Someone needs to say it Brantly.eth has the right to say what he believes and so do we all

Someone needs to say it Brantly.eth has the right to say what he believes and so do we all

Let a decentralized protocol be ruled by opinion, ENS be ruled by the dictatorship of opinion, no other opinion allowed, no other .ETH domain names against some opinions is allowed, this is not a decentralized web3 it’s just a shitty centralized company than, more than half of the world is against LGBTQ+ communities, what do we do that for another half of the population we cancel them??, this is neither the United States nor Europe, it’s not you local elections nor the BBC, it is a global protocol, this kind of political point of view should not be in decentralized and censorship-resistant protocol.

I am a muslim and am against the evil of homosexuality will you cancel me and 1.8B muslim and 2B Christian then, let cancel Africa and Asia, India and China, I can’t believe this kind of bullying exists in this decentralized protocol.

Brantly.eth will have my vote


Just because there are a lot of bigots doesn’t make your argument true that being against LGBTQIA is ok. Most of the world used to own slaves, but it didn’t make it right.


In web3, DAO has the power to remove anyone and everyone through voting.

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i ain’t reading all that
i’m happy for u tho
or sorry that happened
we still will be voting you guys out tho

Please continue discussion here. I am consolidating related topics into one.

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