Yes, that’s us
Thank you very much for taking the time to look into and clarify this for us - it is beyond appreciated!
Yes, that’s us
Thank you very much for taking the time to look into and clarify this for us - it is beyond appreciated!
Thanks for the heads up. Just a quick question - would the refund only apply to registered names that have time left on their registration at the time the new social proposal goes into effect? Or would it cover all affected names, even those that have already expired?
@ensrus I am working on compiling the refund list. Would you mind DMing list of names you think under the scope for the refund, so that I can use them as test cases?
Is the test names static, or dynamically (or periodically) fetched from the actual registered names ?
Expired names would not receive a refund, as they don’t have any remaining registration duration left.
All my reports uses ALL names I could find. I was going to recompute the reports for actively registered but I noticed I don’t have a fresh list. I’m computing one now and then I’ll update the reports with just actively registered names.
Thanks for getting back to me about my expired domains. I understand that expired domains are not eligible for a refund because they don’t have any remaining registration duration left.
However, malformed can’t be renewed. And this issue was discussed in the forum more than 6 months ago and It seems to me like the ENS DAO is intentionally allowing all malformed names to expire to avoid any possibility of a refund.
Is there any way the ENS DAO could provide more clarity around this issue or a timeline as to when some kind of solution will be offered for those of us who are affected?
Not sure why you’re jumping to that conclusion, but no, that’s not the case.
From what I recall users had a lot of issues trying to manage their malformed names with the V2 manager app, with the non-normalized characters breaking the app functionality in various unpredictable ways.
Here’s a couple of bug reports I opened about that, during that time:
ENS Support Mods (who are funded by the DAO) have been helping users who reach out for help extend invalid names by interacting with the contracts directly even though it’s out of scope for support.
Why not just issue DAO tokens to them as a compromise? Your comments are strangely defensive for something you should see as part of your vision.
While it was clear to most of us following the thread what wouldn’t be included, people speculating on what would be gave revenue for the DAO, and helped pin down what we wanted to do. To take their money and then blame them, when those people are helping you is pretty bad tbh. Doesn’t matter if they were ignorant, dumb, or foolish. That’s how most fanatics are.
Revenue is way down now. There is likely nothing on the horizon that will bring it in. If you turn your back on people like this, what gives them faith to renew other questionably valuable near term, but valid names?
I have registered 201A ( ‚ ) Single Low Quotation Mark domains through the main ENS Domains App as it shows as a valid domain to register but as it seems they will not be normalized. Will my address be eligible for a refund?
this name appears to be unregistered. @cazer.eth
this was just an example, I have numerous 201A comma names that are registered/were registered.
Can you dm me the tokenid ? I can check the name if it qualifies the refund.
if you can give me opensea url, the url includes the tokenid in the url
ENS Vision Account URL: ENS.Vision - Discover and trade ENS names across marketplaces.
Example of Name: ENS.Vision - Discover and trade ENS names across marketplaces.
ENS Domains Site: ENS App
Edited: Also, will I be eligible for refunds on the names that expired because I did not choose to renew them because of that reason of them not being normalized but I still was able to register them on the ENS Main Site?