ENS Ecosystem round Gitcoin grants collection

Hey all!

We, at Esteroids made a collection of all projects advancing the ENS Ecosystem or the DAO.

Support these open source projects through your contributions.

Did we miss any projects? Anything else we can add to the collection? Let us know!


Update - Complete list of ENS projects is here

Thank you for doing this! I found a few more:
ENS Development Support
ENS Learn Docs

*Edit - and a bunch more tagged ENS:
Karma - Reputation for DAO Contributors
Ethereum Lists (lists.eth)
ENS Portal
Rotki - The portfolio tracker and accounting tool that protects your privacy
ethers.js - Complete, Simple and Tiny
Lume Web: The Layer 3 for Web 3
Gwei Fund Me
Faster API for resolving ENS names and avatars for web3 projects

I will be donating a little bit to every ENS Ecosystem project except my own (newsletter). :sunglasses:


Thank you @daylon.eth. I have updated them and even added more :slight_smile:


I attempted to fund 13 grants but it was my first time using zksync. By the time my eth deposit had settled, the fees had increased so I had to remove a few grants from my checkout. After two times failing I think a few got funded twice and some not at all, but I tried… :sweat_smile: edit - looks like it worked for 11 projects. I will try again after my next mining payout :slight_smile:


Excited as a first timer, just got the approval email - đź’° State of the Mental Health of People in ENS Ecosystem | Grants | Gitcoin


Not sure if it’s “big” enough to be worthy of a grant, but I was convinced to create one anyway for the Snapshot strategy and related tool I’m working on :slightly_smiling_face:


here is the list for all grants in ENS ecosystem round


Thank you @bobjiang for putting this together. On our list, we tried to indicate which projects are closer to the ENS ecosystem.


@serenae and @theanthonyware I’m happy to get your contributions started. :grin:


from the list I shared, I you find some grants should not be in this list, please notice me.

Thanks a lot :wink:

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Just donated to the eth newsletter! Thank you @daylon.eth


Thank you so much! :grin:

Did I miss donating to anyone active on here? Or projects that are closely focused on ENS?

Do we know who is reviewing the projects on ENS’s behalf and coordinating with Gitcoin?

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Not specifically, but if you look into applications on their Notion Approval Page you can see the comments that they leave when making the decision to approve or deny. From what I could tell, if people claimed to be part of the ENS round, they just assumed it was true. For example, here was my application.

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