Steward Nominations — Meta-Governance Working Group

Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
Preferred Name and/or ENS name: Daylon / daylon.eth
Forum username: daylon.eth
Twitter profile link (optional): @feraldread
Why you would be a good Steward of this working group?
I feel my greatest selling point is simply my participation.
I’ve been dedicated and involved since day one of the DAO. That alone is more than most can say.

  • My forum summary currently shows almost a full week of read time with ~10k topics read in just the first year the DAO has existed.
  • I’ve participated in 100% of the votes, and I am never afraid to stand alone as the only dissenting voice, even when it is so much easier to just “rubber stamp” everything.
  • I created the ENS DAO Newsletter because I understand the importance of transparency and education to the success of a public project.
  • I’ve developed several proposals (example), many of which didn’t go anywhere, but ENS DAO is an iterative process and I still believe the effort was worth my time.

My second greatest selling point is probably the following character traits I developed during my time in the military:

  • Ability to thrive in “chaos” and uncertainty
  • Attention to detail
  • Punctuality and respect for other’s time
  • Accountability - actions speak louder than words!

Besides those main points, some other unique qualifications I feel I bring are:

  • Critical thinking ability. I form my own conclusions based on research, knowledge, experience, and objective reasoning.
  • I don’t seek acceptance. Often the truth is uncomfortable, but that is never an excuse to be dishonest or to pander. Telling people what they want to hear is easy. Standing up for what you believe in is difficult when it isn’t the status quo - but integrity is always worth maintaining.
  • I am not motivated by money. I can’t be bought. I’m in it for the tech, not your bags. I’m actually a bitcoiner since 2014 and I’m not even particularly allegiant in Ethereum, for what it’s worth.

Thank you for your consideration.