☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Meta-Governance Meeting, October 31st, 2023




  1. General DAO Updates
    a. Small Grants - thank you to those who voted!
    b. Voting Windows
    c. Name Normalization Update
  2. Weekly Endowment Updates
  3. DAO Tooling
    • Agora
  4. Open Discussion
    • Social proposal to ask the keyholders to transfer the root to the DAO

Notes by @estmcmxci



184.eth, 5pence.eth, coltron.eth, estmcmxci.eth, ethdaily, gregskril.eth, jefflau.eth, katherine.eth, nick.eth, santinomics, slobo.eth, tomas, vegayp.eth, yitong zhang


1. General DAO Updates

  • Small Grants:

    • Voting for Small Grants round has concluded; community was highly engaged in the grants voting process.
    • Stewards and community expressed gratitude for @gregskril’s contribution.
    • @vegayp recommends retrospection on the process, winners and greater publicity for grant rounds; a discussion on reflecting and iterating on the ensgrants round is floated for next week
    • Small Grants rounds were acknowledged as a way to increase community engagement outside of domain purchases and forum activity.
    • Consider feedback mechanisms for small grants
  • Executive Proposals:

  • Name Normalization Refunds:

    • 116ETH is set to be refunded to about 2800 addresses who had invalid names. Final verification is still in progress.
  • Budget Transparency:

    • Forum post regarding budget transparency is upcoming.
    • More detailed breakdown of compensation for stewards and other roles will be available by week’s end.
    • The community emphasizes fairness and transparency in compensation.
    • General consensus on standardizing steward compensation was addressed .

2. Weekly Endowment Updates

Karpatkey Updates:

3. DAO Tooling: Agora

  • Stewards have tentatively approved funding to improve the proposal process.
  • The main focus is on engaging delegates and contributors. Another aim is to simplify the proposal process while preventing spam.
  • Yitong addresses difficulties faced by first-time delegates in accessing their delegated votes.
  • Suggestions made for potential solutions, including re-delegating tokens.
  • Agora will present an improvement proposal in the coming weeks that can enable past delegates to re-delegate tokens; essentially acting as a registry which the governor contract will listen to as a second source of votes.

4. Proposal for Root-Key Transfer to ENS DAO:*

  • Nick.eth proposes a transfer of the root-key to the ENS DAO, in line with the DAO’s anniversary (November 10th).
  • This move aims for further decentralization.
  • Discussion about the specific controls and functions of the root.

Note on the root-key:
The ENS DAO currently holds ownership of the .eth registrar and has the ability to update the control of the “namewrapper” among other functionalities. However, the core ENS root name remains under the control of the original multi-signature system. This system can create new Top Level Domains (TLDs) and adjust controls for existing TLDs. The notable exception is .eth, which is permanently set and cannot be altered. A function exists that allows locking of any TLD permanently, but it has only been applied to .eth. The primary reason to make any changes to this system is to update reverse resolutions. Moreover, the Labs team is prepared to support primary domain names on Layer 2 solutions (L2s).