☎️ MetaGov Working Group – 2023 Meetings and Minutes Archive

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, December 5, 2023


Time: Tuesdays at 11am ET (3pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @katherine.eth (ENS | Twitter), @nick.eth (ENS | Twitter), @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter )


  1. General DAO Updates
    a. Meta-Gov Steward Elections are Live
    b. EP 4.9 Select Providers for Streams

  2. Town Hall this Wednesday @ 2PM ET! RSVP HERE: ENS Town Hall Q3-Q4 2023 · Zoom · Luma

  3. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey )

  4. EP4.10 Social Proposal: Transfer ENS Root Key Ownership to the ENS DAO

  1. Open Discussion

This is the last Meta-Gov Meeting of 2023-- It’s been a honor to contribute to the ENS DAO! Looking fwd to welcoming new stewards for 2024 :slight_smile: