Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, October 11th, 2023
Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link:
Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | X), @nick.eth (ENS | X), @5pence.eth (ENS | X)
- General DAO Updates
- frENS day- November 13th @ DevConnect
- Link to Get Tickets
- Speaker Nominations
- Invalid Refund name proposal
- Endowment Updates + Discussion (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
- DAO Tooling
- Scopelift
Notes by @limes
katherine.eth, nick.eth, 5pence.eth, limes.eth, Cap, charlie feng, coltron.eth, greg skriloff, marcus estmcmxci, slobo.eth, tomas, vegayp, 184.eth, ETH Daily, Pablo Villaba, Santinomics, Sebastien Derivaux, Jeff Lau, Ben DiFrancesco, David garcia
1. General DAO Updates
frENS Day
frENS Day is the premiere event on the first day of DevConnect: Istanbul. The goal is to create a platform for collaboration amongst technology leaders, open-source enthusiasts, governance experts and forward-thinking organizations as we bridge Web2, Web3 and beyond.
Buy a ticket here
ENS Small Grants
Voting on small grants is expected to commence next week
2. Endowment Discussion (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
@Stakehouse | Sebastien Derivaux (X)
Stakehouse made their September 2023 Update and presented on the call.
- Key Points
- ENS revenue for Septemer was at $1.9M
- Cash inflow was at $1M
- Runway is at 139 months
@Karpatkey | Tomas (X)
The ENS endowment sits at $53M with the recent funding of the second tranche
The next steps for karpatkey are deploying the funds received from the second tranche with the following priorities:
- Increase rETH exposure
- Reduce stETH exposure to 20%
- Introduce stratagies via Stakewise and DIVA
3. DAO Tooling
Scopelift (X) | @Ben DiFrancesco (X)
Scopelift is a software engineering consultancy business focused on crypto that wants decentralized governance to thrive. Ben brought a potential attack vector with the OpenZepplin Governor Contracts, which ENS uses for their governance contracts, to the attention of the Metagov call, specifically citing multi-block MEV (not live yet, just hypothetical) as a case study.