☎️ ENS Public Goods – Weekly Meeting: 1pm ET (5pm UTC), Thursday – Term 5

Public Goods Meeting, March 14, 2024


Time: Thursdays at 1pm ET (6pm UTC)
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/iko-moej-rxc

Stewards: @vegayp (ENS | X), @coltron.eth (ENS | X), @simona_pop (ENS | X)

:information_source: The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call.


  1. Welcome
  2. Core ENS updates and announcements
  3. Budget Proposal
  4. Upcoming Events and Potential ENS presence: EthGlobal London
  5. EthLATAM Recap
  6. Open floor for questions and proposals

9 Participants in meeting

1. Welcoming

  • Any questions/concerns reach out to the stewards
  • The agenda will be on a Public Document, you can request access to it or post in Discuss if you want to present or raise a topic for discussion during the call

2. Core ENS updates and announcements

  • In London for EthGlobal and helping with hackathon

  • Snapshot has 2 ENS related issues open for voting: Snapshot

    1. Fund Public Goods
    2. Fund Metagov
  • Definitely vote and post question on the forums

3. Budget Proposal

  • Public Goods budget for 1st half of the year: Snapshot
  • Goes through 24 September
  • Numbers roughly doubled or extapolated out to forecast needs
  • Large Grants, Small Grants, and Events/Hackathons most of budget request

4. Upcoming events & Potential ENS presence

ETH London

  • ETHGlobal: https://ethglobal.com/events/london2024

    • March 15 – 17, 2024
    • ENS sponsoring hackathon
  • Launching perpetual public goods bounty during EthGlobal London!

    • Idea is to go beyond just funding projects during EthGlobal hackathons
    • Working with Labs and ecosystem Teams
    • Increase applicants/participants in ENS hackathons

ETH Canal

  • Previously Eth Panama
  • March 19th, Panama City

ETH Samba

5. EthLATAM Recap

6. Open floor for questions and proposals

  • Small and Large Grants expected to open up at the end of the month, small grants first

  • Vote for public goods funding is using ENS

  • Q: Has there been a recipient of multiple large grants before?

  • A: Not yet. If past recipients have done a great job, nothing limiting them from applying for more large grants

  • Only 1 day left to apply for the ENS-Sponsored QF round on Giveth! Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

Subscribe to ens dao newsletter to stay up to date on all working group + labs updates: ENS DAO Journal

Notes by @don.nie

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