☎️ MetaGov Working Group – Weekly Meeting: Tuesdays at 2pm UTC (Currently 9:00 am ET)

Agenda and Minutes for Meta-Gov Meeting, March 5th, 2024


Time: Tuesdays at 9am ET (1pm UTC).
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ihz-hdvb-bbq

Stewards: @5pence.eth (ENS | Twitter), @avsa.eth (ENS | Twitter), @estmcmxci.eth (ENS | Twitter),

New proposals are broadcast to Telegram


  1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)
  2. General DAO Updates
    a. EthDenver Recap
    b. Working Group Funding Requests
  3. Klaus Bravenboer from Hack Hummanity
  4. Open Discussion

11 Participants in Meeting (See list of participants at end of notes)

1. Weekly Endowment Updates (@karpatkey + @Steakhouse)

Over $100m due to Eth price appreciation

Preparing to chat with DAO about rebalancing policy, have been doing regular swaps

Q: As ETH appreciates what is the strategy?
A: Swaps are something that are handled regularly. Aiming for 25% stables, lower now due to ETH price appreciation

2. General DAO Updates

EthDenver Recap

  • Great conference! Lots of noise to sift through, but amazing conversations.
  • Really nice to meet people IRL

Working Group Funding Requests

  • Budgets are formed at the start of the term, funding requests follow ~2 months later
  • Will post funding requests to Forum this week for Meta-Gov and Public Goods (Ecosystem not requesting)
  • Funding as a social vote followed by funding as a payment vote will take place over next few weeks. Also, voting on litigation payment will occur

3. Klaus Bravenboer from Hack Hummanity

  • Wanted to create hackathons for more than just technical people, talent exists outside of developers
  • Have run 11 hackathons for numerous different types of organizations, also have background in brand design

  • Create challenge statements to rally hackathon participants around solving problems
  • Ran 3 day hack during EthDenver to ship governance proposals for Arbitrum, goal was to drive trust and innovation across Arbitrum ecosystem

  • Received high NPS scores, participants really enjoyed!
  • More info on hackathon on Arbitrum Forum: Arbitrum GovHack Submissions - Arbitrum
  • Q: How to engage with ENS about running something like this?
  • Spence: Processes to engage with ENS DAO: Create proposal, run temp-check, have flow we can help you with. Success for previous proposals: Outline a problem and demonstrate how you propose to fix the problem. Don’t want a solution looking for a problem.
  • @avsa.eth: How get new people to engage and understand ENS DAO? Engage in voting, understand grants etc.? These are the biggest issues IMO
  • Q: What relationship between ENS and Arbitrum?
  • A: Many developers and ecosystem leaders are connected, connections always being made

4. Open Discussion


Notes by @don.nie

Stay up to date on active ENS DAO proposals by subscribing to the ‘notification-only’ Telegram channel.


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