Where is the wrapper?


Where is the final Name Wrapper? Millions in funding, tens of new personnel, scores of devs and all I see is printing POAP cards at conferences. Smh :man_facepalming:. Is this peak innovation at “ENS Labs”? Get the name wrapper out already :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Here is the latest update, posted four days ago.


Yeah this update is without updates. Nothing new. More audits. Seriously? Smh

Hi Nick, get to work. Stop obsessing over Elon.

Have you ever heard the expression “9 women can’t make a baby in one month”?


ngl, that made me chuckle


Yes, I have. But I didn’t yet hear the one that says “10 Devs can’t make a Wrapper in 2 years”. Must be a new thing. Anyhow, please, we are all waiting. You have hired all your minions now. Please give us the wrapper.

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We don’t have 10 devs, and certainly didn’t have 10 devs a year ago.

The name wrapper is a major upgrade to ENS, and one that requires care to get right. It’s also not something where adding more developers would speed it up. The worst possible outcome is rushing it out with a critical bug in it.


So which account are you going to use?
@MrLaw | @MrWildWest | @MrMars | or @MrLawless ? :thinking:

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Is this Elons burner?

To the point!

Having a baby is a natural process, it can’t be accelerated!

Wrapper is code!!!

If the existing developers aren’t enough or don’t perform at their best, you can hire others and add them to the team.

Can the Devs make a simple dashboard showing RCV voting and live visualised rankings? Or do you plan to keep updating everyone on twitter with flowcharts when anyone votes? Or is this work also like making a baby and it will take ENS Labs 9+ months? Don’t you have better stuff to do than screenshots and tweet polls?

I brought up making a live-generated Sankey diagram for the forum yesterday in our weekly Ecosystem call, which people were positive towards, so that’s something I hope we can implement soon.

It really doesn’t take that long. Here you go: https://anti-pro.eth.limo/
Took me only an hour to make this baby

Thanks inplco. Hope you’re doing well.

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