☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, April 4tg, 2023 @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


  1. General DAO Updates.
  1. Endowment Updates + Presentation from @karpatkey

[Endowment Weekly Reports - #2 by karpatkey]

  • As a follow-up to last week’s call, a multi-sig was created to payout Karpatkey’s fees to add transparency.
  1. Reserved for Open Discussion

Meta-Gov Meeting, April 4th, 2023

184, 5pence, Alisha, Daylon, Katherine, Limes, Mona, Nick, Santinomics, Sebastien, Simona


  1. General DAO Updates.

  1. Endowment Updates + Presentation from @karpatkey

Endowment Weekly Reports - #3 by karpatkey

  • New action this week: 1000 ETH swapped for DAI, deposited to Compound.
  • As a follow-up to last week’s call, a multi-sig was created to payout Karpatkey’s fees to add transparency.
  • [link to multisig]
  • If you have any questions about the endowment, please feel free to join a weekly MetaGov call.

  1. Reserved for Open Discussion

AragonDAO (Alisha)

  • Looking to discover builders with capability to build DAO tooling. Will retweet info on ENS DAO Twitter account.
  • Submitted bounties for Discourse integrations, notifications for governance proposals, and more.
  • Also sponsoring general public goods bounty. Runs for four weeks.
  • Agora will join the call next week.
  • Talking to Tally about revamping delegate profiles.

Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, April 11th @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


  1. General DAO Updates
  1. Endowment Updates + Presentation [Endowment Weekly Reports - #4 by karpatkey]

  2. Reserved for Open Discussion

Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, April 18th @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


  1. General DAO Updates
  1. Endowment Updates + Presentation
  1. DAO Tooling [potential slot for Agora presentation]

  2. Reserved for Open Discussion [potential slot for Aragon update]

Meta-Gov Meeting, April 18th, 2023


184, Aleks, Alexandro, Alisha, Coltron, Daylon, elbagococina, Katherine, Khori, Luca, lyt, Mona, Muhammed, Nick, santinomics, Simona, Tomas, Vincent, YungSB


1. General DAO Updates

2. Endowment Updates + Presentation

  • Monthly Report (@Steakhouse)
    • Fully open source, emphasis on transparency
    • Report contains balance sheet, income statement, endowment assets under management, profit and loss.
    • The report assumes that all forms of Ether are the same as staked Ether.

Q [Katherine]: Where are you getting the data from?
A: It all comes from Dune, which tracks events occuring on the Ethereum network. It is gathered by using a complex, custom-built query. In the future, we will simplify the structure of the query. We will also have a simpler output available on Dune.

Q: Are figures denominated in USD?
A: The figures are denominated in USDC for stablecoin section, and denominated in Ether for ETH section. The prices we use are at the end of every day.

Any feedback / questions welcome.

  • Weekly Report (@karpatkey)
    • Currently nearly $32 million for endowment.
    • Following through with regular ETH swaps until the target composition of 40% stablecoins and 60% Ether is reached.

Q: Does the Shanghai update effect the endowment? [withdrawals enabled for staked ETH deposits]
A: We expect that fees may go down and are monitoring the market. We think this will bring more liquidity to the staking positions.

  • Endowment Fees
    • A separate pod was created for payout of endowment performance fees.

3. DAO Tooling [potential slot for Agora presentation]


  • Working on a contract that enables delegation of voting power to multiple delegates.
  • Close to being finished. Development is almost done, just needs final security checks.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion [potential slot for Aragon update]



# Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, April 25th @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


  1. General DAO Updates

  2. Weekly Endowment Updates + Presentation [Endowment Weekly Reports - #7 by karpatkey]

  3. Agora presentation- DAO Tooling


Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, May 2nd @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


  1. General DAO Updates
  • ENS Foundation Director Vote Live: Snapshot
  1. Endowment Updates + Presentation [Endowment Weekly Reports - #8 by karpatkey]

  2. Delegate override strategy on snapshot

  3. Reserve for Open Discussion

Meta-Gov Meeting, May 2nd, 2023


184, 5pence, Alisha, Coltron, Daylon, Greg, Katherine, Luca, lyt, Nick, santinomics, Sebastien, Simona, Tomas


General DAO Updates

Endowment Updates + Presentation

  • Finished selling ETH for stablecoins
  • 40% stables / 60% ether
  • Currently ~$29.5 million in endowment
  • 99.9% capital utilization

Delegate override strategy on snapshot

  • Discussed implementing the option to override delegated vote on a case by case basis.
  • Note: Cannot redelegate after proposal snapshot
  • Override for social proposal / no override for executable?
  • Delegation FAQ?

Reserve for Open Discussion
May 22 - May 26: Tally delegation week

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Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, May 9nd @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


  1. General DAO Updates

  2. Endowment Updates + Presentation

  1. Reserve for Open Discussion

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 9th, 2023


Greg, Maintainer, Daylon, Dick, Katherine, Tomas, Sebatsien, Santinomics, Coltron, Alisha, Lyt.eth, 5pence, Luca mossin, simona, jenga jojo, 184

Section 1 - General DAO Updates

Section 2 - Endowment updates.

  • Was mentioned that Karpatkey are building out general balance sheet reporting for ENS, and not just endowment.
  • Santinomics mentioned that they wish to move compound strategy from v2 to v3. To do this would require tally vote and a larger process of engagement. Suggesting that they have 8-9 other items that they could bundle into proposal to whitelist actions for future.
    This approach was supported, with a draft that will go to nick before they put it forward formally.
    Further noted that if something is controversial or urgent it is better that it be separated from the bundle.
  • Santinomics ran through the weekly Report. (Endowment Weekly Reports - #9 by karpatkey)
  • Sebastien ran through the monthly report. (ENS Financial Reporting by Steakhouse - #9 by Steakhouse)

Section 3 - Reserve for Open Discussion

  • Alisha shared delegation week news will come after wednesday (tomorrows) call.
    Note: Delegation week is May 22 - May 26
  • Aragon DAO hackathon submissions discussed – news redacted

Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, May 16th @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


  1. General DAO Updates

  2. Endowment Updates + Presentation

  1. Reserve for Open Discussion

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 16th, 2023


katherine wu, nick johnson, simona pop, alisha.eth, 184.eth, greg, tomas, 5pence, cornelia weinzierl, lyt.eth, elbagococina, santinomics, coltron, rafael solari, yungsb

1. General DAO Updates

  • No major DAO updates
  • Foundation director onboarding still in progress. KYC checks in proress.

2. Endowment updates + Presentations

3. Tally.xyz - Delegation Week (May 22 - May 26)

  • Rafael Solari from tally shared about Delegation Week
    • Delegation week is an ecosystem wide initiative organised by tally + other DAOs + DAO tools. We want delegation week to be an event that takes place periodically, where people check on their delegation, and delagates share campaign for delegation.
    • Delegates can update their records via tally.xyz/delegation-week
  • Delegates encouraged to update their delegate profiles e.g:
    - Who you are
    - What you are doing in ENS
    - What do you care about / what do you stand for
    - What plans you might have
  • This open inititaive is an opportunity:
    • to remind other delegates of what is happening
    • for governance token holders to check on their delegate
    • for new delegates to share themselves

Metagov has sponsored 5k towards gasless delegation.

  • If you hold 10 or more $ENS Goverance tokens you are eligible for gasless (i.e. free) delegation on tally.xyz during delegation week (May 22 - May 26). Tally | ENS
    (Reminder that gasless redelegation continues on https://delegate.ens.domains/ for 50+ Governance token holders.)

4. Open Discussion

  • ENSify won $2,500 for the ‘Kind Reminder’ bounty for the Aragon DAO Global Hackathon 2023.
    • “Kind Reminder Bounty: Notifying interested parties about governance proposals or working group meetings can be a tedious task. With the governance community spread across Twitter, email, and Telegram it would be great to give people the option to get reminders where they prefer. Not everyone hangs out in governance forums to stay up to date with notifications”
    • Alisha will look to implement ENSify IRL with Greg over the next few weeks.
  • Discussion around stream contracts (e.g. sablier.finance) for use in working groups, to stream steward payments, which are set at the start of the Term in the funding request.

Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, May 23rd @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherine.eth, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop


1. General DAO Updates

2. Endowment Updates + Presentation

3. Reserve for Open Discussion

  • Josh from DAOStar Presentation

  • Ben from ScopeLift

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 23rd, 2023

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile

Note: Read the minutes from prior calls above.


katherinewu, nick johnson, simona pop, 5pence, alisha.eth, ben DiFrancesco, coltron.eth, cornelia weinzieri, elbagococina, elbagococina, enspunks, greg skriloff, joshua tan, lawrence roman, lawrence roman, luca mossini, marcus martinez, nick johnson, santinomics, tomas, yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

  • It’s Delegation Week - gasless ‘free’ delegation
  • Secretary Appointment (@limes.eth)
    • @Coltron.eth stepped down as DAO secretary, and stewards appointed @limes for the remainder of term.
    • Secretary repsonsibilities include communicaiton across working groups, managing DAO wide calendar, multisig keyholder, and more
    • limes will be on the call next week to introduce themself. Limes is also an Ecosystem WG steward.
  • Term 2 Steward Elections coming up
    • Rules for Steward elections are set out in rules 4 and 5 of the Working Group Rules.
      • To successfully get onto the ballot for a working group steward election, nominees need to receive 10k votes in support of their nomination between June 6 - 9.
      • Election period is June 10 -15.
    • Based on feedback from last term; alisha will create the nomination threads in the forum a week earlier to increase awareness around nominations. This will give more lead time for community members to get involved and campaign for votes with Delegates.

2. Endowment updates + Presentations

  • @tomas from @karpatkey shared the Endowment Weekly Reports - #11
    • Weekly reports are shared in this same thread, where you can also engage and discuss with the karpatkey team
    • There was further discussion around a recent enquiry about runway & interest (read here)
      • @santinomics, @alisha & @nick discussed the intention of the endowment to grow over time. When the endowment was first discussed, the intention was a target of $2m/year in interest to cover basic costs. Endowment revenues are intended as survival mechanism rather than a replacement of all operating expenses from all dao activities.
    • Proposal for whitelist items related to the endowment.ens.eth wallet has been reviewed and will be posted in coming days. An executable vote on Tally will follow, and if passed, the proposal will be deployed and executed.

3. Open Discussion

  • Ben DiFrancesco from ScopeLift

    • Ben shared about ScopeLift - dev shop/engineering team, that has been building on ethereum for 7 years. This includes work with contract development, building for projects, as well as additional Public Goods Works (incl those funded by Ethereum Foundation, MolochDAO)
    • Has been focused on DAO governance for last year and a half
    • Interested to partner & provide ‘flexible voting’ integrations
  • Josh from DAOStar | website

    • Joshua shared about DAOstar - who are focused on standards and public goods for DAOs and DAO tooling; developing basic infrastructure for reporting that is both public & interoperable.
    • Recently passed a proposal with aave and interested to partner with ENS
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Agenda and Minutes for Weekly Meta-Gov Meeting, May 30th @ 11AM ET

Google Meet link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq
Stewards: @katherinewu, @nick.eth, and @simona_pop

1. General DAO Updates

2. Endowment Updates + Presentation

3. Reserve for Open Discussion

  • Refunding Gas for Delegations & Governance Votes

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, May 30th, 2023

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile

Minutes by @184.eth


katherine, nick.eth, alisha.eth, cornelia weinzierl, gregskril.eth, lawrence roman, limes.eth, lyt.eth, maintainer, marcus (estmcmxci), marcus am, marina, santinomics, tomas, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

@limes | ENS Profile | twitter

  • New WG Secretary @Limes
    • Secretary repsonsibilities include communication across working groups, managing DAO wide calendar, multisig keyholder, and more
    • Handover from coltron to Limes is underway. Limes has been previously worked with Colton as far back as when the DAO was created.
    • Limes is also an Ecosystem WG steward.

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

2. Endowment updates + Presentations

  • @tomas & @santinomics.eth shared the Weekly Report (@karpatkey)
    • Aura have a planned migration that will affect the pool used by endowment. While a simple migration, it require updating preset and prompts two community votes.
      • To avoid doubling efforts, Karpatkey will wait two weeks to combine into a single community vote.
    • General question about review periods & changing of strategy was asked.
      • Any change is a joint exercise, with proposed changes to strategy being initiated by either karpatkey or from DAO community. Karpatkey keep to the long term vision of the endowment and continue to monitor market conditions, new trends, etc,

Weekly reports are shared in the same forum thread, where you can also engage and discuss with the karpatkey team

3. Open Discussion

  • Refunding Gas for Delegations & Governance Votes
    • MetaGov will be reimbursing gas costs for governance proposals dating back to the beginning of the DAO.
      • This includes any onchain executable proposal where deelgates have paid gas to vote.
      • ethback.xyz, a tool created by @gregskril, will be used to distribute reimbursements
  • Gasless delegation continues
    • MetaGov will keep up gasless delegation for another month on Tally.xyz for anyone holding 10 or more $ENS Goverance tokens
    • Gasless redelegation also continues on delegate.ens.domains for 50 or more Governance token holders.
  • @alisha.eth is on a space with Evan talk about all things ENS DAO, and the upcoming Steward elections - listen to the recording here
tags: MetaGov

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 6th, 2023


Time/Day – 11am ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile

:::info :information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above. :::


    1. General DAO Updates

Steward Elections are LIVE - Snapshot | Forum

tags: MetaGov

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 6th, 2023


Time/Day – 11am ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.

minutes by @184.eth


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Updates + Presentation
  3. Reserve for Open Discussion


katherinewu, simona pop, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, coltron.eth, gregskriloff, macus AM, santinomics, sebastien derivaux, tomas, vincent (Zadok7.eth), yungSB, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

Steward Elections are LIVE - Snapshot | Forum

  • Nomination window is open for voting
  • Don’t forget to post in the forum, and in snapshot
  • Once nomination close (9am June 9th UTC) it moves onto the election process (9am June 10th - 9am June 15th UTC)

@alisha.eth | ENS Profile | twitter

Listen to the twitter spaces Alisha.eth held on Monday, June 5th - Learn about Working Group Steward Nominations & Elections

  • In addition to talking points in the tweet, were topics:
    • Discretion granted to stewards in their role
    • Determining whether funding is Ecosystem or Public Goods related
    • Different skillsets bridging across to the web3 space
  • Alisha.eth will hold another twitter spaces on Monday, June 12th for all nominees of working groups
    • This is also an opportunity for delegates to be on the call and provide insight

2. Endowment updates + Presentations

:information_source: Weekly & Monthly reports are uploaded into thread: endowment-weekly-reports & thread: Financial Reporting by Steakhouse, where you can engage and discuss with the @karpatkey & @Steakhouse teams

3. Open Discussion


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tags: MetaGov

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 13th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


    1. General DAO Updates
    1. Endowment Updates + Presentation
    1. Reserve for Open Discussion

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 13th, 2023

Minutes by @184.eth


katherine, nick.eth, simona pop, 5pence, alisha.eth, alexandro netto, aman deep, cap, coltron.eth, isaac patka, josh (ParaFi), josh solesbury, joshua tan, katherine, limes.eth, luca mossini, lyt.eth, maintainer, santinomics, sebastien derivaux, tomas, yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

:studio_microphone: Twitter Space
Listen to the recording where candidates shared more information about their nomination statements.

  • Normalisation
    • @raffy posted EP 3.7 Approval of ENS Name Normalization Standard (ENSIP-15) - Please vote

2. Endowment updates + Presentations

Weekly & Monthly reports are uploaded into thread: endowment-weekly-reports & thread: Financial Reporting by Steakhouse, where you can engage and discuss with the karpatkey & Steakhouse teams

3. Open Discussion

@amanwithwings | Aman shared about (Draft) (Executable) Extend ENS DAO to EIP 4824

  • The proposal is in draft state, and is hoped to go to onchain vote this week
  • Aman, Josua Tan, & Isaac Patka were on the call to discuss and ask questions. These included:
    • Determing what classifies a ENS DAO Member (later determined as any delgate or delegator)
    • Feedback on an implementation where DAOs publish a txt record on their ENS name

Josh from ParaFi

  • ParaFi is a crypto-native investment and technology firm
  • Josh shared about Real Word Asset (RWA) opportunities for DAOs
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tags: MetaGov

Agenda for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 20th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


1. General DAO Updates

2. Endowment Updates + Presentation

3. Reserve for Open Discussion

  • RWA Strategies for DAOs – Charlie from RWA.xyz

  • DAO Tooling? (@alisha.eth )

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, June 20th, 2023

minutes by @184.eth


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @simona_pop | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Updates + Presentation
  3. Reserve for Open Discussion
    • RWA Strategies for DAOs – Charlie from RWA.xyz


katherine, 5pence.eth, alexandro netto, alisha.eth, arcadian.eth, charlie you, coltron.eth, evan, gregskril, limes.eth, lyt.eth, maintainer, santinomics, yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

  • Steward Elections
  • ENS Town Hall
    • ENS Town Hall for Q2/2023 is happening on Thursday, June 29th at noon ET, visit lu.ma/enstownhallq2 to sign up.
    • You can attend the The Town Hall Zoom call. Or watch live on the ENS Domains youtube channel.
      • Applying to join the zoom call gives more direct access to Q&A.
      • If you are building with ENS and interested in presenting at the Town Hall, please reach out to alisha.eth on Twitter: @futurealisha
  • MetaGovernance WG Funding Requests
    • To request funding from the MetaGov WG, you can submit a request through this Deform
  • EP 3.7 ENS Name Normalization Standard (ENSIP-15) passed with over 1.9m votes. Read up on [EP3.7]
  • :exclamation: Next week’s MG call will be cancelled ahead of the Town Hall.

2. Endowment updates + Presentations

  • @santinomics.eth | @karpatkey shared the latest Endowment Weekly Report
  • General
    • Karpatkey continue working on whitelist strategies while waiting on Aura technical updates
    • Community discussion included topics of diversification, decentralization, staking, yields, and how the 2nd tranche of endowment funds will be allocated
      • 2nd tranche is expected ~ September after whitelist strategies vote
  • Santinomics will share the status of endowment and future plans during the town hall

Weekly & Monthly reports are uploaded into thread: endowment-weekly-reports & thread: Financial Reporting by Steakhouse, where you can engage and discuss with the karpatkey & Steakhouse teams

3. Open Discussion

Charlie You from rwa.xyz

@katherine.eth provided context to recent discussions on RWAs – RWAs have been gaining momentum and with recent announcements including, ‘MakerDAO Paves Way for Additional $1.28B U.S. Treasury Purchase’, it’s an idea for ENS DAO to think about RWAs and get educated.


Agenda for Meta-Gov meeting, June 27th, 2023

No meeting this week, see you at the town hall!

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 4th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


1. Townhall Q2 2023 recap! Twitter recap | Recording on Youtube

**2. New Steward: @5pence.eth - quick introduction **

3. Endowment updates + Presentations

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 4th, 2023


Time/Day – 11am ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ecm-szpi-afs

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.

minutes by @184.eth


  1. Townhall Q2 2023 recap! Twitter recap | Recording on Youtube
  2. New Steward: 5pence.eth
  3. Endowment Updates + Presentation
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion


katherine, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, 184.eth, 5pence, cap.eth, coltron.eth, greg skriloff, katherine wu, limes.eth, maintainer.eth, marcus (estmcmxci), santinomics, tomas, tomas, vincent (zadok7.eth)

1. Townhall Q2 2023

  • ENS Town Hall Q2 2023 was held last week - it was the longest Town Hall yet, and clocked in at just over 2 hours.
    :point_right: Watch the stream on Youtube HERE (MetaGov from 30:44).
    :point_right: Catch up on all the highlights with THIS tweet thread.

2. New Steward: 5pence.eth

3. Endowment updates + Presentations

  • @santinomics.eth | @karpatkey shared the latest Endowment Weekly Report
  • Starting this month, reports will be monthly in this new thread
    • Read up on past reports here
    • Watch Karpatkey’s Town Hall share on Youtube HERE
  • tomas & santinomics shared about transitioning to monthly reports.
    • Where e.g. July results are presented in August.
    • Reports will bring more information,
    • Karpatkey remains accessible via forum
  • :pencil2: Read the [Draft Executable] Approve further actions and strategies for the Endowment HERE

4. Open Discussion

[TEMP CHECK] ENS invalid name refund proposal

  • Aiming to get social vote completed early, to sync up onchain vote with with that of Endowment (above)

Bounty: Gitcoin Passport plug-in for Discourse

  • This joint project between ENS and Gitcoin, funded by the DAO Tooling pod, which is funded by the Meta-Governance Working Group.
  • It is intended that this could be something other Governance Forums can implement and become a Public Good to experiment with.
  • The intention is to deliver this term.

Delegate Feed

  • There’s’s ongoing work to implement a delegate feed (e.g. announcements of proposals to a telegram channel). This tooling comes from a recent winner of the Aragon DAO hackathon, which ENS sponsored.


  • Working groups are exploring other tools to change up eligibility & voting for various grants.

From Paris with Limes.eth

  • Register for the upcoming ENS Social Event at ETHCC Paris

Happening Now - ETH Barcelona


Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 11th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


1. General DAO Updates

  • Register for the upcoming ENS Social Event at ETHCC Paris

2. Endowment + Treasury updates

3. Upcoming DAO Voting Window (@5pence.eth)

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 11th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

minutes by @184.eth

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment + Treasury updates
  3. Upcoming DAO Voting Window (@5pence.eth)
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion


katherine wu, 5pence.eth, nick.eth, alisha.eth, arcadian, evan, greg skriloff, limes.eth, lyt.eth, marcus (estmcmxci), santinomics, sebastien derivaux, tomas, vegayp.eth, vincent (zadok7.eth), yungsb, 184.eth,

1. General DAO Updates

IRL in Paris

  • Register for the upcoming ENS Social Event at ETHCC Paris, on July 18th 6:30-10:30pm. Go to lu.ma/ensparis
    • Ping Limes if you’re having issues registering

Gas refunds for voting on Executable Proposals

2. Endowment + Treasury updates

  • Tomas | @karpatkey gave updates on Further Strategies for Endowment
    • Nick.eth & ricmoo.eth will carry out an audit.
    • Voting is expected in the last week of July.
    • karpatkey are preparing in case the preset update is approved.
  • @Steakhouse gave updates on ENS June Financial Report
  • Reminder: starting this month, Endowment-specific reports will be posted on a monthly cadence in this new thread
    • Karpatkey are available in MetaGov calls & forum to answer further questions on endowment strategies, context, progress etc.

3. Upcoming DAO Voting Window (@5pence.eth)

@5pence.eth | ENS Profile | Twitter

  • July DAO Voting Window [Q3/Q4 2023] is scheduled for the last week of July.
    • Read the forum thread for information on proposals/Votes
  • Intention is for voting windows to take place in the last week of each month, enabling delegates to check in in the last week of the month for votes.
  • Ultimately, anyone with 100k $ENS delegated can post an executable proposal whenever they want. To the extent a proposal moves through the governance forum, MetaGov WG stewards and alisha.eth will coordinate timing for the last week of the month.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Small Grants voting was discussed

  • Are Ecosystem and Public Goods Working groups exploring other requirements beyond token weighted voting for small grants?
    • Minimising delegating voting events at a DAO-wide level isn’t impactful if Delegates are required to vote monthly on small grants rounds.

Telegram Proposal Feed was discussed

  • There’s ongoing work to implement a proposal feed (e.g. announcements of proposals to a telegram channel). This tool comes from a recent winner of the Aragon DAO hackathon, which ENS sponsored.
    • Alisha.eth will sync with nick.eth and gregskril.eth about hosting for this tool.

Multi-Delegate Token contract was discussed

  • Recently Nick shared about Muhammed/mdt.eth’s work on a Multi-Delegate Token contract in the Q2 Town Hall HERE
    • The work is close to being ready for audit, and is on track to be completed and ready this quarter.
    • ENS is pioneering this development, which will enable any token and be useful in other DAOs.

Next Week’s call Postponed

  • Next week’s call is postponed due to events of ETHCC & the ENS ETHCC Paris Event on that evening.
  • MetaGov WG calls will resume Tuesday 25th July 2023.

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 18th, 2023

No meeting this week. Hope everyone is having a fun + productive time at EthCC!

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 25th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


1. General DAO Updates
2. Endowment Update

3. DAO Tooling

  • Telegram Bot Integration

4. Budget for T2

Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, July 25th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)

minutes by @184.eth

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Update
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Budget for Term 2


katherine wu, 5pence.eth, nick.eth, alisha.eth, aman deep, arcadian, coltron.eth, greg skriloff, limes,.eth, lyt.eth, makoto inoue, marcus (estmcmxci), santimnomics, sebastien derivaux, senad dilji, tomas, yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

@matoken.eth (ENS | Twitter)
ENS invalid name refund proposal

  • ENS invalid name refund proposal was discussed, and an in-call vote carried out based on the two options.
    • Further discussion will happen in the next Ecosystem WG call on Thursday 27 July.
    • Distribution logic for either option is yet to be determined and still requires further work if the distribution method is for a claim rather than an airdrop. There is a potential to save gas and ETH with the claim option.
    • An executable vote will be pushed to the August or September voting window to allow time to confirm amount and distribution method.

2. Endowment Update

  • Tomas | @karpatkey gave updates on Endowment & Executable Proposal.
    • Including the inclusion of Item 16: Adding swapping options on Cow Swap
    • @avsa.eth has reviewed the code. @nick.eth will audit Wednesday; followed by a Karpatkey & WG sync.
      • If progressed, Nick.eth will put it to an Executable vote on Tally.
    • EP 4.1 is included in the Governance Docs here.

Dashboard Updates

  • In the coming weeks a new dashboard will be shared to the forum. This dashboard is related to endowment web report and replaces the PDF previously being shared.
    • The information presented should be relevant for decision making, tracking metrics, etc and the Karpatkey team will be available for feedback and questions.
  • Reminder: Endowment-specific reports will be posted on a monthly cadence in this new thread
    • Karpatkey are available in MetaGov calls & forum to answer further questions on endowment strategies, context, progress etc.

3. DAO Tooling

@gregskril (ENS | Twitter)
DAO Tooling - Telegram Proposal Feed

  • Gregskril has developed a tool, inspired by Aragon DAO hackathon, to automatically pull in executable proposals, and possibly snapshot proposals & more. This enable a feed for delegates and other interested parties.
    • Follow ENS_DAO on twitter for upcoming announcement.

@amanwithwings (ENS | Twitter) from DAOstar (Twitter)
Extend ENS DAO to EIP 4824

Summary: July Voting Window

4. Budget for T2

  • Budget for Term 2 (Q3/Q4 2023) will be posted this week and details will be discussed in the next call.
    • There will be no MetaGov WG funding request for this term.
1 Like

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 1st, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


1. MG WG Budget Discussion

2. Endowment Update

3. DAO Tooling

@bendi from Scopelift

PSA Telegram channel for Proposals is live! https://twitter.com/ENS_DAO/status/1685985910037647362?s=20

4. Reserved for Open Discussion


Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 1st, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.

Minutes by @184.eth


  1. MG WG Budget Discussion
  2. Endowment Update
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion


katherine wu, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, alisha.eth, ben difrancesco, danial jacobs, elbagococina, greg skriloff, limes.eth, lyt.eth, marcus (estmcmxci), sanitnomics, senad dilji, tomas, yungsb, 184.eth

1. MG WG Budget Discussion

@katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter) & @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)

  • Q3/Q4 2023 Budget: ENS MetaGovernance Working Group is posted to the forum.
  • All working groups are making the most of existing balances in wallets. The MetaGov WG will not request additional funds from the treasury to fund this term.
    • ‘MetaGov WG Discretionary’ is the amount left over and has been assigned for unexpected expenses and experiments that may arise.
    • ‘Endowment Management Fees’ is an extrapolation, and if Assets Under Management (AUM) increase, this amount will also go up.
  • The ‘$ENS Governance Token Distribution’ section of the budget includes token distributions from the last term [to Tally, Parcel & Metropolis].
    • The MG philosophy is to issue Governance Tokens to partners and stakeholders, and increase participation from key DAO-related projects that build DAO infrastructure and have a deep understanding of the space.

MG Sponsorship & Events

  • Q1/Q2 initiatives included sponsoring DAO-specific hackathons, such as Aragon and DAOTokyo.
    • If you know of a hackathon or events that you think are important for ENS to have a presence at, please raise this with stewards.
    • We are always happy to sponsor initiatives that result in building better tools for DAOs and making the governance process easier.
  • Suggestions for sponsoring events or attendance can also be made on the ENS feedback platform at ens.canny.io
    • These submissions have visibility from ENS Labs and stewards.

Security Advisory

2. Endowment Update

  • Tomas | @karpatkey provided updates on the Endowment and the Executable Proposal.

Endowment funds are unaffacted by current Curve situation

  • The Endowment removed liquidity from Curve a while ago and had no exposure during this event
  • In lending markets in general, there is, however, a large CRV position in Aave & Frax, and it’s possible this could have an unwinding effect. The Endowment is monitoring the situation closely and being extremely cautious.
  • @katherine.eth asked about Karpatkey’s strategy to monitor during these events.
    • Karpatkey shared about their system which monitors relevant metrics: they track protocols, financial aspects, governance, and exploits or hacks. They receive alerts on abnormal situations and promptly meet to evaluate the situation.
    • They take the conservative measure to withdraw liquidity if they have any doubts - considering that the upside of this is avoiding a problem, while the downside is limited to gas fees + opportunity cost in interest. This framework is used to evaluate every situation.

Karpatkey’s Dune Governance Dashboard

  • Keep an eye on the Forum for a post with links to the dashboard.
  • The main objective of the dashboard is to be a central source of truth. It is designed mainly for the ENS DAO.
    • It contains data on general stats, delegation stats, non-delegated wallets, and many other variations.
    • Includes charts displaying the current number of delegates, delegation percentage over circulating supply, and more.
    • Presents information about delegates, delegation power changes, voting age, and identifies and categorises tokens that are not delegated.
  • The intention is to make this the go-to place for any question related to delegates, voting power, concentration changes in delegation, and more.
    • Previously, information was scattered, and they have now combined and added new elements to keep it simple and useful.
    • While this is perhaps beyond the scope of a treasury manager, Karpatkey thought they could add value by doing this, as they were exploring this themselves and found it useful.
    • Karpatkey will move forward with the forum post. Reach out to them if you are interested in providing feedback.

3. DAO Tooling

@bendi (ENS | Twitter) from ScopeLift

  • Ben DiFrancesco last shared during MetaGov Meeting - May 23rd
  • Read up on the Introducing Flexible Voting: A Powerful New Building Block for DAO Governance
  • @alisha asked about any developments with other DAO communties in the recent months?
    • Flexible voting contracts were audited again as part of Frax DAO Governance system being audited. This is expected to go live in coming weeks.
    • Gitcoin has a snapshot vote up to approve the upgrade proposal, and the onchain proposal is expected in the coming days.
    • PoolTogether DAO is following a similar process; having completed the engineering they are now going through internal review.
      • Internal review involves audit by an engineers who was not involved in product.
      • Upon completion they will deploy the candidate governor, and go through the process of (temp check, etc).
    • There are others DAOs they’re also working with through these earlier stages.
  • Ben shared two use case categories:
    • Integrations: where token holders are enabled to participate in governance while using their tokens for other purposes. Examples:
      • Yield Farming and Voting: Token holders can deposit their tokens in yield farming protocols like Aave or Compound and still participate in governance using their share of the pool that remains deposited.
      • Layer 2 Voting: Token holders can vote on L2s, by recoridng votes using bridge tokens, and then message pass down to L1 the roll up of votes on L2.
        • This MVP is currently being built with a grant from the Ethereum Foundation (EF).
    • Experiments around Voting: where you can trial different voting schemes and features to enhance governance. Examples:
      • Shielded Voting: Voters can deposit their tokens into a pool using zero-knowledge proofs and submit their votes anonymously, ensuring privacy.
      • Chained Delegation: Delegates can represent other delegates, enabling multi-level delegation structures. E.g. Person A delegates to Person B, who delegates to person C - If A&B dont vote and Person C does, Person C represents the sum of votes in that chained delegation.
      • Incentivized Voting: Providing rewards or incentives for active participation in governance.
      • Quadratic Matching Voting: Using quadratic matching algorithms to give more power to smaller voters based on additional delegated power.
  • Additionally, there’s the possibility of building governance dashboards for exchanges to use flexible voting as infrastructure to allow their customers to participate in governance.
  • Scopelift are actively seeking funding and grants to build out some of these use cases, and expect more adoption of flexible voting in the near future.

PSA Telegram channel for Proposals is live

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Over time.

1 Like

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 8th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC), every Tuesday.
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth | ENS Profile, @nick.eth | ENS Profile, @5pence.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  1. Endowment Updates (@Steakhouse @karpatkey )
  1. DAO Tooling
  2. Reserved for Open Discussion
  • Refund Proposal Update

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, August 8th, 2023


Time/Day – 11pm ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link – meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter)

minutes by @184.eth

:information_source: Read up on the minutes from prior calls above.


  1. General DAO Updates
  2. Endowment Updates (@Steakhouse @karpatkey )
  3. DAO Tooling
  4. Reserved for Open Discussion
    • Refund Proposal Update


katherine wu, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, alexandro netto, alisha.eth, cap, coltron, evan moyar, greg skriloff, limes.eth, lyt.eth, makoto inoue, marcus estmcmxi, sebastien derivaux, tomas, yungsb, 184.eth

1. General DAO Updates

Submit ENS Feedback — ens.canny.io

  • ens.canny.io is a feedback platform for feature requests, integrations, and bug reports.
  • This tool allows for upvoting, and, when adopted, can be powerful for community involvement and building.
    • An example of a successful execution is clickup.canny.io which has thousands of upvotes in their feature request section.

Security Advisory Discussion

  • Read the forum post by @Nick.ethSecurity advisory: A malicious DAO update could reduce the registration duration of registered .eth 2LDs
  • Nick.eth discussed the technical issue in the ethregistrar controller [& affecting namewrapper] and its two main risks:
    • Accidental release of an update that might make the bug exploitable.
    • Deliberate release of an update that could potentially lead to misuse.
  • Two solutions presented: do nothing or deploy a preventive patch.
    • Taking no action assumes trusting that the DAO wouldn’t maliciously exploit the bug.
    • Nick has written a patch to deploy a new admin contract as a way to prevent any potential exploitation.
  • Nick has suggested the matter be opened for further discussion of pros & cons, and asking the question: are the trade-offs worth it?
    • The aim would be to gather opinions and then eventually proceed through an offchain temp check on the best course of action.
  • ENS Community with relevant experience are encouraged to comment on posts, have conversations, think it through, and bring up discussion points early - rather than at time of a vote.

2. Endowment Update

Financial Reporting

Discussion: Diversification

  • @5pence.eth raised discussion of diversification into Liquid Staking Tokens (LST’s) outside of Lido, and what are the goals (following the newly approved endowment strategies)? Discussion followed:
    • Present action is to progressively diversify stakeETH position into Rocketpool.
    • For the moment, the goal is a 20% stake in Rocketpool and 80% in Lido (principally due to liquidity).
    • Conversation continued into broader conversation about the market share Lido has in relation to network risk.
    • Nick.eth emphasised being in favour of validator diversity, not putting all assets in one place, and moving the balance towards other reliable staking providers.
    • Alexandro Netto highlighted that diversifying across LSTs may reduce slippage.
    • Discussion ended with setting a 50% target percentage to LSTs, to avoid concentration of assets.
    • Karpatkey will review impacts of possible cap to Lido’s percentage at 50%, and report back on feasibility and safety.

Passed - [EP 4.1] [Executable] Approve further actions and strategies for the Endowment

Karpatkey Monthly Reports

3. DAO Tooling

Agora Proposal Interface

  • @Alisha.eth and @gregskril are syncing with Agora (agora.ensdao.org)
  • The new interface is 80-90% complete, pending a list of updates which is expected to be finalised in the coming weeks.
  • It will be possible to create both social & executable proposals through the new interface, as well as vote, or link to vote, enabled.

4. Reserved for Open Discussion

Social Proposals vs Offchain Temp Checks
Discussion is related to the Governance Process an posting offchain Temp Checks to the ENS Snapshot Space where the purpose of the vote is to aide an Executable Proposal.

  • The current governance process has evolved since the DAO was launched.
    • Today, there is a distinction between Social Proposals (offchain) and Executable Proposals (onchain) – [Executable proposals are anything impacting the ENS protocol or DAO treasury.]
    • Alisha.eth suggested using the ENS Snapshot space to run Temp Checks.
      • The purpose of temp checks are to gauge how delegates might vote in relation to an Executable Proposal.
      • This enables delegates to indicate their position, plant seeds and start discussion.
      • Social Proposals are distinct proposals that are passed to legitimize certain positions taken by the DAO.
      • Temp Checks are used as part of the process related to an Executable Proposal. They are not binding, nor do they need to reach quorum to be useful to the proposer.
    • Alisha.eth is open to feedback.
      • Nick.eth considered it a reasonable approach…

Executable Proposal for Invalid Name Refund

  • Read the original forum thread by Makoto: ENS invalid name refund proposal
  • @Alisha.eth has created a draft Executable Proposal for the refund proposal and will post it to the forum in the coming week.
    • The proposal presents the two primary options for refund: Option A and Option B.
    • The distribution method will be confirmed after the refund components are confirmed.
      • Makoto remarked that an airdrop method (as opposed to a claim method) may be simpler and easier.
    • Timeline and Execution:
      • Potential timeline for Executable Proposal is EOM or the late September voting window.
    • A temp check may be used. Alternatively, Alisha will poll large Delegates directly.
  • A visual diagram of options was included in the draft to help explain the Option differences.

Karpatkey’s Dune Governance Dashboard