Community Office Hours #5

Join us on Twitter Spaces for another ENS Community Office Hours.

Time: 6:00pm EST (10:00 pm GMT)
Call Tweet:
Hosts: @coltron.eth @Limes
Guests @mmurthy from Karma.

Topic: DAO Reputation Systems
For the first half of the hour we will talk with @mmurthy about his DAO reputation project, Karma, before opening the discussion to audience Q&A.

As always, we welcome any questions regarding the ENS DAO or the protocol!


metamask adresimi bir türlü onaylayamıyorum surekli hata verıyor contrat adreslerini onayladıgım halde en sonda hata verıyor adresım onaylı olmadıgı halde katılabilir miyim??

I can’t confirm my metamask address, it keeps giving an error. Even though I approve the contrat addresses, it gives an error at the end. Can I join even though my address is not approved?