ENS DAO Delegate Applications

ENS name: nextgenius.etherbase.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I believe I can represent the people and listen to what they want, from entrepreneurs to artists, creators, or investors.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) I agree, ENS should be the standard on the Global Namespace in the future.

My web3 qualifications / skills: Have been implementing web3 since 2018, working with a few defi, dex, yield farming and nft dapps across Solidity, Rust and GoLang

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ENS name: lovespurs4ever.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: In my opinion, ENS is to the blockchain what the domain name is to the Internet, and even more meaning can be given. Not only as a domain name for Dapp, but also as a personal business card and a personal account. This is more like a super combination of Internet + social network + bank account, and the degree of freedom it brings is far beyond the real physical space. For this reason, I hope to be able to participate in the construction of this great change.

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** I totally Agree.
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) I agree, ENS should be the standard on the Global Namespace in the future.
My web3 qualifications / skills: I have basic web3/solidity skills.

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ENS name: zjw023.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: Iā€™ve been evangelizing it in my network and Twitter, I feel ENS is and will be the center point of the massive metaverse innovation thatā€™s on the horizon.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills:
I have basic knowledge and recently started to learn more and more. Good at project management and also the content creation so can contribute and standardize the processes. Also in security space so can provide guidance where its needed.

ENS name: 3dmax.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:I strongly believe that the success of web3 is contingent, long term, on open, user owned, public goods protocols. .I am a very good listener, a careful decision-maker, and have been in leadership positions throughout my career. But most of all I just really want to be a part of the revolution.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)


Anyone should have the absolute and inalienable right to buy and use an ENS name and there should not be restrictions ever enacted upon the use and exercise of that domain name, nor any changes that target specific holders.

The only exceptions I could see existing would be in the case of anything that creates a risk to the system or results in criminal actions or abuse.

I am also do not see diverse pricing models infringing on this right, as I believe the right is to own a name space the represents you, your company, your DAO etc. I think inverse scaled pricing that increases the price on a curve if you own 50+ names could be a way to end long term squatting without harming the ownership rights of individuals or entities, and ensuring namespaces are still economically acessible.

Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)**

Somewhat agree.

While I agree that the primary goal of registrations fees is as an incentive, and that ENS should strictly be a non-profit public good, I do not think that such a harsh stance on income fees should be taken.

Being a core and critical component of web3 infrastructure the DAO should not simply have the bare minimal revenue to maintain funding, but needs to have sufficient reserve capital for unseen and unexpected circumstances, as well as to remain competitive in attracting and retaining critical talent.

I think any fee generating activity should be limited in scope and scale but that revenue generation that is for the health, security and longevity of the system is acceptable.

This must be balanced with considerations for equal access to those in regions without robust economic access, as web3 should not discriminate nor create economic fast-lanes.

Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)**

Strongly agree.

The ENS funds are wholly public goods. They should not be used for anyoneā€™s personal enrichment.

ENS fund allocation should primarily be to:

-ENS itself.
-Other non-profits/public goods in time of excess.

I can see an argument that there may be rare exceptional cases wherein a grant going to a private entity (such as security audits) or a key integration may be merited when it encourages the adoption of ENS or helps preserve the health, security or longevity of the protocol.

In any such case, the specific spending of those funds must solely be allocated to endeavors that represent and reinforce the values of ENS, should be publicly auditable and should be voted on separately from any standard funding.

ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)**

Strongly agree.

This is a critical long term component for the broader adoption of the .eth namespace and for web3 in general and it is paramount that ENS is a respectful player in the global namespace.

I also agree with the view that ENS should not create new namespaces unless granted them by DNS naming authorities. However, I strongly believe that ENS should directly and proactively pursue this authority, as I believe the current model of name registrar administration is highly broken and simply a value extraction layer ontop of ICANN that is entirely unnecessary.

My web3 qualifications / skills:** Iā€™m a jack of all trades, with experience in finance, banking, corporate development, and programming (Python scripting, SQL, Solidity). I have a knack for applying knowledge from various other areas of expertise and finding innovative ways to solve things using different angles

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ENS name :liujian.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

I like ENS service very muchļ¼Œ I have the ability to be a representative ENS delegater.怂

Because as a professional crypto investor for 5yearsļ¼ŒI have plenty of time and complete web3 knowledge怂

I am the owner of GTC and have participated in more than 2 times Gitcoin grants and participated in the governance of GTC怂

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution ļ¼š

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)Agree

Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)Agree

Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)Agree

ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills:

I participated in defi investment and learned about Gamefi怂

I own GTC and have participated inmore than 2 times Gitcoin grants,Funded lots of grants and participated in the governance of GTC怂

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**ENS name:cit666.eth
The reason why I want to be a representative: I think I have the motivation to become a representative of ENS, and I really like Ethereum / WEB3 technology, I think I can be a representative and represent the Chinese community

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** I totally Agree.
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) I agree, ENS should be the standard on the Global Namespace in the future.

My web3 qualifications / skills: I have basic web3/solidity skills.

ENS name: sunrain.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I think ENS is a great initiative. The application of domain names in the field of digital currency is as convenient as the blockchain. It is as simple and understandable as browsing websites on the Internet, making currency transactions easier. Personal accounts are easier to remember. There is no doubt that this is the greatest Pioneering

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** I totally Agree.
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) I agree, ENS should be the standard on the Global Namespace in the future.
My web3 qualifications / skills: I have basic web3/solidity skills.

ENS Name: strax.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I think the best way to support anything is to ā€œvote with your feet.ā€ So Iā€™d really like to become not only an advocate but an active contributor to the community and help add value to the project.

My view on each section:

My web3 qualifications / skills: Have been involved with enterprise biz ops as well as scaling startups from $0ARR >> $2M ARR. Technically, I have basic networking/linux skills and have an understanding of traditional DNS.

**ENS name:channing.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate : I believe that clarity and absolute truths are rarely found in the world as we know it. Projects like ENS give people the security and peace of mind that they own their own identity and know that they have control over it. This is a project I would love to be a part of.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: I am currently studying computer science and getting certified as a Solidity Developer in my own free time. I am new but Iā€™m loving this space and canā€™t wait to learn more. Cheers!

[quote=ā€œbrantlymillegan, post:1, topic:815ā€]
**ENS name:daydayup.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree

**My web3 qualifications / skills: As a freelancer, I have enough time to participate in various community activities, am keen on community activities, have enough understanding and love of encrypted blockchain, and am good at design and research.

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ENS name: dcverse.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I want to support the development of ENS to make it as durable, robust, accessible and scalable as possible, with the goal of making it the Web3 standard for naming.

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree
Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree
Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree
My web3 qualifications / skills: I am a developer with blockchain development skill. I am also a collector of ENS domain names, and have plans to build services using the domain names.

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ENS name: tverse.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I want to support the development of ENS to make it as durable, robust, accessible and scalable as possible, with the goal of making it the Web3 standard for naming.

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree

Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree

Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)- Agree

ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: I am a developer with blockchain development skill. I am also a collector of ENS domain names, and have plans to build services using the domain names.

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**ENS name: pengkui.eth

**My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:**My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I am passionate about this industry growth, I always listen to people suggestions and WOULD LOVE to participate in spreading the best industry to better peopleā€™s lives.

My view on each section of the [proposed ENS Constitution ] (Proposed ENS Constitution )

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: ( Agree /Disagree/Comment)- Agree
  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: ( Agree /Disagree/Comment)- Agree
  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: ( Agree /Disagree/Comment)- Agree
  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: ( Agree /Disagree/Comment) - Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills: I am a developer / problem solver with advanced blockchain development skill, involved in a few metaverse blockchain projects. I consider myself an open minded person with great analitical skills and big picture aficionado that can be of use as a DAO delegate.

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ENS name: nprhust.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I think ENS is a great initiative. The application of domain names in the field of digital currency is as convenient as the blockchain. It is as simple and understandable as browsing websites on the Internet, making currency transactions easier. Personal accounts are easier to remember. There is no doubt that this is the greatest Pioneering

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** I totally Agree.
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) I agree, ENS should be the standard on the Global Namespace in the future.
My web3 qualifications / skills: I have basic web3 skills.

  • Name ownership is an absolute right : Agree

  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism :slight_smile: but is also taken for granted so itā€™s worth a background discussion on a set registration fee

-Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree
-ENS Integrates with global namespace: Agree

ENS name: birdmeister.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:
I like to devote my time to web3 initiatives as it aims to build a digital society that is people-focussed and people-owned. It provides the freedom to create, to connect, and to express ourselves, within the context set by communities.

Such a society consists of many decentralized, community governed, and open-sourced components. I believe that ENS needs to play an important role in becoming such a component, as it enables building a secure web3 identity.

Success for me is defined as ensuring the DAO meets it longer-term mission, ENS gets to massive adoption, and itā€™s fun to be a delegate. For me personally, this unpacks in building a network, learning from the smartest, and exchanging good vibes.

I am based in the Netherlands, and hope to be one of the community representatives in mainland Europe.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution 385

  1. Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  2. Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  3. Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
  4. ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)
    Comment. I agree that this should be one of the objectives, but not essential for achieving the mission of ENS.

My web3 qualifications / skills:
I have a good understanding of blockchains, some development experience including smart contracts, and recently involved with a protocol DAO. Furthermore, I have over 20 years experience in digital marketing for various tech companies. Involved with crypto since 2012. I am currently assessing to operate an Eth2 validator node. I am eager to learn and willing to invest time to get more experience with DAOops.

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ENS name: wuyueyelei.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I think ENS is a great initiative. The application of domain names in the field of digital currency is as convenient as the blockchain. It is as simple and understandable as browsing websites on the Internet, making currency transactions easier. Personal accounts are easier to remember. There is no doubt that this is the greatest Pioneering

Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** I totally Agree.
ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) I agree, ENS should be the standard on the Global Namespace in the future.
My web3 qualifications / skills: I have basic web3/solidity skills.

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ENS name: luckyxx.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a detegate: I strongly believe that the success of web3 is contingent, long term, on open, user owned, public goods protocols. On the internet, identities are one key piece of that infrastructure. Absolutely, ENS is the infrastructure of infrastructure. Iā€™ve been in the space for 3 years and I want to be on top of the next trends. I want to support the ENS community with the governance & help it grow while listening to the community which will really help the adoption of blockchain & NFT space.

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution 405

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree

  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) - Agree

My web3 qualifications / skills:

  • Quick learner, and have strong presentation skills and business acumen. Management education. Passionately involved in Blockchain industry since 2018

  • As far as web3 technical skills go, I have little to no experience. I do however have a lot of experience with Defi project building, investor relations management, marketing operations

  • I believe that I can help onboard new users as I learn more and iā€™m willing to listen with other people

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ENS name: isports.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate: I think ENS is a great initiative. The application of domain names in the field of digital currency is as convenient as the blockchain. It is as simple and understandable as browsing websites on the Internet, making currency transactions easier. Personal accounts are easier to remember. There is no doubt that this is the greatest Pioneering

-Name ownership is an absolute right: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
-Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** Agree.
-Income funds ENS and other public goods: (Agree/Disagree/Comment)** I totally Agree.
-ENS Integrates with the global namespace: (Agree/Disagree/Comment) I agree, ENS should be the standard on the Global Namespace in the future.

My web3 qualifications / skills: I have basic web3/solidity skills.

**ENS name: yoyoismee.eth

My reasons for wanting to be a delegate:
ENS is one of the most critical infrastructures for the space. I would love to represent crypto natives and future fellow crypto adopter interests. I also want to defend the spirit of decentralization. (I saw too many protocols abandoning our permissionless, non-discriminative, etc value which to me, totally unacceptable)

secondary - also represent Thai speaking community. (sorry for my broken English LOL)

My view on each section of the proposed ENS Constitution

  • Name ownership is an absolute right: Agree!
    all in on this

  • Registration fees exist as an incentive mechanism: Agree!
    but also have to be well balanced. accessibility and public good need to be up there!

  • Income funds ENS and other public goods: Agree!
    all in on this

  • ENS Integrates with the global namespace: Agree!
    Agree but not the first priority ā†’ if this conflict with others value I will drop this first for sure.

in short
absolute right >= ENS & Public good > incentive, revenue > ENS Integrates with the global namespace

My web3 qualifications / skills:

  • smart contract dev. wouldnā€™t say to advance but can design and write something original.
  • convert coffee/beer to code
  • also building some no-code platform for NFT creator. mass adoption = everyone can join. not only tech savvy
  • community engagement. welp I would say it part of web3 dev. We shouldnā€™t build any Dapp with out community right?
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