[pRFPv1] Request for Proposal for dedicated ENS Research, Development & Analytics Working Group

All of this work could take place within the Ecosystem WG under a subgroup or subgroups. There is no need to establish a new working group.

The bar for establishing a new working group should be high and require a clear need for a new working group along with evidence that the work cannot take place within an existing working group. While I think all of these points are definitely worth exploring, I think the work can take place within the Ecosystem WG.

@slobo.eth - what are your thoughts here? could this be an Ecosystem WG subgroup?


That is a fair point! I had thought of it as a subWG first but couldn’t decide under which WG it should fall.

If you are able to make the next ecosystem call @inplco, i’ll put this on the agenda and get discussion going for a sub group.

Broadly, there’s room for ENS to support these types of initiatives, the questions is where, how, and when.

Thanks for creating this pRFP. (I voted no btw in the poll)


Yes, please add it to the agenda. I’ll be at the call.

Could you please elaborate your questions a little bit to give me a sense of direction?

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That’s a discussion. Writing this out would probably take material time and would be better after an initial discussion. I appreciate the clarifying question though.

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That’s a really abstract condition that I wouldn’t know how to test in this proposal or any other case. How would you test this condition?

For example, what makes “Research” fits under the Ecosystem WG? On the other hand, what makes “Community” not fit under the Ecosystem WG?


If anything, I imagined this to fall under Meta-Governance, not Ecosystem. The primary purpose of this subWG would be to drive efficient governance using data, not necessarily targeting ENS ecosystem but rather the internal governance of DAO. Thoughts @Nick, since you are the only working member of the WG? Some parts of it obviously overlap with Ecosystem but that is the case for many things. It is nearly impossible to categorise them cleanly.

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Analytics & Research: I welcome the initiative of providing data-driven insights to ENS and ENS DAO. It seems to be an emerging trend at DAOs and it’s really needed.

Part of it pertains to meta-governance, so I get the argument of having it included in the related WG. However, the proposal offers to include ENS tools, dashboards, and other components in the scope of the analytics work, which makes it less fit as a Meta-Gov WG subgroup. I’m not sure that this is a strong enough argument for creating a new WG though. Should initiatives supported by the DAO be necessarily part of a WG? This is a candid question, I’m not familiar with the way contributions to ENS can be done.

Lastly, the Development part, at least the way it is described in the RFP, seems to be clearly in the scope of the Community WG.


The MetaGov WG specifically deals with matters related to the governance of the DAO. There are different points raised in the initial post that may be suitable for the MetaGov WG.

If you are interested primarily in a subgroup related to DAO analytics or anything that is DAO specific and related to internal governance it would fall within the MetaGov WG and you should request to form subgroup(s) in the MetaGov WG.

However, most analytics related to registrations and integrations etc would fall within the Ecosystem WG.

If you would like subgroups formed, you can make requests to the stewards of the relevant working group(s) and go from there. Where there are questions about what WG should handle the work, there can be more of a discussion to determine the correct working group—it really depends on what you are requesting.

The question raised here was whether there should be a new WG formed. The test is not abstract at all. There are four existing working groups. If work can fall within one of the existing working groups, it should. Based on the points raised in the initial post, I cannot see anything that would not fall within an existing working group.

As has been correctly pointed out, the work might be split across subgroups in two or three working groups. It really depends on the nature of the work, but looking at this in more detail, you could split this work up between all of the working groups.

DAO Analytics = MetaGov WG
Ecosystem Analytics = Ecosystem WG
DAO-specific analytics reputation and voting = MetaGov WG
Conferences, merch etc = Community WG
Public goods DAO alliances etc = PG WG

The work doesn’t need to be siloed. To the extent that there is cross-over between WGs, the different subgroups can work together or one working group may decide to defer to another working group.


Thanks Alisha, as long as the concerns are only about the structure of the proposal, it can be worked on. I will draft an alternate formation where four RDA analysts are spread across all WGs, acting as liaisons and coordinating similar to a hover group. Is that something you will entertain? Each WG will then have its own liaison (in the native RDA subWG). I guess this is sort of like a distributed “WG” where analysts will be coordinating in a distributed sense on issues outlined. They could pull funding directly from the WG as well according to their needs. However, there should still be lead on the four analysts and they will likely be working on overlapping projects most of the time despite being a liaison in their WG.

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Just voicing my opinion since it was asked of the delegates.

I think what alisha says here makes sense. The work described sounds indeed useful.

But it should fall under existing work groups. No need to create new ones.


Thank you for your input Lefteris! I have floated a new proposal considering most objections were around the formation of a new WG. New proposal outlines subWG formation within each WG

The abstract test I referred to is this:

What is a “high bar”, “clear need” or which evidence can be given? This is an abstract test, that can be interpreted by anyone in any fashion they want.

My question is for the future, not for this specific case, because I agree with the new allocation you suggested in your last message for the work described in this proposal.

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The high bar refers to the fact that forming a new working group should be a last resort. If work can fall within an existing working group, it should. If it can’t and there is a need, it might make sense to form another working group. The test is subjective, but it is not “abstract”.

To the extent someone wants to propose a new working group, they should first consult with the stewards of each of the existing WGs to see whether the work can be carried out under an existing WG. In so far as stewards for all four WGs feel like there is no logical place for the work to take place, a discussion can start (as a temp check) on whether a new WG should exist.

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This description now is subjective, I agree, thank you!

I’m still of the opinion that the previous phrasing, with “clear need” (as opposed to just a “need”?) etc is abstract – but ok, it’s not important:)

I really don’t see a reason for this cumbersome process you propose, especially since the stewards in some groups are not very approachable.

Which task fits which WG is something that should come out of the WG descriptions, not from their stewards’ personal opinions.

If someone sees a category of tasks that don’t fit under any of the WGs, why won’t they open a temp-check already? Of course, the temp-check should include an explanation of why the task doesn’t fit any of the descriptions of the existing WGs.


Stewards are responsible for the formation of subgroups within WGs, so it makes sense to first consult stewards before requesting the formation of a new WG.

You can definitely submit a temp check for a new WG without consulting the stewards, but the first question that will likely be asked is whether the stewards have been consulted and there is agreement that the work cannot fall within an existing WG.

If the person, who has not consulted the stewards, can prove that the work cannot take place within an existing WG, there is nothing in the working group rules that stops such a proposal from being advanced.


I don’t really agree, but actually, the parts you omitted while quoting my previous reply could still function as a reply to what you just wrote. So in order not to repeat the discussion, let’s just agree to disagree for the moment?

Thanks for taking the time to discuss, I appreciate it:)


Seems like a natural fit.

As a data analytics company focused on Web3 protocols, we support the development of this group.

For the intricacies of creating a SubWG or new Working Group - I can’t speak to the best option.

Seems like it is not enough of an immediate need, however, I will mirror this frustration:

Stewards are incredibly difficult to approach and are often absent on forums.

Back to ENS data, it’s fun, doable, and leads to a more informed ENS end-user. Check out some previous analyses here:

Results like these will become more ubiquitous with the creation of an analytics-focused group.

We support continued dialogue around this subject.


The v2 of this draft is here: [pRFPv2] Request for Proposal for dedicated ENS Research, Development & Analytics Hover Group

Currently, it has been decided to start this initiative within Meta-Governance as a subWG: Requesting expedited formation of Research & Analytics subgroup, with an intention to ramp it up in Q3/4 across all WGs. I’ll add you to contributors’ list in the subWG.

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