€™ve collected in the past few years and get more involved with ENS. I am very honored to also be the newly elected steward for the MG working group, and am blown away by the support Iā€™ve received.

I hope that, through my work within the web3 space and the term that I will be serving on the MG working group, I can win your trust as a delegate and steward for ENS. :slight_smile:


ENS name: thecap.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: Iā€™m already well integrated into the ecosystem and the DAO and know my way around. Iā€™m already actively involved in public discussions and would like to continue to do so as a delegate. I will be the bridge between the broader community and represent the voice of all ENS users. Furthermore, I am building a platform called Namespace which is an extension of ENS and provides ENS name owners the ability to sell, rent, manage and trade both names and subnames.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) ā€“ Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) ā€“ Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) ā€“ Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) ā€“ Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: I am a long-time tech entrepreneur. My formal background is in computer science and international business. Iā€™ve been in crypto since 2019. mostly trading and investing. For the last 2 years, Iā€™ve been involved with different web3 startups and DAOs as a core contributor. My unique background ā€“ CS + MBA allows me to understand complex technical concepts and the ability to foresee their business application which I hope will be useful in navigating further development of both ENS and Namespace.


ENS name: estmcmxci.eth

Purpose: To participate in governance in order to ensure ENS flourishing; with a focus on enhancing public infrastructure, promoting accessibility, and granting merit-based opportunities to future generations who are aligned with the ENS DAO constitution.

My view on each section of the ENS Constitution:

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

About @estmcmxci:

  • Founding team ā€“ ENS DAO Newsletter: a bi-weekly digest made to inform delegates of current DAO-wide initiatives.
  • Avid proponent of nurturing onchain experiments with a focus on developing regenerative economies.
  • First introduced to the Ethereum community via Devcon VI: Ethereum Magicianā€™s Protocol Roadmap session; notes provided have hence been published by the event organizer.
  • Contributing to ENS DAO since January 2nd, 2022.

ENS name: probablystix.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

Participating in web 3 governance in contribution to positively shaping the industry to maintain first principles thinking.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution 2.1k

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)

Possible Web3 Skillz:

Background in finance and engineering, iā€™m not necessarily sure whats most useful so im going with the flowšŸ˜‚


ENS name:


My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

Iā€™m passionate about ENS and protecting freedom of expression in the digital town square.

Each day Iā€™m working to accelerate ENS becoming a mass-market product :rocket: :dizzy: We can achieve this goal together if we listen deeply to peopleā€™s needs and desires. ENS is more than an incredible technology. ENS can be an emotionally relevant service that people attach feelings to as their primary digital identity. Letā€™s work to embed ENS into the core user journeys of every web3-enabled wallet and application. As an ENS DAO Delegate I look forward to working with you to bring the benefits of owning a decentralized identity to people across the world.

My view on each section of the ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed:

    • Agree - This foundational principle of .eth names must never be violated.
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism:

    • Agree - The ENS constitution states that a goal of fees is to ā€œā€¦ fund ongoing development and improvement of ENSā€¦ā€ ENS improves not only through low-level technical innovations, but also through the network effects of mass adoption. The ENS DAO has an opportunity to do more to leverage fees as an incentive mechanism for growth. For example, to provide sustainable incentives for talented builders who make institutional-scale investments for deeply integrating ENS into the user experience of web3 wallets and apps. Each integration with ENS is an improvement of ENS.
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods:

    • Agree - The ENS system is not limited only to the technical layer of smart contracts that live on the blockchain. It is a living ecosystem that improves from the network effects of adoption and engagement. The most important improvements to ENS are those that will foster these network effects, such as through a decentralization of ENS user experiences and ENS market outreach efforts that meet peopleā€™s eyes and ears where they already are.
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace:

    • Agree - This principle helps ENS achieve better long-term adoption.

My web3 qualifications / skills:

Iā€™ve been building software platforms and technology organizations for more than 20 years.


ENS name:


My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

Iā€™ve been knee-deep in the ENS world, building products at my startup that revolve around Ethereum Name Service. Being a delegate at ENS DAO feels like the perfect next step for me. Iā€™m all about making the internet decentralized and user-friendly, and ENS is a key player in that game. From firsthand experience, Iā€™ve seen the impact of ENS-centric solutions, and Iā€™m eager to bring that knowledge to the table. I want to collaborate, innovate, and push for changes that really matter to the community. Letā€™s work together to take ENS to the next level!

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills:

My journey into Web 3.0 began in 2017, diving deep into its developments, investing, and closely monitoring its evolution. I furthered my expertise by earning a Masterā€™s in Blockchain Architecture. In the tech startup realm, Iā€™ve been actively involved, contributing my skills in blockchain and decentralized tech. This journey honed my skills in navigating complex technologies and fostering entrepreneurial endeavors within the Web 3.0 space. I bring a blend of practical experience, technical proficiency, and a keen entrepreneurial spirit to contribute meaningfully to the ENS DAO.


ENS name:


My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

As an entrepreneur who founded a startup focused on leveraging the power of ENS among others, I possess a profound understanding of the ENS ecosystem and its potential. Through our product development, Iā€™ve witnessed firsthand the transformative impact ENS has on decentralized technologies. My active engagement within the ENS community has allowed me to forge meaningful connections and gain insights into the diverse needs and aspirations of its members. With a robust background in development, I bring both technical expertise and a passion for driving innovation. Becoming an ENS DAO delegate is not just an opportunity but a natural progression to contribute substantively to the ENS ecosystem. I aim to channel my entrepreneurial spirit, technical proficiency, and community-driven mindset towards fostering growth, advocating for advancements, and enhancing the overall resilience of the ENS network.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) -Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) -Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) -Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) -Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills:

I bring a solid foundation in software development, blockchain architecture, and entrepreneurship to the table. Proficient in multiple programming languages, Iā€™ve successfully developed and deployed robust applications in the Web3 ecosystem. My academic background in engineering then a masters in blockchain technology has provided a deep understanding, enabling the creation of innovative solutions. Moreover, my experience in multiple startups culminating in founding my own startup adds a practical dimension to my skill set, ensuring a comprehensive contribution to the goals of the ENS DAO.


ENS name: snowdot.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

Building the decentralized version of the internet is an ongoing process, one that requires active participation in its development. I aim to contribute by representing the voices of developers and community members alike, with the goal of making ENS more accessible, equitable, and truly aligned with the principles of decentralization.

How I plan to make a difference:

  • Creating positive and meaningful changes by actively bringing forward ideas, insights, and concerns.

  • Advocating for decentralized solutions that enhance user sovereignty, privacy, and access, reinforcing the core values.

  • Providing insights to grants processes to make them more accessible and impactful for those who are building our future.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution:

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree

  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications/skills:

Iā€™ve been in the space since 2017 and have witnessed firsthand how much this space has evolved and the growing impact it has had on our digital world.

Over the last 3 years, Iā€™ve participated in numerous web3 hackathons (e.g. Gitcoin, EthGlobal, Chainlink Constellation, etc.) and Iā€™ve been grateful to receive recognition for the projects Iā€™ve developed from various projects and protocols, such as Binance Smart Chain, Aave, and Chainlink, to name a few.

Prior to becoming a developer, my professional experience and education were in Risk Management and Actuarial Science. This is one of the reasons why I have a particular affinity for analytics, and the vast majority of my projects included this component.

Thank you for considering my application. :sparkling_heart:


ENS name: gov.daoplomats.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

We want to help steward the governance at ENS DAO with our experitise in DAO governance as professional delegates. As a multi-DAO delegate we are able to absorb context from multiple DAOs and we would like to leverage our ecosystemwide learnings to develop the ENS ecosystem. This includes assisting with strategic partnerships, offering opinions based on meta learnings and proposing governance solutions. We strongly support public goods funding and would like to see it evolve to not only support onchain projects, but also offchain real world impact initiatives.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills:

DAOplomats is a governance-as-a-service organisation that empowers DAOs through effective governance, treasury management, grants programs, and community-building initiatives. We leverage our expertise to help DAOs achieve their full potential by fostering collaboration and maximising positive outcomes.

Our team boasts a combined experience of 10 years in DAO governance, where we have proposed over 100+ proposals to 8 different DAOs and have passed over 10 proposals onchain in various areas from treasury management to operational frameworks and governance solutions.

Website: www.daoplomats.org


ENS name: mnhsu.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

As a representative of the Chinese-speaking community and the media platform 區唊勢, I am dedicated to advocating for a more inclusive and accessible decentralized internet. My goal is to ensure that the voices of diverse communities are heard and that ENS remains aligned with the core principles of decentralization and user sovereignty.

How I plan to make a difference:

  • Creating original Chinese content about ENS to help readers understand the mechanisms and effectively use the platform.
  • Actively participating in public funding and community governance.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution:

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications/skills:

I have been involved in the web3 space since 2017, witnessing its evolution and the significant impact it has on our digital world. As the manager of 區唊勢, the most trusted independent media in the Chinese-speaking blockchain community, I bring a unique perspective that combines media expertise with a deep understanding of public goods and education.

Through my experience with 區唊勢, I have engaged with various blockchain projects and communities, providing thorough and reliable information to our 16,000 subscribers. My professional background equips me with strong analytical skills, enabling me to contribute effectively to ENS governance and decision-making processes.

Website : https://www.blocktrend.today


ENS Name: punk5657.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:
As an ENS enthusiast, I want to bridge the global ENS community with emerging enthusiasts in Monterrey and Mexico, empowering new users and fostering the use of their .eth names as their digital identity.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution:

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications/skills:
Iā€™m a graphic designer, front-end dev, and 3d artist.
I have been involved in Ethereum since 2021 and co-founded the first 3D NFT collection in Latin America, called The Ethereans. Contributing to the growing blockchain and crypto communities in Monterrey, especially Ethereum Monterrey.

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