NameWrapper updates (including testnet deployment addresses)

Has anyone seen this error when registering a new name and attempting to open a wallet for the transaction?


@hodl.esf.eth This has now been deployed to testnet. I’ve updated the addresses above.


Thanks Jeff…

Can you verify the contracts on Etherscan?

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Contracts are now verified!


I’ve just post the draft executable proposal to the forum: [Draft] [Executable] Activate new .eth controller and new Reverse Registrar


If you wrapped any names in a previous deployment of the Name Wrapper, and you want to unwrap them, see this guide: Goerli - Unwrapping From Old Name Wrapper


Any updates or expected date for mainnet deploy?

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(It is literally the last message before you posted.)
This will go to vote on Monday,
…then voting period is seven days.

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I don’t think so… Vote is delayed for one last review of the code and should get findings back next Monday. Date of vote will probably be discussed then.

The NameWrapper, and new versions of the PublicResolver, ETHRegistrarController, and ReverseRegistrar have all been deployed to mainnet. Addresses of these new contracts can be found here: Mainnet deploy of new contracts by Arachnid · Pull Request #236 · ensdomains/ens-contracts · GitHub

They will not be active until the DAO approves a vote to activate them. This will be forthcoming shortly, after the ENS team verifies the deployment.

Edit: We’ve identified a misconfiguration in the original deployment. I’ve redeployed and the team is verifying the new version.


Congratulations everybody!



Hey Nick, is it mandatory for platforms to subscribe to the new contracts or can it still use the (now) old registry/controller/registrar/resolvers in parallel?

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The old .eth registrar controller will remain usable until deprecated (separately); there’s no rush to do that as it still works just fine. Users can use the old resolvers just fine, though they won’t be able to use them with wrapped names.

We’re not upgrading the registry or .eth registrar (in fact, they’re not upgradeable).

The new reverse registrar will need to be used immediately; only one registrar can exist at a time.



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Great news on the mainnet deployments. Congratulations to the team.

I was wondering if before the voting commenced there would also be some visibility of the changes to the metadata of namewrapper. This seems like a very important detail as it contains information across all the marketplaces / dapps for the state of the names, permissions, expiries etc.

Metadata does not seem to be working currently on Goerli.

Also, I know it would require another deployment but I would consider adding in events for eip-4906 Metadata Update Extension so when there is any changes to expiry / fuses the marketplaces can pick them up without a manual refresh of metadata.


Vote is now up! Tally | ENS Proposal

Updating above addresses to include mainnet deployments

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I think the metadata service has yet to be updated, I believe @mdt is working on that.

See this PR for an example of what will be added to the metadata: add namewrapper specific traits to the metadata by mdtanrikulu · Pull Request #150 · ensdomains/ens-metadata-service · GitHub

  • Namewrapper State (string)
    • Wrapped | Emancipated | Locked
  • Namewrapper Expiry Date (date)
  • Namewrapper Fuse States (object)
    • Boolean true|false for every individual fuse/permission

Thanks for the reply.

Shouldn’t this be completed before the voting starts? No-one actually know what this is going to look like on opensea / looksrare until it is finished and working on goerli.

Is there going to be enough time to complete and test it before the deployment datetime?

Also, have you considered implementing eip-4906?