(pRFP) an IPFS .eth websites pinning software

Good points!

I’d like to point out that there’s a second RFP planned if this one is approved:

The plan for the second RFP is for the DAO to fund 2-3 community services for pinning .eth websites (based on this software). The operation should be not expensive with such a software in place.

The problem that was pointed out by the community in the .eth websites SG calls is that pinning is both decentralized and incomplete. I didn’t understand how using IPFS cluster would solve any of those issues?

Btw, did you ever try to run an IPFS pinning service? With the current software existing it’s quite a challenging work.

We also discussed this in the .eth websites SG. The conclusion we came up with was written in the temp check that @gregskril made:

In our conversations, we realized that all of these services use Pinata’s API to upload/pin files to IPFS. This works perfectly as an on-ramp, but feels like a loss for decentralization.

Basically, we didn’t include uploading data because it makes development more complex, and it’s not necessary for solving the problems described in the RFP. It is something that we should add at a later stage to the software though, definitely.

The proposal is for pinning .eth websites, and event listening is needed to determine when a websites was created or changed. Maybe it is indeed a good idea to add avatars/banners to it; we didn’t include it just to stay focused on the topic of .eth websites.

As written in the proposal, a subsequent RFP is planned for operating services based on this software.

We thought to leave these details to the those who will bid on this proposal.

Btw, you are warmly invited to the next call of the .eth websites SG! Everything you wrote is exactly the stuff we discuss there:-)