This is not the topic of this thread:
…And switching the topic (to change what I said is poor form).
What I said was:
…and that:
YOUR suggestion was to
attach this “Dispute Resolution” [vector attack]
to the official “ENS Domains” public-facing website:
At this point I am just repeating myself:
Any “dispute resolution” or “Anti-abuse tools”
should remain separate-&-disconnected from, both,
1 . away from the ENS Protocol, and,
2 . away from official ENS Website(s).
Further, this idea is not new;
This is an extension & continuation of Encirca’s idea.
Encirca has a similar or same idea, years ago, of “anti-abuse mechanisms”,
which they had recently re-proposed (for ENS DAO streaming funds), here:
PS: Also, about these “dispute resolution” or “Anti-abuse tool” ideas,
[although I have reservations about adding our own vector attacks],
about these potentially dangerous systems-services, I had said:
I do not support adding these systems-services to the ENS Protocol or website.
I prefer it to not be connected [directly or implicitly] with official ENS Domains systems-services.