Future allocations for domains released (Original Genesis)

Dear ENS community,
I hope that this message reaches everyone well.
I began using ENS at the very beginning and spent an enormous amount of time, energy and money trying to pick the nicest domain names that I loved. I did get many domain names and safely stored them for the future. All of a sudden an article came out saying that I had to release my addresses and I did as I was told by ENS with a lot of sadness in my heart. Recently I claimed ENS tokens allocated but was not eligible for any future allocations but I am an OG user of ENS and have promoted it to hundreds of my old clients and helped it grow. I followed exactly what ENS told me to do and all of a sudden I find myself at a great loss, very much so mentally as well. I was there day one and am here today, but still all of my addresses where taken away from me along with my future allocations… I deserve future allocations and my domains… Please ENS community. I ask for your sincere help as anything is possible and I am hopeful that I and others who deserve the future allocations should be compensated and ask for us to create a vote accordingly.
Sincerely yours,

We published a blog post to “renew or lose” names https://medium.com/the-ethereum-name-service/the-great-renewal-its-time-to-renew-your-eth-names-or-else-lose-them-afccea4852cb one year after we announced the migration ENS Is Upgrading — Here’s What You Need to Do | by Nick Johnson | Medium . We never published an article to just release so I am afraid you misread our publication.