ENS DAO Delegate Applications

ENS name: metagov.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:
We believe that ENS is an important utility in Web3. How it is governed will have significant repercussions for the ecosystem. We want to participate in delegation in order to ensure that the governance of ENS is informed by best practices, and to bring reflexivity and reflection to the ongoing task of governing.

Metagov (aka the Metagovernance Project) was founded to understand and improve the governance of online communities across Web2 and Web3. We know what works from other projects and systems and will endeavour to communicate learnings derived from ENS governance for the benefit of others.

My views on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree (with comments)

This is a complicated issue. The .eth registrar contract is locked, though in practice there are ways for ENS team and keyholders to target a subset of addresses in order to ā€œinfringeā€ on name ownership. But does ā€œnon-infringementā€ mean that we can do nothing if someone manages to hack a substantial number of .eth names, such that the utility of the entire system suffers? Does it mean we have to guarantee the same prices for different TLDs, or the same governance? What if a child pornographer starts taking payments out of kidporn.eth? We believe that non-infringement is an important constitutional value to a decentralized service such as ENS. However, we believe that as a matter of practical policy, the community and DAO should recognize that (1) infringement is possible, (2) nothing in the real world is absolute, and (3) find ways to safeguard and check the use of this policy tool instead of saying ā€œcode is lawā€ and ducking the issue.

  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree

Fees for registration and re-registration are a reasonable solution and a tested business model for a service such as ENS. The economic trajectory of decentralised blockchain infrastructures has demonstrated that the ability to extract and accrue fees can also be a signal of a projectā€™s use if not resilience. There are complex reasons for this, including treasuries being the ā€˜unforkableā€™ component, an indicator of market share or future potential (possessing resources for ongoing development). These factors may influence the value of a token and present challenges for governance.

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

DNS is a useful internet-wide utility, and Ethereum is part of the internet. ENS should integrate with DNS to the degree it can remain decentralized.

My web3 qualifications / skills:
We are leading researchers, academics, and founders in crypto. Metagov itself is a public charity dedicated to self-governance within online communities. Metagov.eth and the Metagov DAO are controlled by Joshua Tan, Ellie Rennie, Michael Zargham, Kelsie Nabbens, and Nathan Schneider.

ENS name: chackochan.eth
My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I am a Mechanical Engineering student from India , but am really motivated for the Web3 and Blockchain powered Internet. ENS plays a major role in naming and creating a name/face value for a person to be recognized in this decentralized world. It would be a total pleasure to work as a delegate for this.
My view on Each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree, Yes that will be the ultimate goal
    My web3 qualification /skills: I am a developer in Python, and am a part of the kernel learners of Web3 and Blockchain. With my ongoing journey in Solidity, I think I would be a valuable asset to the DAO

ENS name: benglobal.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: The Blockchain Education Network (BEN) is the largest and longest running network of students, alumni, professors, teachers, professionals, and community leaders excited about blockchain across the world. We are on a journey to spur blockchain adoption by empowering our leaders to bring blockchain to their companies and communities.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)

My web3 qualifications / skills:

  • 200+ Ambassadors
  • Established the BEN Meta-Delegate to assist emerging collegiate organizations to participate in governance practices without the hassle of acquiring significant voting power upfront.
  • Assisted multiple collegiate clubs gain voting power to their respective organization in an effort to scale governance practices in correspondence with the BEN Meta-Delegate.
  • Provide BEN members with the opportunity to attend conferences & meetups, and obtain job matches & internships

Website: https://www.blockchainedu.org/

ENS name: chrisdotn.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: Iā€™ve been in the blockchain space since 2016 and followed ENS from its inception. I think ENS is one of the applications in the Ethereum space that make Ethereum really worthwhile. The project is especially important to eliminate one of the most complicated things when introducing new people to Ethereum: Using an address is really error-prone and not easily explained to new users. With ENS we finally have the possibility to use addresses as the thing they are: machine-readable identifiers; for humans we can now use the much better human-readable ENS names.

I want to be a delegate for the ENS DAO because I think the main problem with Ethereum at the moment is that it is too hard to understand for non-crypto-savy users. ENS has taken the first step to make it easier, and I think it can go a lot further. Recent developments (like the NFT as avatar) have shown that the ENS team is putting users first ā€“ I want to help govern the DAO to stay focused on that mission: Make Ethereum usable by everybody.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Name ownership is the core value proposition of ENS. To keep true to its decentralized vision, name ownership must not be infringed.
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) ENS core value proposition is to build a decentralized naming system. Registration fees serve a dual purpose: Keep mass-registrations at bay and keep the system maintanable. With the procceeds, ENS is probably one of the first self-sustained projects in the space. To maintain the decentralized nature of ENS it is important for the DAO to stay self-sustained as to minimize external pressure.
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) To keep a self-sustained operation is one of the main prerequisites to run a truely decentralized system. Therefore, putting ENS development/maintenance as first goal is very reasonable. Any funds that are not neccessary for that operation can be used for public good funding. This second part is somewhat ambigous and open for interpretation. While I agree with its core idea, I believe a clearer set of rules will be neccessary to determine, which funds are not ā€œreasonably required to achieve this goalā€
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Probably the one proposition that I most strongly agree with. ENS will be most valuable when integrated with the current DNS. Putting the decentralized nature of ENS in here is good, as that should never be jeoparized.

My web3 qualifications / skills: Iā€™ve been developing smart contract in Solidity for quite a while. One of my earliest contributions was a JSON parser for solidity. Lately I have been mostly active in the NFT space working on ERC721 or ERC1155 tokens for various projects.

ENS name: Blockchainelizab.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I currently work for one of the largest ethereum blockchain software companies, and I want to help build the ENS realm, visibility and usability.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: Aside from being an investor, I have been in the blockchain space since 2017, and I currently hire for one of the largest ethereum blockchain software companies. I believe experience, current position, analytical nature and transparent/blunt personality will allow me to become a qualified delegate.

**ENS name:**alsayadii.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: supporting ENS

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: i do research on future interent and i build Dapps

ENS name: faegheh.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I want to be one of the early supporters of ENS and web3

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: ( Agree /Disagree/Comment)- Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: ( Agree /Disagree/Comment)- Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: ( Agree /Disagree/Comment)- Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: ( Agree /Disagree/Comment) - Agree

My web3 qualifications/skills: I have some basic knowledge of Web3

ENS name: PeePoo.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: To be a part of the testing process for decision making of ens domains.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills:
Freelance Web3 and solidity developer.

ENS name: dickkingz.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: To help support the community and drive ENS forward. Iā€™ve been an ENS user from very early on and realized from onset how important it would be to web3; I look forward to helping ENS moving forward into the DAO-era.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: Agree, but more like a disincentive to prevent users from simply sitting on names without using them.
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: Committed cryptocurrency researcher and long time ens holder. I community moderate several large scale project so know ins and out of most things from marketing to main crypto goals. This makes me a good choice to become a delagate.

ENS name: foda.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:
I believe I live at a special intersection of design, fashion, art, music and tech, which is a place ENS already exists and can continue expanding. I have a community on Instagram and my followers have seen me as a teacher to all web3 things. So I can give a proper representation of a ā€œnormieā€ ready to dive into the future, and continue to onboard more and more.

My web3 qualifications / skills: ive been all in on the space since end of 2019, coming from being the top shopify expert in Brooklyn, NY, running both a (foda.farm) front-end dev studio and now one of the biggest upcoming clothing brands in the world called (KidSuper) (kidsuper.eth), KidSuper also have made digital-physical NFTs now seen on Offset from Migos haha. I am currently building dApps in the space and especially interested in digital identity and things ENS is doing with Spruce ID and how I can mesh Shopify Brands with web3. As a $LINK marine im also very excited for CCIP and what it means for cross-chain identity. I am also a clothing designer and work/collaborate on album arts and websites for some of the biggest music artists in the world.

My view on each section of the [proposed ENS Constitution]

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree


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OUR reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

  1. born two months ago with the aim to be a delegate dao operating in all the Ethereum ecosystem
    very likely the first cross dao delegation_dao
    if anyone is interested in joining the cyphers_dao, in order to offer the service to ens_dao or to any other dao you care of, just drop a line

the importance of delegating to a dao instead of an individual is obvious:
1 - bribing an individual is easier tha bribing a dao
2 - if you delegate to an individual he may have sudden problems to reach the voting session, if you delegate to a dao there is more people able to complete the task
3 - a group of people is usually more prepared than an individual

CypherParty will have sub delegations for each dao in the ethereum ecosystem

We are on the move to prepare our staking system (based on ethereansOS protocol)
We plan to become the biggest delegation_party (as opposed to political parties) of history! join this crazy experiment!


VOTE FOR CYPHERPARTY letā€™s fork the world and build a better one !


cypherparty was born for promoting public goods for the ethereum ecosystem.

In december we will start a serie of hackathons for the creation of public goods.

The two main proposals we will constantly push to ens community and work for are: 1) constant public goods hacks (on a monthly base) 2) free physical places for ethereans (covid remergency underlined the importance of being together): in few words an ens_castle (each big community should have its institutional place. the ens_castle will be some medieval castle in europe, working as a social/tech incubator, were you can temporary retire - at zero sleeping cost - and build along with other people) for $ENS owners ruled as a dao by the community. (more info coming soon) (modificato)

Our view on each section of the [proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree)
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree)
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree)
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree)

All orientations must be discussed by the cypherparty as a group

OUR web3 qualifications / skills:
dev, art, economy, daos

I second this. Foda is the teacher of the future and would be an amazing delegate. He really is the truth :pig2:

ENS name: Unkle.Eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

I would like to help everyone learn about the exciting new developments of ENS. I believe the integration of ENS is a great way for simplicity, anonymity and an exciting way to welcome new people into the space.

*My view on each section of the [proposed ENS Constitution ]

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agreed

  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agreed

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agreed

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agreed

My web3 qualifications / skills:

I have been lucky enough to be involved in the crypto community since 2012. Some of my experiences include community building, scaling a business, and E-commerce. I totally believe my generation holds the key to the future. In the future we need Web3 and decentralization. The growth of crypto space is a true passion of mine and I would love to be a driving and adaptive force in this community.

ENS name: robledo.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I believe I have always been able to listen and absorb new trends and technology. It would be amazing to be apart ENS as I believe it will be the future of all on Web3.

My view on each section of the [proposed ENS Constitution]
Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: As a content creator, as well as a social media manager. I have an understanding of what the future of Web3 can and will become.

ENS name: easp0rts.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I see the potential in ENS and what it could mean for the whole ecosystem and want to contribute to shaping what it becomes in the future. In addition, as part of a few DAOs and communities from projects already, I would like to leverage the voice of those projects and hopefully provide thoughtful and experienced options from UMA, Harvest, YEL, and others to shape how ENS works moving forward.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)

My web3 qualifications / skills:
I have been working extensively with a handful of DAOs/projects for a year and a half and have specific expertise with community building, business development, communication, and education. Anything from proposals, voting, developing partnerships, events, tokenomics, etc. In addition, I am keen to leverage perspctive from others through my broad network of those with diverse experience and skillsets. I am most passionate about collaboration to build a better crypto ecosystem by working together and aiming for increased adoption worldwide.

ENS name: chadnotchad.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I wish to be an active member at the precipice of something amazing. No ego, no bullshit - Iā€™m here to help build the internet that is democratized and egalitarian and fair. ENS is part of a larger system that I believe is already working towards a future I see. I want to be apart of that future in a very specific way, and ENS might be the first chance I have. I have to put my hat in the ring. I want to contribute.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: I am a Senior Product Designer with 12 years of experience in Fintech, consumer grade mobile applications, and am currently designing and building devops software on the enterprise level. This is all fun and well but I see a vast need for a ā€œDesign Firstā€ mentality in the UX and UI of the software that will take this web3 world to a mass appeal level (aka the popular market). There is so much work to do and I am ready to dive in. Iā€™m working on NFT tooling with some friends now, as a hobby/discovery, but I see this taking over my career in the next 6 months.

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ENS name: ethlimo.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:
By becoming an ENS delegate, the LIMO project can anticipate and propose incremental improvements that continue to drive web3 adoption

Core internet infrastructure is becoming increasingly centralized and as such, several existential threats have emerged that undermine the principles of a decentralized, open and free internet. As it stands, there was a single ENS/IPFS gateway operator: Cloudflare.

Uptime and availability have been a constant issue plaguing dweb adoption. The spirit and ethos of decentralization have ironically been compromised by relying upon a single corporate entity to provide critical transitional infrastructure from web2 to web3. In addition to the threats posed by centralization, there is no accountability or public influence when it comes to governing the eth.link service.

The creation and operation of alternative truly decentralized public ENS/IPFS gateways with strong community oversight and DAO governance are needed, facilitating transitional web2/web3 infrastructure with robust and feature-rich deployment and testing capabilities.
LIMO is intended to be operated as a reliable and secure public good for all users and has a vested interest in the success of ENS by promoting easy to use tools for non technical users to access and engage with web3 content.
Developer tooling and commonly used deployment patterns are currently unavailable with existing web3 frameworks, which inhibit innovation and robust testing for high value projects wishing to experiment with new features without the risks associated with an ā€œall or nothingā€ deployment model

The LIMO project seeks to augment and bolster the vision of ENS as an identity provider and means of conveying human-readable identifiers to unify web3 resources and a means of access for legacy clients and mobile devices that lack the means of natively engaging web3 content.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right:

Agree. - Individuals have rights, and there are things no person or group may do to them without violating their rights. - Robert Nozick Anarchy, State, and Utopia

  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism:

Agree. - The ENS namespace is governed by a fee model and without this economic component ENS wouldnā€™t be nearly as successful as it is today. This fee model should be a ā€œpositive fee feedback loopā€ to encourage further protocol development and adoption. Perhaps even a grant model should be proposed for those who cannot afford to register names. Ethereum gas fees are high and not everyone can afford to pay $100-300. Ultimately this shouldnā€™t be the end all be all barrier for securing your on-chain identity.

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods:

Agree. - Currently there is a massive funding problem for projects building infrastructure and contributing to ENS. There are many web3 advocates on Twitter offering funding for public goods. Sadly most of these advocates are purely larping for publicity, simply put they are all bark no bite. Unfortunately the almighty dollar is what matters to most people, if they donā€™t see potential profit they donā€™t care. Projects that are actively developing, contributing, and promoting ENS adoption should be funded via this ā€œpositive fee feedback loopā€.

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace:

Agree. - This poses a unique challenge for otherwise providing a unified and coherent protocol service offering

My web3 qualifications / skills:
The LIMO team has over 20 years of combined experience in technology and product development. Founding members of the LIMO team have worked on challenging infrastructure scaling and deployments for a wide range of organizations of different sizes. The LIMO founders have deep knowledge of distributed systems, DNS and cloud security.

ENS name: daws.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I will continue to drive web3 forward in an equitable fashion. I have proven this with years in the open-source scene and with earni.fi.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Comment

Code is usually law, but in rare instances like the DAO hack of 2016, social consensus (layer 0) needs to take priority. If there were a massive issue with the ENS system, the DAO should have the ability to overtake names after a majority consensus in voting.

One example is if every conceivable name under 10 characters was suddenly purchased via a bug in the smart contract. In order to avoid hard-forking the entire Ethereum network, the ENS DAO should retain its right to fork the smart contracts and abandon the version of ENS which has every domain under 10 characters claimed.

  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications/skills: I have multiple years in the web3 space. I am the founder and sole employee of earnifi. Through this work, Earnifi has brought $100 million USD of airdrops to everyday people like you and me.

ENS name: davidc.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

The ENS is core web3 infrastructure and requires a multi-disciplinary team of delegates with a broad range of skills and experience to give the crypto space the best chance at becoming what many aspires it to be: a free and fair system for all.

Many of those who are stepping forward to be delegates have a technical / development background. I am a commercial lawyer with years of experience in the crypto space and I have a deep understanding of crypto regulation. In my view, navigating regulation will become a necessary piece of the puzzle as the ENS DAO and the broader crypto community moves forward in the coming years and beyond.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
    This is a foundational concept and must form the basis of any identity or pseudo-identity based system of interaction. Without provable exclusive identity, we would not be able to form and effectively manage and operate web3 structures and institutions such as DAOs.

  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
    However, thinking of fees purely as an incentive mechanism should not result in broader measures being taken to prevent overcrowding, speculation and squatting. Fees have their place, although to achieve the intended goal they must be combined with other practical measures such as limiting the number of ENS names each individual may hold.

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
    We must not allow web3 institutions such as the ENS DAO to become corrupt and purely self-interested as we see in the traditional corporate world. The ā€˜other public goodsā€™ piece of this article of the Constitution is as important, if not more so, than funding the ENS DAO itself (although of course meeting its operational funding requirements is a necessary component).

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree
    This is a critical path towards adoption and official government recognition. Without integration with legacy systems, the ENS DAO will struggle to become the true backbone of web3 identity.

My web3 qualifications / skills:
I am a commercial lawyer specialising in crypto, including regulation. I run my own law firm based in Brisbane, Australia. I have experience dealing with large corporations and governments, which will absolutely be required in the coming years. The ENS DAO needs more than solidity developers as its delegates - we need a diverse group of multi-disciplinary minds and thought leaders.

ENS name: chapterone.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I have built social products my entire career and believe that ENS has the opportunity to become more important than Facebook Connect.

Iā€™ve spent the last year exploring the intersection of web3 and social & have become increasingly convinced that a blockchain naming standard like ENS will reduce barriers for mainstream involvement in web3.

My view on each section of the [proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership shall not be infringed: Agree
    Name ownership across social platforms will connect web3 identities across many different protocols/platforms/products and is a meaningful advantage over DNS.

  • Fees are primarily an incentive mechanism: Agree
    Fees incentivize longer term behaviors and create the right ā€œskin in the gameā€ to own ENS names that provide actual utility to the end user.

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
    Income funds should be allocated by a treasury whose primary objective is to grow the ENS ecoystem. Funds will be spent on core product development and marketing to grow awareness for ENS. As a builder and investor, I am particularly excited to help identify teams who are building social products that use ENS as a core advantage over web2 products.

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree
    This is important for the long term health of ENS & creates the right foundation for the project to keep growing.

My web3 qualifications / skills I am a builder at heart and was formerly the VP of Product, Revenue at Tinder. I will bring this experience to help ENS provide more utility for users and to grow the DAO/business.

I have spent the last 5 years investing in crypto including the seed rounds of Dapper Labs, The Graph, Compound Finance, Blockfolio, Fleek, Lolli, Reserve Protocol, Dharma Labs, Syndicate Protocol, Rabbithole, Ondo Finance, and many others.

I will use these founder relationships and my network to help ENS grow through product integrations and community.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/jmj