0.44 Ether Transaction Fee costed when claiming a DNS name šŸ˜­


I feel so sad now.

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Wow! We should have a gas fee primer. Gas fees have been high but do fluctuate throughout the day and week. There are ways to set the maximum amount of gas fees that you are willing to pay, but it is easy to skip the screen. Before you Confirm to Pay, there is a screen that gives the minerā€™s fee but there is a gear icon (utilities) that when you click on it will reveal your gas fee options: Slow, Normal, Fast, and Custom. The fees are constantly updated every 17 seconds. Custom will allow you to set the maximum amount, but if the Gwei is low, it may take some time or, if too low, may eventually fail.

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The problem was NOT the gas priceā€¦ but the gas USAGE !

Your transaction used over 4,000,000 gas.

Hereā€™s a more recent ENS resolver setting transaction with a much more reasonable gas usage:


about 750,000 gas.

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Looks like you called ā€œproveAndClaimWithResolverā€ which is to claim DNS name (eg: .com) which is known to be very expensive on gas, especially if your tld was the first one to be claimed.

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This transaction is setting the resolver on a three letter domainā€¦

according to the input data, the domain is tai.eth

Hereā€™s the blockchain history of that domain:


1 day 1hr ā€¦ {Unknown Function}

Were you setting the resolver manually?

I was registering a custom DNS domain tai.sh with ENS.

The process was executed on the ENS App page https://app.ens.domains/name/example.com, where the example.com domain i used - tai.sh

Reference: https://docs.ens.domains/dns-registrar-guide

My understanding is that that function doesnā€™t work that wayā€¦

Letā€™s say you own gooeygreenslime.xyz and you want to claim ownership over gooeygreenslime.eth ā€¦

You follow the directions on that DNS-to-ENS guide.

If you own tai.sh you can claim tai.eth by enabling DNSSEC and placing your Ethereum address in you DNS recordsā€¦ and using the ENS registration page as indicated.

Someone already owned tai.eth ā€¦ Iā€™m guessing itā€™s not you.

But I donā€™t think thereā€™s a way to register tai.sh.eth as a second level ENS domain. And I donā€™t think thereā€™s a way to register tai.sh within ENSā€¦ since the dot is a reserved characterā€¦ unless Iā€™m mistaken.


That cloud be possible.

Then I raised the doubt that if it is reasonable for that high gas fee for registering a new TLD domain.

If that cost is necessary, the ENS App would better to give users enough information to know in advance, by adding that case explain in doc, and showing an alert in the register page.

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I did not intend to claim ā€œtai.ethā€, as itā€™s already taken by someone

After i finished the claim process of ā€œtai.shā€ on ENS App, it has taken effect.



I wonder why the transaction shows up under tai.eth ā€¦

I havenā€™t looked at the solidity code to try to figure out how that works. Maybe someone smarter than me can give you an answer to why the DNS-to-ENS claim process seems to run some sort of iterative search through the ENS namespace causing a massive run up gas usage.

Compiling the ENS contract source code locally gives a gas estimate of infinite for the proveAndClaimWithResolver function.

AFAIK every Ethereum wallet gives a review of the transaction including estimated gas fees based on the input data and the contract sitting on the blockchain. If you clicked through that ā€œAcceptā€ review without checking the gas estimate, thatā€™s not the fault of the ENS manager interface nor the ENS contract code.

That is another sad story.


  1. I was using ENS App with WalletConnect at that time
  2. After clicked ā€œsubmit the proofā€ on ENS APP page, the Wallet App on my phone prompted the sign request with that shocking gas fee
  3. I did not intend to accept, tried lowering the gas fee by going to the gas set page, then realized it is not possible to execute with a low fee
  4. I decide to quit, exit from the gas set page, the Wallet App bring me back to confirm page
  5. The weird thing happened: the Wallet App automatic initialized a Face Recognition step, after it passed, the transaction confirmed immediately

This case has been reported to the Wallet App supporting team, communication with them is in progress, maybe we can figure out if itā€™s repeatable and where is the cause.

Anyway, iā€™m trying to share the story with two sides:

  1. The gas fee with the ENS(confirming here - the ENS community)
  2. The sign process with the Wallet(confirming with the Wallet App)

Hope to be helpful, if it cloud get more people informed, then the cost is not only a lost.


You might want to edit your OP and put those details in the top post for clarity. It sounds like youā€™ve found a problem with the WalletConnect app and other people might be interestedā€¦

Iā€™m wondering how the transaction seems to show up under tai.eth ā€¦ and with the same token ID as tai.eth ā€¦

In any case, after briefly trying to figure out the source code of proveAndClaimWithResolver, I can guess that any execution with that function will use a lot of gas since there are several other functions called from that function. Even if gas was 10 gwei, running the code would have cost more than $200 USD at ETH at $4500 USDā€¦ and gas hasnā€™t been that cheap for a long time.

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I want to adopt you advice that ā€œedit the OPā€, but the post seems to be not editable, there should be a ā€œpencilā€ icon if it is editable.

You probably need to spend more time on the forum before getting the ā€œEdit my OPā€ privilegeā€¦

Oh well! Maybe someone with forum edit capabilities will be willing to modify your post and put some of the pertinent information up top.

Hopefully you get some assistance with recovering the gas fees through your wallet providerā€™s possible bug.

Iā€™m confused, because I have three three-letter domains and none of them was more than 102 and 126 Gwei.

It turns out I was wrong on several points.

@matoken.eth had the correct responseā€¦ but the post didnā€™t include enough details to clearly make the point.

The proveAndClaimWithResolver function uses an extremely high amount of gas. So, if one is claiming a DNS domain using this function and the instructions posted on the ENS docs guide, the gas required will reach into the tenths of ETH.

Furthermore, it seems ā€¦ unless Iā€™m mistakenā€¦ that the function also claims the root domain for the duration of the contract executionā€¦ which would be why the tai.eth domain has the transaction listed as related on Etherscan. It seems that a DNS claim momentarily causes the contract to own the ENS root domain.

But, itā€™s possible that Iā€™m not correct hereā€¦ Iā€™m not a solidity/smart-contract/Ethereum expert.

I just changed to ā€œ0.44 Ether Transaction Fee costed when claiming a DNS name :sob:ā€

I know of no way to quickly cancel a transaction for less Gwei then that of the initial transaction. I have been able to successfully override transactions, by using the Custom gas feature by using the same Nunce as the transaction to be overridden (I have not found another way). Essentially, the system notes the conflicting nunce transactions and selects the higher Gwei transaction to process and fails the lower one.

This is not correct. If you own tai.sh, you can claim tai.sh on ENS - not tai.eth, which is a separate name.

Thatā€™s not the case. Itā€™s showing up on Etherscan because Etherscanā€™s name info view has a bug where it only looks at the first label and ignores the rest of the name.