A) Review retroactive grants discussed last week B) Review PFP art work status and discus ways to promote this more? C) ENS core updates, if any D) Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
@slobo.eth: Has made a private proposal to the stewards pertaining to four different projects as possible recipients of retroactive grants and collected feedback on it.
Item 2Review PFP for art work status and promotion discussion.
Marked in a couple of new things, one of which was to make the name wrapper more upgradeable with help from (Trembley?) individual contributor(s).
Developed a couple of updates with Tate for the universal resolver.
Worked with Nick.eth on how locking works per all or individual subdomains for more control.
A subsequent PR pertaining to wrapper functionality in the ENS registry. Then explained in detail how Fuses (Burnable permissions) work to that effect. i.e. The parent Name cannot replace the subdomains, so once a name is wrapped it adds the ability to burn permissions making the subdomains unruggable as long as the Parent Name is registered.
Starting to prioritize V3, and coordinating with other Developers on JS & CCIP.
Item 4Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement.
ETH-NYC Hackathon updates.
Remarks + QnA
Aaron Oxborrow : Soft launched the bulk registration tool at ens vision and noticed an uptick of new registrations while saving the users time and gas by setting all of the configurations at once-with bulk options.
avneet.eth | inplco.eth @inplco : Mentioned surveys for participants and some of the expected attendees in the first A&R Sub-WG meeting.
@ens.domains or similar for all working members contact info, and that info updated in the WGs descriptions and all of the ENS socials.
A generic template for meeting notes with a scrum kit/suggestions for participants posted before & during-meeting(s).
Report card criteria, data accumulation, & templates suggested & shared.
Bob Jiang: +1 and shared Steward Health Cards (www.daostewards.xyz) for example.
@slobo.eth: Parting notes… Everyone, please keep building, highlighting interesting products, and sharing them with ENS to help everyone grow. Thank you.