☎️ ENS Ecosystem Working Group – Weekly Meeting: 12pm ET, Thursday

Minutes for Weekly Ecosystem Meeting - Mar 16th, 2023



Bug Bash Update

New Registration UI Walkthrough | @domico.eth

  • Over 9000 feedback submissions were made for the UI update
  • Subtle changes are coming to the design of the site including color and wording changes before final release
  • Final release will be within a day or two of new contracts deployed to mainnet which is expected soon

Project Highlights

@doplur | TokenDAO

  • TKN is a token registry built on top of ENS’s decentralized infrastructure
  • Tokens persist as subdomains and information about the tokens can be seen in the subname metadata. Check it out here.

0xplus7 | Sofamon

  • A Browser extension that gives the user a browser based assistant that helps guide users on which transactions to make, such as registering an ENS domain
  • As more requirements are met, your character can level up and earn items such as an ENS hoodie!


184, 5pence, Acadian, accessor, Adrienne, Alisha, Cap, Daylon, Disco Net, Dom, Greg, hellenstans, Jiaqi, Limes, maintainer, Megan, Prem, Sam, sydmead.eth, Slobo, Vincent, Yambo, YungSB

Notes by @daylon.eth and edited by @Limes