Name not set opens blank wallet window

I did register my hus.eth name successfully, but when I save it just opens my Coinbase wallet window, which does have some ETH in it, but it’s just a black, blank window and nothing after that. Then when I claim the token for my October 12 purchase, valid in Etherscan, it says I’m not eligible.

I do get Discord messages about ENS domains, but it disregards my selection of Coinbase wallet and offers Metamask instead for claiming. I do have some ETH in the Metamask wallet, but it does not authenticate my Metamask wallet. So both wallets have an ETH balance in them.

Is there some way I can straighten out this wallet confusion?

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I have had the same issues with CBW (for my Domain names) and MetaMask (for my NFTs), because sometimes I have more eth in one wallet than the other. Open On the left side bar, disconnect from the crypto wallet to which it is connected, if any. Go into the wallet that you do not want ENS to connect with. In CBW, go into Settings and then DApp Connections and disconnect from ENS App. In MetaMask, click on the three dots on the right and click on Connected sites, where you can delete, then click on disconnect. Go back to ens.domain home page and click on Connect; it should give you the option to connect to six different wallets. Choose the one which you desire. You should see the wallet address in the top center area. If you keep both wallets open at the same time, you will continue to get error messages, unless you track which one is in effect. If your wallet is not sending notifications to your phone (CBW), you need to delete the app and reinstall it. Similarly, you can sign out of the browser extension to reset that wallet. Know your password and 12 word recovery phrase for the particular wallet so you can sign back in to reset the connection, before you do anything, so you can eliminate the risk of loss. I’ll usually confirm the 12 word recovery phrase has not changed. CBW now makes it easier to choose to confirm by phone or via browser extension, as well as changing your password. I hope this helps!