Amsterdam Devconnect: 18-25 April 2022

The Ethereum foundation is sponsoring a smaller conference in Amsterdam focused not on big talks but smaller get togethers with developers and encourages independent organization of events.

I think it would be a great opportunity to have a ENS meetup, or at least some sort of ENS in person event.

Who from this community is from Amsterdam and would like to volunteer to organize this?


@AvsA Time to pump this thread a bit since DevConnnect is here?

Do we have volunteers?

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I am going and I am happy to help in whatever way I can
Read: Yes, I am volunteering. I’ll be there from Apr 18/19-26.

@Limes @slobo.eth @Coltron.eth @spencecoin Just in case, did you guys find out anyone from our community heading to DevConnect?

I am thinking about going, since I am a few hours away in Barcelona. If this gets confirmation I will for sure go.