☎️ ENS Ecosystem – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday – Term 5

tags: Ecosystem

Ecosystem Meeting, April 4, 2024


Time/Day – 12pm ET (5pm UTC) every Thursday
Google Meet Link – http://meet.google.com/ecv-oizn-psi

Stewards: @slobo.eth | ENS Profile, @limes | ENS Profile, @184.eth | ENS Profile

:information_source: Please reach out to @slobo.eth Warpcast l X if you would like to present on a future call


  1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril
  2. Gitcoin Round 20
  3. Project Highlights - ETH London
  4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement
  5. Open space for service providers:
    a. EFP @brantlymillegan
    b. Eth Tools @clowes.eth
  6. Weekly Review of Canny
  7. Open space for additional topics

26 Participants in Call

1. ENS Labs Updates @gregskril

April Fools Joke

Hacker Noon Interview

Makoto Speaking at events around Asia

Working on Next-gen Extended DNS resolver

  • Make it easier for other integrators to add text records to ENS names

Manager App

  • On-going bug fixes


  • Layer 2 research

2. Gitcoin Round 20

3. Project Highlights - ETH London

Mattis presenting https://www.ensauth.xyz

  • By minting and wrapping a subdomain called β€˜groups’ on your ENS domain and sending it to the ensauth contract you can onboard your ens domain to a group management system. Afterwards, ENS can be used for all your identity and access management needs. The whole process can be comfortably managed through our webapp.
  • We currently support group and user creation, assignment and deletion. The groups and group memberships are made visible on the ens subdomain as records. Especially for organisations with multiple mostly independent contracts - possibly on different chains - group resolvers can unify identity and access management to make user onboarding and offboarding easier as well as more transparent.
  • GitHub - mDeisen/ensauth
  • Demo Video: ENS-Auth | ETHGlobal
  • Contact: Mattis J. Deisen - datalevel | LinkedIn

Arr00 presenting WNS.vote

  • Sybil-resistant quadratic voting
  • On-chain registry where each human can validate one ENS through WorldCoin validation of identity (since WorldCoin scans your eyeball to verify a person as unique)
  • Greg comment: ENS as a first class citizen in sybil-resistant onchain governance
  • Demo: WNS.Vote | ETHGlobal

4. Review any upcoming events with ENS involvement

  • Sponsoring opening night event at FarCon: https://farcon.xyz/
    • May 2-5 in Venice Beach, California

5. Open space for service providers

Ethereum Follow Protocal @brantlymillegan

  • https://ethfollow.xyz/
  • Onchain social graph protocol for Ethereum accounts
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/ethfollowpr
  • Rebuilding Team after departure of members
    • Major focus last 2 months
  • Hired 3rd party (Scope Lift) to assist with building in meantime so progress on the code
  • Haven’t spent any of the money received yet, want to ensure do good work/get everything back on track before spending
  • State of EFP: Doing extremely well despite people issues
    • Corporation set up in Delaware as a non-profit with board of directors
    • Architecture and manager app designed
    • Smart Contracts written
    • Determined MVP feature set for launch
    • 55 launch partners
  • Need to finish implementing manager app and polish before putting on testnet
  • Hiring Info: https://twitter.com/BrantlyMillegan/status/1767206280014291017

@clowes.eth discussing ETH Tools

  • https://ethtools.com
  • Tools for interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain
  • Optimise your interactions with the chain and improve your development experience:
    • Signing Messages
    • ENS Hash Generator
    • Text Resolver
    • ENS Whois
    • And lots, lots more!

6. Weekly Review of Canny

Engagement and upvoting on Canny are helpful, offering direct feedback to ENS Labs & Working Groups that benefit the ENS protocol. ENS.canny.io includes feature requests, integrations, bug reports, and community upvoting.

7. Open Space for Additional Topics

Notes by @don.nie

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