ENS DAO Messari Governor Coverage Announcement!

Hello ENS,

My name is Joel and I work as a governance analyst at Messari. We’re glad to announce that we recently added coverage for ENS on our Governor product which tracks and summarizes discussions and proposals across forums, snapshot, on-chain governance, and enables the ability to vote directly.

We also added a governance profile detailing the ENS governance structure and process.

You can suggest edits to your governance profile if you would like to add or update any information.

Any feedback is welcomed and we would love to know how you use Messari Governor.

Also, we would be happy to demo the product to the DAO’s team or broader community to highlight how it can be valuable and chat about other governance services we can provide (ex: Optimism analysis).

Enjoy and feel free to share it with your community!


gm ENS!

Today I am happy to announce that Messari Governor has upgraded our DAO profiles.

Aside from the coverage of proposals (for free users), we now provide rich on-chain and off-chain analytics for ENS for Pro & Enterprise users.

This includes:

  • Delegate metrics: voting power breakdown, their voting power growth over time, and recent voting activity

  • DAO community engagement metrics: lifetime voters and average voter participation rate

  • Proposal metrics: lifetime author counts, counts of proposals in a given timeframe as well as average proposal pass rate

Any feedback is welcomed and we would be happy to chat about other services we can provide (ex: governance analysis and overview).

Hoping the community finds these metrics valuable :slight_smile:


Wonderful stats. Could you provide an update here monthly for those who do not sign up for a subscription. I have give you a tweet here https://twitter.com/ensbuy/status/1626786349218160640