Retrospective 2x airdrop multiplier application process for "unfortunate edge cases"

Hey @spencecoin I can certainly understand “separate” argument here, what I’m saying is that there is this whole system in place which works towards building ENS protocol for a very large number of people. Airdrop itself as seen as mechanism, which kickstarted ENS DAO itself. But its not just airdrop, it is the very first example of public policy generated and maintained by ENS.


Whenever any policy is applied it is uncontested general rule that it should be applied universally to every agent in the system. Lets say we are talking about monetary policy and central bank adjusting interest rate, they are building this policy to improve well being for everyone within the system. There certainly would be a number of cases where agent (firm or individual) would argue that rules should be not applied to them because 123. They would say interest rate for them should be cheaper, to alleviate burden of fixed income payments and so on. Would that be prudent to surgically exclude them from nation-wide policy? I don’t think so. In such scenario everyone in economy suffers from increased ambiguity and decreased transparency. This is very high level overview of situation which is enough for me personally to block this proposal. Greatest good for the greatest number.

But let’s stretch this logic from higher level of abstraction to lower, just to be consistent.


Lets imagine for a second that ENS DAO decided to give this case a serious consideration what would be the cost benefit formula here?

COST = [additional work which needs to be done by ENS dev to implement] +

[increased strain on support on discord, people would flow in demanding to reconsider airdrop ***] +

[increased uncertainly and ambiguity for 100% of current users in the system who are one way or the other exposed to ENS token (directly via airdrop or indirectly via market)] +

[this added ambiguity will stretch far into the future for a very long time, because people will be continuously chasing this precedent]

*** I did this exercise hands on myself, figuring out many cases in support channel re airdrop mechanics, I can tell you from experience that approving this proposition would open endless line of people exercising additional strain on support

BENEFIT = Right now the only person who stands to benefit from this is @greypixel , I can see that @nick.eth made a tweet calling out to the community asking who else thinks was affected by this and I totally support that, I would like to see how many people would turn up who would think they are affected by this situation

In my mind COST is greater than BENEFIT by a magnitude of several orders.

No matter how I look at it, I just don’t see how this should be approved, provided that Delegate is voting in the spirit of “Greatest good for the greatest number” principle.