Steward Nominations — Meta-Governance Working Group

  • Link to Snapshot: Snapshot
  • Preferred Name: Katherine Wu
  • Forum username: katherinewu
  • Twitter profile link (optional): @katherineykwu

I’m nominating myself as a steward for the Meta-Governance Working Group. I have been working full-time in crypto for the past five years and have held a number of roles at crypto companies and funds of different sizes. ENS continues to be one of the most important pieces of the crypto ecosystem and continues to be an ‘aha’ moment for a lot of newcomers into crypto (just onboarded a few more folks this morning!).

Over the past year, I have seen a huge number of talented builders flock to the ENS ecosystem – web3 social, identity, etc., which underscores the immense potential for ENS as a ecosystem. All this to say: personally and professionally, my touchpoints with ENS have reinforce my believe in the importance of its success.

Running for the steward position of the Meta-governance group is important to me because I deeply believe in the work that ENS and the ENS DAO are doing. In particular, the recent DAO Endowment proposal, once finalized and in implementation, can serve as a valuable precedent for DAO Treasury management down the line for other ecosystems as well, particularly in a bear market. I’ve also really loved seeing the ENS Agora product updates – I have the utmost respect for the VectorDAO team– and also had the honor of working with them on a redesign recently! Among the many other initiatives in 2023, I would be so honored to play a small part to further carry out the oversee the continuation of treasury management, DAO tooling, and beyond- not to mention, working with the other stewards of this WG. Hopefully, with my network and reach, we can revitalize engagement and participation within the DAO and WG attendances!