@lefterisjp let me clarify my position here
there was this allocation for the previous term
Whereby 5kENS was distributed to Stewards with exception of Nick. In my book Steward + Secretary compensation was clearly labeled as compensation for Steward work, whereas Governance category was meant to be distributed to third parties. I was really surprised to find out that Stewards distributed it to themselves.
To be honest even I am lost in those rules and calculation by now. Either way compensation denominated in ENS token grew substantially. Then there was this long debate whether compensation should be vested or no.
In my mind it doesn’t matter if it vested or not, it’s still money, especially given that most of the Stewards sold their allocation of 5kENS immediately after receiving them.
Stewards decided not to hire a professional legal firm, which is costly of course and went in favor of 20kUSD some agency to draft such an important document as bylaws and yet the compensation for Stewards is ballooning.
I voted NO during Snapshot vote for this, and voted NO during Tally vote as well.
In my book Steward compensation became way too large, rules around it are very unclear and opaque. Tons of posts, people pointing to meta gov calls where it was presumably discussed etc etc.
Taken all those factors in consideration, it’s a clear vote NO for me.
So it’s not just the technicality that there are no clear links from the Tally vote, it’s the overall approach towards making this decision.