This looks fantastic! Great work @carlosdp for getting this up and running so quickly!
Something for Public Goods stewards (@theanthonyware, @AvsA and @ceresstation) to keep in mind with Public Goods small grants: if anyone can submit a proposal, there will inevitably be proposals submitted that are not public goods, either according to the standard economics definition or a definition specific to the ENS DAO/web3. This appears to be happening already.
The obvious issue is having people voting on proposals who lack a basic understanding of what public goods are, and what they should look for when identifying and choosing to fund a public goods project.
On the one hand you may have projects that are not public goods and on the other hand you likely have people voting to fund public goods when they don’t know what public goods are. This is unlikely to lead to the most desirable outcomes.
With public goods in particular, if submissions aren’t going to be screened, there needs to be more education for delegates on what public goods are and what public goods should be funded by the ENS DAO.
This won’t be such an issue with ecosystem or metagov small grants, but is definitely something that we should probably attempt to address with Public Goods small grants.