NOTE: There was a slight error with these calculations, and they should be considered invalid.
Current Standings
Please note these results are not final, as voting is still active.
as of Tue, 14 Jun 2022 23:22:13 GMT
Public Goods
anthonyware.eth / Anthony (618,587.54 votes) - 1stavsa.eth (544,945.46 votes) - 2ndceresstation.eth / Scott (544,922.78 votes) - 3rdhellenstans.eth (471,234.70 votes)kn00t.eth (0.00 votes)stevegachau.eth (0.00 votes)ricmoo.eth (0.00 votes)
limes.eth (481,384.22 votes) - 1stvalidator.eth (475,807.23 votes) - 2ndcoltron.eth (475,787.95 votes) - 3rdvegayp.eth / Eduardo (237,535.69 votes)daylon.eth (232,620.71 votes)
ENS Ecosystem
bobjiang.eth (645,684.19 votes) - 1stvalidator.eth (566,582.61 votes) - 2ndslobo.eth (566,551.78 votes) - 3rdlimes.eth (487,379.28 votes)jefflau.eth (0.00 votes)neiman.eth (0.00 votes)
estmcmxci.eth / Marcus MartÃnez (592,060.57 votes) - 1stcoltron.eth (519,679.57 votes) - 2ndnick.eth (519,664.37 votes) - 3rdsimona.eth / Simona (447,244.09 votes)carlosdp.eth (0.00 votes)kendraleong.eth (0.00 votes)coolhorsegirl.eth (0.00 votes)batus.eth / Batus (0.00 votes)