ENS contract showing crazy USD price

Although I wish this was real, I’m pretty sure 1 ENS token isn’t going for billions of dollars… anyone know what’s going on with this? It seems to be only on etherscan and coinmarketcap as far as I know.

Update: It is back to normal now that coinmarketcap took their site offline. Maybe that was the source of the issue. I will update when I hear an explanation.

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Hmm strange. Send it to my wallet so I can double check it. Just kidding, it’s probably some type of glitch. Have you tried refreshing the page?

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Yeah it has been jumping all over the place… 100 billion, 300 billion…

Update: It is back to normal now that coinmarketcap took their site offline. Maybe that was the source of the issue.


Yeah trustwallet and other apps base their pricing off coinmarketcap. Coinmarketcaps twitter was posting about it. UGH!

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That was so wild. Oh, my God


They still haven’t said what happened and just keep joking about it. It’s funny because nobody lost their tokens, although I saw reports of it trickling down and causing some trading bots to go wild. Could have been a nightmare, but I’m glad it wasn’t serious. I’m just guessing because I get the feeling they’re just going to shrug it off.

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yeah it was a huge error across the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. here is a snap of a wallet of mine. nobody got off with any money … which is surprising.

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