[temp check] Renew Service Providers Program for Season 2

Thanks for this clarity. I think, in general, there is an interest in better understanding the goals of the Service Provider Program.

Is it designed for routine services provided to the DAO? Is it designed for moonshot innovation? Is it designed to incubate ENS-related projects?

What if a team is providing high-quality services to the ENS DAO but does not require a minimum $300k budget?

How exactly does this work? I think, for most teams, the #1 goal will be to get funding, and getting two years of funding is a nice-to-have but will not play into sizing their budget request.

When I started running some numbers and scenarios, I found that the minimum budget only comes into play for the last funded team. Therefore, the incentives are for teams to ask for very high amounts for their extended budgets and very low amounts for their minimum budgets.

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