here is a brief year-end recap and things we were able to achieve thanks to this grant:
- Grew to a total of over 2500 Nimi Profiles with over 10k deploys (i.e. includes users updating their Nimi page) ~15% of all ENS content hashes set
- Onboarded new part-time dev to help work on Nimi
- Rebuilt Nimi page-builder interface, with more social links, multiple links and more customization for the users
- Extended our POAP integration to allow users to select their favourite POAPs to show
- Improved UX with connecting wallet, domain pagination, domain search etc.
- We managed to attend devcon and released a custom Nimi theme just for devcon attendees - by making it POAP gated!
Overall content hash records have seen strong growth and we want to keep that trend going!
A big thanks to the ENS community for all the support and we hope to continue working closely together in the future