Steward nomination: Public Goods working group

Snapshot Nomination
• Preferred Name: LogicBeach
• ENS Name: LogicBeach.eth
• Forum Username: Logic-Beach
• Twitter: @Logic_Beach

Simply, I am a user and supporter of many public goods in the Ethereum ecosystem, and this stewardship is a way to give back and help one grow!

My background and career are in science, which in its own right is an open source public good; part of my ethos is supporting publicly useful endeavors, so the Public Goods steward position seem the best fit for me.

I have experience with front-ends, basic smart contracts, and data analytics, but feel greatest strength is my ability to communicate well with folks from any technical or non-technical background. I would like to put this strength to good use and see ENS as a worthy project.

Plus, I certainly have 10+ hours a week that I could give to supporting ENS! I see ENS as an important component of the Ethereum ecosystem, so anything that I can do to help it grow would be very rewarding.
