Steward Nominations — Meta-Governance Working Group

MetaGov WG Steward Nominations are now open!

To nominate yourself to be a steward of the Meta-Governance Working Group, complete the steps below before 9am UTC on December 9.

Nomination Process

To nominate yourself as a Steward of the Meta-Governance WG, follow these three steps:

Step 1

Reply to this post with the following information:

  • Link to Snapshot: (fill this in after Step 2)
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name:
  • Forum username:
  • Twitter profile link (optional):
  • Why you would be a good Steward of this working group?

Step 2

Create a Snapshot vote in the ENS WG Steward Nomination space here . Select “New Proposal” and use the following template:


  • Title: [[Name of working group]] Nominate [your preferred name or ENS name]
    example : [Meta-Governance] Nominate nick.eth
  • Body: copy and past your forum reply from above which includes:
    • Your preferred name/ENS name
    • Forum username
    • Twitter profile link (optional)
    • Why you would be a good Steward of this working group

Vote Timing

  • Select the start date and time as your current local date and time
  • Select the end date as the equivalent of 9am UTC Dec 9 in your local time
  • For help converting timezones, please consult this website .

Step 3

Once you have replied and created a Snapshot vote, you can edit your forum post in this thread and include a link to your Snapshot vote.

After successfully nominating yourself to be a Steward, you require 10k votes in support of your nomination on Snapshot.

Any nominee with 10k votes supporting their Steward nomination will be included in the ballot for the Steward election of this working group.

Important Dates

The nomination window for Stewards will be open from 9am UTC on December 6 to 9am UTC on December 9 for the Q1/Q2 Term of 2023.

The Steward election will start at 9am UTC on December 10, 2022 and remain open for 120 hours. The three Steward nominees with the most votes will be offered the role of Steward in the relevant working group, based on the order in which they are ranked.


In order to nominate yourself as a Steward, you must have write-access to all of the categories in the governance forum. Please submit the Participant Request form if you require write-access. If you have submitted the form and have not received a response it is because there is an invalid entry in your form. Please resubmit the Participant Request form .

Please reserve replies to this post for nominations only. If you have any questions please post them here .

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: nick.eth
  • Forum username: nick.eth
  • Twitter profile link (optional): @nicksdjohnson

I am renominating myself as a steward for the Meta-Governance Working Group. I believe my track record with the previous two terms shows my dedication to both ENS and the Meta-Governance mission, and I’d like to be able to continue in my role.

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: james.eth
  • Forum username: James (lol i need to update it to james.eth!)
  • Twitter profile link (optional): @blockchainjames

I’m nominating myself as a steward for the Meta-Governance Working Group. Given the current involvement between the Meta-Gov working group and the treasury management discussion I feel that myself (and wider FireEyes) will be able to add significant value to the progression and execution of these proposals, given our context around DAO structuring and decision making.

The current treasury management structure has led to the contentious vote on EP2.2.5 as well as
significant discussion on the Routine DAO treasury management post.

These two discussions have meant that myself and FireEyes have been more engaged than previous election cycles in ENS governance. This deeper engagement is something a stewardship would continue to empower and will help to ensure that there is another voice of decentralisation and consistency around the processes followed during this time, with a focus on the ENS token and long term sustainability.

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: accessor.eth
  • Forum username: accessor.eth
  • Twitter profile link (optional): @ioevno

name: accessor.eth
discourse username: accessor.eth

I am nominating myself as a steward for the Meta-Governance Working group.
I asked GPT-3 to do an in depth analysis of accessor.eth (myself). With only slight modifications replacing the word ‘website’ with ‘DAO’. I would concur that the response is accurate to what I would have prepared myself. Either way, Interesting experiment.

Supporting Remarks

Accessor.eth appears to be a knowledgeable and dedicated participant of ENS DAO, with several thoughtful and well-written posts. They demonstrate a good understanding of the topics discussed, and their posts show a balanced blend of both technical knowledge and practical experience. The sentiment of their posts is generally positive, and they have a good understanding of the ethical considerations of the topics they discuss.

Accessor.eth can help the most by continuing to provide thoughtful and well-informed contributions to the DAO. Their posts should be insightful and relevant to the topics discussed, and they should be willing to help others understand complex topics. They should also continue to provide balanced and ethical perspectives to their posts, and demonstrate a good understanding of the ethical considerations of the topics discussed. Furthermore, they should continue to be a great listener, responding to others thoughtfully and respectfully. They should remain dedicated to the DAO and strive to improve their technical knowledge and skills. With their continued commitment to the DAO, they can look forward to further developing their skills and technical knowledge, and having the opportunity to influence the future of the DAO with their ideas and contributions. Accessor.eth could also look forward to the possibility of gaining a higher ranking on the DAO, as well as the potential to become a Meta-Governance Steward.

In addition to the qualities already mentioned, Accessor.eth also appears to be a great listener, often responding to others’ posts thoughtfully and respectfully. They are also willing to seek out solutions to complex problems and share their ideas with others. Their posts also demonstrate a high level of accuracy, with no typos or grammar mistakes.

These qualities make them a great asset to the DAO and an excellent candidate as a Meta-Governance Steward.

Find a problem for accessor.eth to solve.

One problem Accessor.eth could look to solve is the issue of scalability on the DAO website. As the DAO continues to grow, the demand for scalability solutions increases. Accessor.eth could look to develop innovative solutions that would allow for the DAO to expand without compromising on performance. Furthermore, they could look to explore potential solutions that would make the DAO more efficient and cost-effective. This could involve researching and implementing new technologies and systems, as well as exploring other avenues that would enable scalability while maintaining the quality of the DAO.

Is there a better forum that the protocol could use other than the current?

The DAO website could potentially benefit from using a different forum. Currently, the forum is using a standard platform which may be limiting the DAOs potential and ability to grow. There are several alternative forum platforms that the DAO could use. These platforms are more user-friendly and can offer more features and customization options than the current forum platform. Additionally, they can provide more tools to help moderate the website and keep it organized and secure. Accessor.eth could look to research and evaluate different forum platforms to determine which one would best suit the needs of the DAO.

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name and/or ENS name: simona.eth
  • Forum username: simona_pop
  • Twitter profile link (optional): @Sim_Pop

I am renominating myself as a steward for the Meta-Governance Working Group. The past term has been a very important term for the MG working group & I have enjoyed being involved in these core areas of development for the DAO. As such, it would be good to continue growing the seeds planted in this term.

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Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
Preferred Name and/or ENS name: Daylon / daylon.eth
Forum username: daylon.eth
Twitter profile link (optional): @feraldread
Why you would be a good Steward of this working group?
I feel my greatest selling point is simply my participation.
I’ve been dedicated and involved since day one of the DAO. That alone is more than most can say.

  • My forum summary currently shows almost a full week of read time with ~10k topics read in just the first year the DAO has existed.
  • I’ve participated in 100% of the votes, and I am never afraid to stand alone as the only dissenting voice, even when it is so much easier to just “rubber stamp” everything.
  • I created the ENS DAO Newsletter because I understand the importance of transparency and education to the success of a public project.
  • I’ve developed several proposals (example), many of which didn’t go anywhere, but ENS DAO is an iterative process and I still believe the effort was worth my time.

My second greatest selling point is probably the following character traits I developed during my time in the military:

  • Ability to thrive in “chaos” and uncertainty
  • Attention to detail
  • Punctuality and respect for other’s time
  • Accountability - actions speak louder than words!

Besides those main points, some other unique qualifications I feel I bring are:

  • Critical thinking ability. I form my own conclusions based on research, knowledge, experience, and objective reasoning.
  • I don’t seek acceptance. Often the truth is uncomfortable, but that is never an excuse to be dishonest or to pander. Telling people what they want to hear is easy. Standing up for what you believe in is difficult when it isn’t the status quo - but integrity is always worth maintaining.
  • I am not motivated by money. I can’t be bought. I’m in it for the tech, not your bags. I’m actually a bitcoiner since 2014 and I’m not even particularly allegiant in Ethereum, for what it’s worth.

Thank you for your consideration.

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name: Katherine Wu
  • Forum username: katherinewu
  • Twitter profile link (optional): @katherineykwu

I’m nominating myself as a steward for the Meta-Governance Working Group. I have been working full-time in crypto for the past five years and have held a number of roles at crypto companies and funds of different sizes. ENS continues to be one of the most important pieces of the crypto ecosystem and continues to be an ‘aha’ moment for a lot of newcomers into crypto (just onboarded a few more folks this morning!).

Over the past year, I have seen a huge number of talented builders flock to the ENS ecosystem – web3 social, identity, etc., which underscores the immense potential for ENS as a ecosystem. All this to say: personally and professionally, my touchpoints with ENS have reinforce my believe in the importance of its success.

Running for the steward position of the Meta-governance group is important to me because I deeply believe in the work that ENS and the ENS DAO are doing. In particular, the recent DAO Endowment proposal, once finalized and in implementation, can serve as a valuable precedent for DAO Treasury management down the line for other ecosystems as well, particularly in a bear market. I’ve also really loved seeing the ENS Agora product updates – I have the utmost respect for the VectorDAO team– and also had the honor of working with them on a redesign recently! Among the many other initiatives in 2023, I would be so honored to play a small part to further carry out the oversee the continuation of treasury management, DAO tooling, and beyond- not to mention, working with the other stewards of this WG. Hopefully, with my network and reach, we can revitalize engagement and participation within the DAO and WG attendances!