May 11th, 2023
A) General DAO News
B) Grants News
C) BanklessDAO Presentation (@jengajojo)
D) Open space for additional topics
accessor, coltron, gregskril, jenga jojo, maintainer, 184, marcus, martinez, megan fabry, yungsb, avsa, daniel hannum, justin chung, 5pence, alisha, sean murray,
Minutes by @184.eth
A) General DAO News
- Congratulations to Avsa.eth on his election as Foundation Director - Forum Link
- Name normalisation is still to be finalised
- Nick gave update about gasles DNSSEC audit in Ecosystem WG - Forum Thread
- Electons for next term are June 10-15
- Avsa highlighted referral systems as important tool to capture data and be able to give back to community - Forum Thread
B) Grants News
- Growth Grants
- More Information
- Applications are under review. Winners will be announced next thursday (18th May).
- Small Grants
- Proposed to wait for announcement of winners of growth grants before initiating small grants
- Tentative date of 22nd May to announce small grants
- Proposed to combine May & June grants to offer 1ETH to ten projects (instead of five projects)
- Large Grants
- More Information
- Campaign for Large grants will begin soon
- Submissions due 25th May
It was noted small grants rounds have been going on for ~eight months.
- Next month will focus on a retrospective of the these grants
- Schedule for 2nd week of June to look at what worked, what didn’t work, what is effective, etc
- Findings will be shared in the WG meeting and the Q2 Town hall (29th June)
C) BanklessDAO Presentation (@jengajojo)
- BanklessDAO has previously submitted in small grants & growth grants.
- Today they came to share about themselves and answer any questions. This included discussion about three distinct areas:
- English substack newsletter (articles on on dao’s, law, nfts, defi, layer2,)
- Initiative: Bankless africa - Reaching out to people in their native languages -
- International Media Node - for content in different languages -
- You can find out more about BanklessDAO at
D) Open space for additional topics
Topics included:
- There are a number of SAFE goverance tokens for Public Goods. Discussion included how they might be suited for sub committee delegation, individual delegation, etc.
- Open question - has anyone seen a discourse plugin for translation?
Election of new ENS Foundation director
Update on gasless DNSSEC implementation
Proposal to replace ENS14
Growth Grants Info
Large Grants Info