Attendees: Ginge, Spence, Slobo, Alisha, Anas, Anthony, Ashutosh, CerealSabre, Ethlimo, Eze Kenecheukwu, Greg, Jonathan Graepner, Sasha Dj, Julius, ENS Vision, Colton, Maintainer
Special thanks to @Ginge.eth for taking very detailed notes!
A) Review status / progress of PFP Generator RFP
- Had a discussion on the current status of the artwork PFP generator
- @5pence.eth & @Ginge.eth, will make the the changes discussed and Ginge will post the final version on the forum sometime this week
B) Highlight ecosystem projects/people & consider retroactive funding:
Stewards will confer on what the feasible amount of retroactive funding for this term and get back to the group this month.
Sasha DJ described the vision for the project. They want to move beyond being a bulk upload tool. They already have support for 10kclub among other ENS niches. Monthly infrastructure cost are about $250/month, with dev cost amounting to a far bigger expense. Subdomain features are actively being thought about; execution limited by dev resources. Ideally, funds would be used to fund an extra developer. -
Jonathon Graeup described how they use GPT 3 on the backend to generator alternative suggestions for ENS names. This is early in development, all dev and infrastructure costs are being paid out of pocket. -
greg has created Ethleaderboard + Ethgasalerts + ENS banner, among many other projects. Details can be found on the notion page
C) ENS core updates, if any
- rarible approched ENS with a pitch to set up a white labeled solution for ENS marketplace
- creates an incremental source of revenue
- requires active involvement of TNL, due to smart contract integration
- example
D) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
E) Open topics
- Eze Kenecheukwu spoke about [Wildfire DAO]-(Introducing Wildfire DAO — James Waugh) and how he will be active in these meetings going forward.