Agenda for Weekly Ecosystem Meeting, July 5, 2022 @ 1AM GMT

Google Meet link :

Term #2 Elected Stewards : @slobo.eth, @validator.eth, and @bobjiang

A) ENS Project highlights
B) Determine new meeting time for ecosystem calls
C) Next 45 days of Ecosystem WG
D) ENS core updates, if any
E) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
F) Community subgroups coordination
G) Review: (pRFP) an IPFS .eth websites pinning software


Call Minutes

Attendees: jefflau.eth, slobo.eth, validator.eth, zadok7.eth, joshua franklin, coltron.eth
Start: 01:00 GMT
End: 01:37 GMT

A) ENS Project highlights

  • None.

B) Determine a new meeting time for ecosystem calls

  • 1pm CST will be the new ecosystem meeting time. This time has been updated on the master calendar.

C) Next 45 days of Ecosystem WG

  • Slobo discussed that the Term 2 budget would likely be put forth after the TNL Funding proposal.

D) ENS core updates, if any

  • Front-end: Last week ensjs, thorin design system, and manager redesign.
  • Smart contracts: Most of the smart contracts being worked on should be up for audit by the end of the month.

E) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • None. Noted that ETHBarcelona and ETHCC are this month. We discussed Devcon in Bogota as an upcoming event to target.

F) Community subgroups coordination

  • Subgroups or sub pods have been created by the Orca team and outgoing Community Working Groups.
  • Coltron noted that there is funding available from the last term for these new subgroups to run until Aug 30th. We should have Term 2 budgets in place by then.

G) Review: (pRFP) an IPFS .eth websites pinning software

  • Gov forum post:(pRFP) an IPFS .eth websites pinning software
  • Zadok7 mentioned concerns about DMCA and content questions for pinning service.
  • Jeff Lau commented that other services exist, but this could be helpful, and will look into the topic further.
  • This discussion highlighted that stewards need a better way to accurately judge the cost and legal implications of these proposals or RFPs.
  • No decision made; Ecosystem WG will look into this possible proposal further.

Thanks for the notes! It was 3AM on my timezone haha.

Looking forward for the new schedule.

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Excellent notes @Coltron.eth thank you.

If you are interested in Devcon Bogota, you should also look at ETH Latam happening this August. It would be great to connect to developers at both events. Members of the LatAm community like @cordobes.eth & @NicolasMadoery would be great to connect to as well.

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Thank Coltron for the records. I missed this call.

I cannot join the meeting with new scheduled time (my 2am).

But I’ll keep tracking on this, and async with the team.

So I’d suggest we could have async way for most ideas and progress.