☎️ ENS Ecosystem – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday – Term 5

2024 ENS Ecosystem WG Weekly Calls


Time/Day: 4pm UTC (12pm ET) every Thursday
Meet Link: http://meet.google.com/zii-opnh-gns
Calendar: ENS DAO Term 5 Dashboard

Stewards: @slobo.eth (ENS | Twitter/X), @limes (ENS | Twitter/X), @184.eth (ENS | Twitter/X)


The ENS Ecosystem Working Group holds weekly calls. The calls are open to community members and the general public.

The ENS Ecosystem Working Group calls are led by the lead steward of the working group. The current lead steward is Alex/slobo.eth. If you need to get in touch with slobo.eth, please message him on the forum, or on Twitter/X.

How to Add to Weekly Agenda

If you have items that you would like to add to the weekly agenda please message any of the ENS Ecosystem stewards (@slobo.eth, @Limes, or @184.eth) through the messaging feature on this forum.

How to Apply for Grants

Complete the deform: ENS Ecosystem Working Group Grants. See the awarded grants: Term 5 Grants - Summary

2024 Agenda + Minutes below

The calls for Term 5 started on January 11, 2024.

Comments on this thread are restricted to Stewards and the Scribe.


January 11th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Provider Streams
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, January 11, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Provider Streams
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Next ETHglobal Event: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

2. Project Highlights

Weekly space for technical projects to support what they’ve built. Can reach out to get on agenda.

3. Provider Streams

  • A Safe, funded by the Treasury, will stream payments from SuperFluid to Stream Providers
  • Currently collecting info from 9 winners of Stream Providers before initiating Stream in February
  • Metagov working through processes to make reality

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • EthDenver: Tentative 29 February IRL Event, stay tuned for more info

5. Next ETHglobal Event

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

None at this time.

Notes by @don.nie


January 18th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Provider Streams
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, January 18, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Provider Streams
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Next ETHglobal Event: ETHGlobal London
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

Gasless DNSSEC proposal is live

  • DAO proposal to enable at the protocol level
  • Deploy a new version of the DNSSEC oracle and DNS registrar that enables ‘gasless DNSSEC’ functionality.
  • Assuming approved have exciting activation activities planned

ETH Denver

  • ENS Labs will have booth, look forward to meeting people


  • ENS.js getting consistent updates after major release a few weeks ago, prepared ENS for new DNSSEC contracts (assuming DAO approval)

Updates to WAGMI

2. Project Highlights

From @hidayath

  • Building ensrecords.eth
    • ENS records stored on L2
  • https://webhash.com
    • Building functionality to showcase Facaster and Lens profiles on ENS profiles
  • https://write.link
    • Blog builder where the blogs are stored in a decentralized manner

From @limes.eth

  • ethleaderboard.xyz was cool project that relied on Twitter API to showcase .eth names in Twitter profiles; currently inactive due to Twitter API changes
  • Farcaster’s data, however, is open and users can select .eth profile names natively. Created leaderboard for Farcaster names at https://ensleaderboard.com

3. Provider Streams

Provider streams have gone to voting; scheduled to start 1 February

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • EthDenver: 29 February IRL Event, 6-9pm, stay tuned for Luma invite

5. Next ETHglobal Event

  • Going heavier into ETHGlobal this year than previous years, build for ENS win prize money
  • Next is London: ETHGlobal London
    • March 15 – 17, 2024

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

Discussion around Add Polygon CCIP support | Voters | ENS

  • Solution would be standardized format, pre-defined list does not include all L2s/sidechains
  • @gregskril agrees pre-defined list should be revisited

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

Notes by @don.nie


January 25th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  1. Onchain Vote Results
  2. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  3. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, January 25, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights: @igoryuzo / ENS Contract Naming Standard or Nomenclature
  3. Onchain Vote Results
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Next ETHglobal Event: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

Gasless DNSSEC has passed DAO vote

  • Proposal will be executed tomorrow
  • Labs will then run a script to put into effect
  • Sets text record for DNS name and makes it an ENS name

Frontend template for writing Web3 apps updates

2. Project Highlights

@igoryuzo on ENS Contract Naming Standard or Nomenclature

  • Co-founder of https://onthis.xyz, sends ETH to human readable contracts to bridge, swap, stake, mint and more directly from your wallet
  • Example: if you wanted to bridge to arbitrum would send transaction toarbitrum.eth, any ETH amount you send will auto-bridge and appear on your destination chain in your wallet (i.e MetaMask)
  • List of shortcuts: Discover Shortcuts • onthis.xyz
  • Fees based on shortcut complexity, 0.1% to 0.3%
  • Difficulty having: Naming standards for shortcuts; what is intuitive for end-user. How do we create a naming system that works well today and is future-proof?
  • Discussion around possibility of having a UI in lieu of a naming standard so users know the domains/sub-domains are legitimate
  • Please read forum post and reply to Igor for more robust discussion

@slobo.eth presenting https://enswallets.xyz

  • Shows ENS working group wallets, signers, DAO Operational Contracts, and endownment balances
  • Open-source and please provide feedback

@gregskril presenting https://my.box

3. Onchain vote Results

  • Stream providers and Gasless DNSSEC votes have passed
  • Streams will start 1 February pending terms, legal, etc.

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • EthDenver: 29 February IRL Event, 6-9pm

5. Next ETHglobal Event

  • Going heavier into ETHGlobal this year than previous years, build for ENS win prize money
  • Next is London: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • All of ENS Labs will be there

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics


Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

February 1st, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights [namefi]
  3. Budget
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Open space for service providers
  2. Weekly Review of canny.
  3. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, February 1, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights: namefi
  3. Budget
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Next ETHglobal Event: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
  6. Open space for service providers
  7. Weekly Review of Canny
  8. Open space for additional topics

37 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

Gasless DNSSEC is live!

  • Enables any DNS owner to connect with ENS for free
  • Announcement: Gasless DNSSEC on Mainnet | ENS Blog
  • Working with popular apps in the ecosystem to ensure support and resolve issues
  • Exciting announcement about using DNS names as ENS names next week

Protocol Updates

  • Deployed manager app to testnet (Holesky) to support next Ethereum upgrade (Dencun)

NFC Cards

  • Big hit, bringing back for EthDenver
  • Gives POAP for meeting people
  • Pre-register here: Swag - ENS Domains

2. Project Highlights

Victor Zhou fron https://namefi.io

  • Bring all names onchain; Namefi tokenizes general DNS names into NFTs
  • “GoDaddy for Web3 with a better database”
  • Ecosystem contributor to ENS
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/namefi_io
  • Access app at this link: https://app.namefi.io
  • Enjoys working with, not in competition to, companies like 3dns.box to grow the ecosystem holisticially
  • Working to improve speed and process of transferring DNS to different owner if user wants to do that; need to liason with groups like ICANN to modernize processes
  • Discussion around intricacies of how DNS and the companies/protocols that support DNS operate; not simple and straight forward hence why namefi wants to help modernize

@hidayth.eth presenting mywallet.is

  • Anyone who wants to create subdomains can easily do so
  • Buildling as a result of Gasless DNSSEC update
  • Open-sourced, will release shortly after bug fixes

3. Budget

Link: 2024 1H Budget: ENS Ecosystem Working Group

  • Stewards want to transparently document where money is being allocated
  • Reach out to stewards if any questions

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

5. Next ETHglobal Event

  • Going heavier into ETHGlobal this year than previous years, build for ENS and win prize money
  • Next is London: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • ENS Labs will be there; sign-up to hack!

6. Open space for service providers

Last year DAO approved funding for 9 service providers; developers building special products/projects for ENS

  • @lightwalker.eth from namehashlabs.org
  • NameKit: Toolkit to help app developers build amazing ENS onboarding experiences, open-sourcing, and building relationships with Teams to utilize
  • ENS referral program: Working with team at Axiom (zk) to work through tough technical challenges
  • Question on how to provide updates

7. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

8. Open Space for Additional Topics

Q: With Gasless DNSSEC what are ways to tokenize ICANN domains?
A: 3dns tokenizes domain names with sets up gasless DNSSEC (or similar) for the user; legacy way of using DNS with ENS is still possible (import DNS name onto ENS onchain and wrap with name wrapper). Wasn’t heavily used due to the cost (large Ethereum transaction fee). ENS Labs not currently working on separate solution

Additional information on the discussion around intricacies of current DNS system

Responsible integration of DNS into Web3 being worked on; needs to mirror life cycle of DNS name

Notes by @don.nie


February 8th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights [@NameSys]
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  1. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Open space for service providers
  2. Weekly Review of canny.
  3. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, February 8, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights: @namesys
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement: ETHDenver
  4. Next ETHglobal Event: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
  5. Open space for service providers
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

29 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

GoDaddy Partnership is live!

Working on improving blog

Gearing up for events

  • EthDenver
  • EthGlobal

2. Project Highlights

  • Offchain infra for ENS and Ethereum
  • https://lite.namesys.xyz
    • Feedback that UI was complicated, wanted to take away complicated (pro) features for lite client
    • Now simple option to store records securely on Web2 server, very accessible to new users, one-time transaction at https://lite.namesys.xyz
    • https://app.namesys still hosts pro client
  • IPNS.eth
    • IPNS.eth is a no-nonsense, free, open-source, autonomous, trustless, keyless and secure IPNS Pinning Service. Users of IPNS.eth do not need to share their IPNS keys with service providers, and can securely and ‘keylessly’ publish to IPFS network with anonymity. More at https://ipns.dev or ipns.eth.limo
  • Dynamic Avatars: Avatars on ENS profile static and require manual updates (and transactions) each time want to change, but with offchain resolver can have avatars pre-signed so avatar can change at time selected by user
    • Launching within the next week
    • Shows how offchain records bring new capabilities to ENS
  • Needs to be standard for clients serving ENS so offchain records can be supported by all clients

@verycozy.eth from https://app.mailchain.com

3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

4. Next ETHglobal Event

  • Going heavier into ETHGlobal this year than previous years, build for ENS and win prize money
  • Next is London: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • Heavy ENS contingent hacking and mentoring

5. Open space for service providers

See Namesys notes above

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

Please read/collaborate on offchain data standards as this will help Teams continue to build great things! [Draft] EIP-X: Off-Chain Data Write Protocol

Notes by @don.nie


February 15th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  1. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Open space for service providers
  2. Weekly Review of canny.
  3. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, February 15, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement: ETHDenver
  4. Next ETHglobal Event: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
  5. Open space for service providers
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

27 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

Next iteration of DNSSEC contracts

  • Draft ENSIP published: New ENSIP draft: Gasless DNS resolution for feedback
  • Specifies how gasless DNSSEC TXT records are formatted, how the resolver’s resolution process functions, and provides a public API for the CCIP-Read DNSSEC gateway used for the implementation

Manager App Big Tech Update

  • Tech rewrite, won’t notice tons of differences
  • Faster, snappier, easier for team to iterate
  • Clean up tech debt

New https://docs.ens.domains upcoming

  • Incremental updates in past
  • Current version will be completely replaced, sometime this month
  • Will Share preview in developer telegram channel for feedback

2. Project Highlights


3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • EthDenver: 29 February IRL Event, 6-9pm
    • RSVP here: ENS @ ETH Denver · Luma
    • Twice amount of people registered from last year! Might need to cap attendance
    • Reach out to @limes if haven’t been accepted into event yet

4. Next ETHglobal Event

  • Going heavier into ETHGlobal this year than previous years, build for ENS and win prize money
  • Next is London: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • Heavy ENS contingent hacking and mentoring

5. Open space for service providers

  • Nine providers funded by the DAO in larger amounts totaling $3.6million to build on ENS.
  • Might need separate call in future just for service providers to present

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

ENS-Chain Discussion
@premm.eth asked for discussion on Coin Telegraph article: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ethereum-name-service-open-building-in-house-layer-2-ens-director and ENS L2 chain in general

  • Article on ENS Chain proposal from @clowes.eth: 'ENS Chain' — clowes.eth
  • Forum Discussion on ENS Chain: 'ENS Chain' - A POC for an OP Stack based L2 solution
  • @limes asked about infrastructure needs/costs of maintaining something like this
  • @clowes.eth: If ENS is as big as DNS, as we think it will be, need to think big of running ENS in efficient way
  • @premm.eth: Still issues that need to be worked such as decentralized sequencing that are bottlenecks. Wouldn’t want people to have to bridge ETH to own ENS chain just to get a name
  • @slobo.eth: Is someone cataloging pros/cons, list of things don’t yet know
  • @clowes.eth: Intention to document in depth in coming months and format in ELI5 way to pitch to DAO for input and come to best conclusion as an ecosystem
  • @slobo.eth: Reminder that this is extremely early in research phase, lots of problems to think through before could begin building
  • @clowes.eth: Want whats best for ENS in the long-term, not immediately obvious what that solution is yet
  • @slobo.eth: FYI: One team fully dedicated to just researching this, other teams also looking into it

Discussion around ensuring ENS builders have an ENS

  • @coltron.eth: Does ecosystem have program for builders to get an ENS? So everyone building for ENS has own ENS name?
  • @slobo.eth: Have been doing/facilitating in the background through personal reach-out. Willing to support as stewards, if good enough to get public goods grant, willing to give them/get funding for an ENS name

Discussion around ENS on Optimism proposal

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

February 22nd, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. EIP-5559 Discussion [@NameSys]
  3. Project Highlights [@moritz]
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  1. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Open space for service providers
  2. Weekly Review of canny.
  3. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, February 22, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. EIP-5559 Discussion @NameSys
  3. Project Highlights @moritz
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement: ETHDenver
  5. Next ETHglobal Event: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
  6. Open space for service providers
  7. Weekly Review of Canny
  8. Open space for additional topics

29 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

New Docs Live!

  • https://docs.ens.domains
  • More information, rebuilt from scratch, quick start guides, more code examples and links, EIPS, smart contract interfaces, etc. with improved search
  • Previously no docs about name wrapper, now six page overview of name wrapper
  • Old links should still work with new docs
  • If find any bugs please reach out to Labs/ bring up in Developer telegram channel

Uniswap Announcement

2. EIP-5559 Discussion @NameSys

  • Draft here: [Draft-5] EIP-5559: Off-Chain Data Write Protocol
  • Cross-chain write deferral protocol incorporating secure write deferrals to generic L1s, Ethereum L2s, centralised databases and decentralised & mutable storages
  • Going through comments, looking at edge cases
  • Please read through draft (fifth iteration) and post any questions in the thread
  • Q: Do partners such as Coinbase, Uniswap etc. have input on standards
  • A: Behind the scenes get input, want to ensure one large organization doesn’t write standards just for themselves, need standards for ecosystem.
  • A: Let’s get Telegram group together so all stakeholders can sync outside of the ENS forum thread

3. Project Highlights @moritz

Mortiz Boullenger from https://fluidkey.com

  • Production ready alpha on Optimism
  • Problem trying to solve: When want onchain privacy usually just spin up new wallet, difficult to manage.
  • With Fluidkey, each payment sent to your private Fluidkey ENS is automatically directed to a new address that only you can control
  • Manage full balance in the Fluidkey dashboard and send payments without having to move funds between addresses
  • Q: Is stealth address generation centralized?
  • A: Yes, FluidKey API generating addresses on behalf of users, have thoughts on paths to make this decentralized

@gregskril presenting personal project

  • Rewrite as Cloudflare Worker by gskril · Pull Request #3 · gskril/ens-api · GitHub
  • API that does stand -alone services on the side including avatar optimizations and batch resolution
  • If want to resolve 100 names on a page (e.g. leaderboard), this makes this batch resolution simple
  • Sometime avatar files are massive, proxy tool resizes and strips malicious data from files
  • Follow along and reach out if find tools interesting
  • Comment from @lightwalker.eth: Would be cool to see stronger caching of ENS avatars than what service currently provides
  • Q from Thomas: Any denial of service in past from really large ENS profile photo avatars?
  • A: Metadata service provides checks, but not sure about special handling of size, will look into it. Cloudflare Worker tool good at providing checks

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • EthDenver: 29 February IRL Event, 6-9pm
    • RSVP here: ENS @ ETH Denver · Luma
    • Hundreds of people have registered
    • Reach out to @limes.eth if haven’t been accepted into event yet

5. Next ETHglobal Event

  • Going heavier into ETHGlobal this year than previous years, build for ENS and win prize money
  • Next is London: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • Heavy ENS contingent hacking and mentoring

6. Open space for service providers

Sharon and Steve from WildCard Labs

  • Problem trying to solve: High costs of manual updates to ENS avatars
  • App enables ENS users to auto-sync social media with ENS avatar records
  • Advantages: Time and cost savings through the elimination of gas fees
  • Twitter: @syncavatar
  • Website: https://avatarsync.io
  • In following weeks will be demoing other projects

7. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

8. Open Space for Additional Topics

  • Discussion around metadata services, see notes under Greg’s personal project

  • No call next week as most people will be at ETHDenver

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

February 29th, 2024



March 7th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Bug Bounty
  4. ETHDenver Recap @Limes
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  6. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Open space for service providers
  2. Weekly Review of canny.
  3. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

1 Like
tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, March 7, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Bug Bounty
  4. ETHDenver Recap @Limes
  5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement: ETHDenver
  6. Next ETHglobal Event: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
  7. Open space for service providers
  8. Weekly Review of Canny
  9. Open space for additional topics

23 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril


  • Successful experience, met and taught developers about ENS
  • ENS Pages were fun ways to show met people. Example: slobo.eth | ENS Page


  • Next week team headed to London
  • If hacking or around, reach out to catch-up
  • This week’s focus preparing for hackathon
  • Sponsoring conference at Oxford University to speak about blockchain, ENS, crypto


  • Continue to make improvements to the docs
    • If notice broken links or want other guides, let us know
  • Close to pushing refactor of manager app!
    • Confident up in next week
    • Not new experience to end user, faster backend upgrades, fix resolution bugs, make it easier to ship new features from the code side

2. Project Highlights

Open space for projects building on ENS to present to the group. None this week.

3. Bug Bounty

In process of moving bug bounty to Immunifi, stay tuned for more info.

Bounty Caster bug bounty: Support CCIP Read and ENSIP-10 · Issue #38 · wealdtech/go-ens · GitHub

  • Offchain ENS names are becoming more popular (see Coinbase and Uniswap), so it’d be amazing to have them supported in go-ens
  • The ENS DAO Ecosystem Working Group is sponsoring a 0.5 ETH bounty for a developer to implement ENSIP-10 and EIP-3668. Please reply to the GitHub issue, or on Farcaster, if you’re interested in working on this feature

4. ETHDenver Recap @Limes

  • Lots of excitement and had successful booth to teach about ENS and create badges and ENS cards
  • Gave out many uni.eth subdomains, helpful for people to have gasless ENS
  • ENS 2024 side event: ~150 people showed up, love ENS community and love doing events so that builders can feel welcome and people around to help out

5. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

See below

6. Next ETHglobal Event

  • Going heavier into ETHGlobal this year than previous years, build for ENS and win prize money
  • Next is London: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • Heavy ENS contingent hacking and mentoring

7. Open space for service providers

Open space for service provider updates, scheduled presenter unable to attend

8. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

9. Open Space for Additional Topics

Q: What links does one send for grants?
A: Please reach out to working group stewards.

Notes by @don.nie

1 Like

March 14th, 2024


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  4. Next ETHglobal Event:
  1. Open space for service providers
  • eth.limo
  • Namehash
  • Blockful
  1. Weekly Review of canny.
  2. Open space for additional topics

Please reach out to @slobo.eth / X / Warpcast if you want to present.

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, March 14, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Project Highlights
  3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  4. Next ETHglobal Event: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
  5. Open space for service providers:
    a. eth.limo
    b. Namehash
    c. Blockful
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

31 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

In London for EthGlobal and helping with hackathon

2. Project Highlights

Opportunity to present anything being built on ENS. Former presenters have become ENS Labs members. None this week.

3. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • EthGlobal London, starts tomorrow evening, see below

  • ETHSamba in Brazil, 300 hackers, good fit for builders will have a nice crowd, support if possible

4. Next ETHglobal Event

  • Going heavier into ETHGlobal this year than previous years, build for ENS and win prize money
  • Next is London: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024
    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • Heavy ENS contingent hacking and mentoring
    • Prize information! ETHGlobal

5. Open space for service providers


  • Busy 1st Quarter, platform improvements around performance and resiliency
  • Huge architecture migration, completed 2 weeks ago, as part of broader effort to modularize and scale platform
    • Multi-cloud, RPC fail-over using DRPC (decentralized worker pool of node operators), better certificate authority support (rate limit increase)
    • Working on detailed write-up explainer to share changes and reasoning
  • In January worked with Filebase team to improve IPNS support (name updates replicate faster, more performant)



  • Improving developer experience for offchain resolver features
  • After Vitalik’s tweet about importance of Layer 2, focus and research on Resolver in Layer 2 context
  • This link shows milestones, roadmap, open-source code etc: ENS · GitHub
  • Also have goal of integrating ENS with other platforms, working on issue of supporting go-ENS

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

  • Snapshot has 2 ENS related issues open for voting: Snapshot

    1. Fund Public Goods
    2. Fund Metagov
  • Definitely vote and post question on the forums

  • Request for Public Goods should fund a dashboard showing all available opportunities for Public Goods funding

  • Information about Giveth and ENS builder grants and how to apply: https://twitter.com/Giveth/status/1767974454745796991

Notes by @don.nie