April 2023 Small Grants

April 2023 Small Grants

The April Small Grants are now accepting submissions.

:point_right: Visit ensgrants.xyz to submit your project or cast your vote.


The timeline is the same for each category this month.

Submissions Open: Monday, April 10th Noon EST
Sbmissions Close: Friday, April 14th 11:59PM EST
Voting Opens: Monday, April 17th Noon EST
Voting Closes: Thursday, April 20th 11:59PM EST


The eligibility for each Small Grant category is different. Applicants are responsible for familiarizing themselves with eligibility.

Category Eligibility Description
ENS Ecosystem Applicable projects are meaningfully building, creating content, or improving the ENS ecosystem. An example is ENSfairy.xyz, an ENS name-gifting tool that adds explicit functionality to the ENS ecosystem.
Public Goods Applicable projects are infrastructure, tools, or educational resources that make Ethereum and Web3 better. Applicable projects generally have a broad impact and shall not be ENS-specific. An example is ethers.js, a library that has utility throughout Web3, not only for those building with ENS.


There are ~5 ETH available in each category. Note: This is subject to change monthly

Category Award Amount # of Winners
ENS Ecosystem 0.7 ETH 7
Public Goods 1 ETH 5