- Decreased cost for rent (as stake length increases) sounds better than current/flat system.
- Don’t increase rates on ENS users for “1 year” of registration.
- Give the “integrated notification system” option when the ENS user registers-renews their ENS name; Encourage connection to their Twitter–For notification reasons only.
- When a domain name “expires”, it has 90-days before it “drops” to the pool. During those 90-days, can the ENS name display a message, (when viewed with the .link), (either full page, or as a header ribbon), somehow?
- The goals of squatters are NOT directly opposed to: “[making the ENS] system as easy to use and available as possible for end users who register names with the goal of using them to name decentralized resources”.
- (In a decentralized & free market), this statement is short visioned,
…and impossible (without hurting all users): “we aim to design the system to discourage squatting”.
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